
  • 网络Panmunjom;JSA;village of Panmunjom;Panmunjeom
  1. 朝鲜人民军板门店特派团

    Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People 's Army

  2. 韩国统一部长李仁荣访问了位于韩朝边境的板门店。

    South Korean unification minister Lee In-young has visited Panmunjom on the border with North Korea .

  3. 朝韩联络办公室根据《板门店宣言》于2018年9月成立,用于朝韩之间的24小时通讯。

    The liaison office was opened in September 2018 for the round-the-clock communications between the two Koreas the Panmunjom Declaration .

  4. 早餐过后,我们按计划向板门店所在地开城进发。

    After breakfast , we open the city gate and set out to the site of ban Mendian on schedule .

  5. 但是,正义取得了胜利,美国只得坐下来同我们在板门店谈判。

    However , justice triumphed , and the United States had to sit down and hold talks with us in Panmunjom .

  6. 李仁荣视察了共同警备区韩方一侧的设施,并会见了驻扎在板门店的官员。

    Lee inspected facilities on the South Korean side of the Joint Security Area and met with officials stationed in Panmunjom .

  7. 其中一个开放的地点是坐落在将南北朝鲜分隔开的非军事区的板门店“停战村”。

    Among these is the " truce village " of Panmunjom , located in the demilitarized zone ( DMZ ) separating North and South Korea .

  8. 北韩外交官玄学锋星期五在南北韩边界的板门店跟韩国外交官举行会谈后宣布了北韩的意图。

    North Korean diplomat Hyun Hak Bong announced his country 's intentions Friday following a meeting with a South Korean counterpart in North-South border village of Panmunjeom .

  9. 在板门店村一间空荡荡的屋子里,几位将军拿起钢笔,在他们面前的协议上签下了自己的名字。

    In the village of Panmunjom , in a barren room , the generals picked up their pens and signed their names to the agreement spread before them .

  10. 平壤方面提议明日在朝鲜的开城会晤,而首尔方面则希望会晤地点在两国边界韩方一侧的板门店。

    Pyongyang has proposed a meeting tomorrow in the Northern city of Kaesong , while Seoul wants to hold it on its side of the border post at Panmunjom .

  11. 著名的板门店村也在该区域范围内,作为朝韩的谈判场地,板门店村内没有永久居民。

    Also within the zone is the famous village of Panmunjom . There are no permanent residents there , as it serves as a meeting place between the two sides .

  12. 朝鲜战争于1953年7月27日停火,并在位于韩朝边境的板门店签订了停战协定。

    The Korean War came to a ceasefire on July 27 , 1953 , when the Armistice Agreement was signed in Panmunjom on the border of North Korea and South Korea .

  13. 星期四,南北韩军事代表在跨越边界的板门店村进行了一个半小时的会晤。

    North and South Korean military delegates met Thursday for an hour and a half in the border-straddling village , Panmunjeom , where an armistice was signed to pause the1950 's Korean war .

  14. 星期四,南北韩军事代表在跨越边界的板门店村进行了一个半小时的会晤。1950年代,那里曾签署过终结朝鲜战争的停火协议,但是从来没有正式宣布过和平。

    North and South Korean military delegates met Thursday for an hour and a half in the border-straddling village , Panmunjeom , where an armistice was signed to pause the 1950 's Korean war . A formal peace has never been declared .

  15. 他表示,周三,平壤停止了与在休战村庄板门店红十字会代表的联系。朝鲜海军通知韩国,双方的所有海事通讯均已切断。

    He says Pyongyang Wednesday halted contact between the Red Cross delegations in the truce village , Panmunjom , and the North Korean Navy contacted the South to inform it that all marine communications between the two Korea 's are now cut .