
  1. 女性如今有能力打击犯罪,更能在战时保家卫国。

    Women now have the ability to fight crime and defend their countries in war .

  2. 而思亲盼归、保家卫国也成为后世征戍诗的共同主题。

    Missing the family and defending the country have become the common theme of garrison poem .

  3. 如果需要,大部分年轻人愿意参加军队服兵役以保家卫国。

    If needed , most youngsters are ready to serve in the army to defend their countries .

  4. 但是在1939年苏军入侵他的祖国时,他决定站出来保家卫国了。

    But when the Soviet Union invaded his homeland in1939 , he decided he wanted to help his country .

  5. 保家卫国的壮丽史诗&名曲欣赏《1812序曲》教学个案研究

    The Glorious Epic of Safeguarding Homeland & The special research of appreciation of master piece " 1812 Sinfonia "

  6. 中国武术以其突出的格杀功能,在民族抗争史上发挥着抗暴御侮、保家卫国的重要作用。

    Chinese martial arts had outstanding military functions , and had been used as effective means to defend the nation .

  7. 哪怕我们瘦弱的肩膀扛不了枪,我们也要肩负起保家卫国的重任。

    We should shoulder the duty of defending our motherland even if our shoulders are not strong enough to carry guns .

  8. 要关爱退役军人,他们为保家卫国作出了贡献。

    We shall take better care of our retired servicemen and women - they have made great contributions to this country .

  9. 他说,现在轮到阿富汗的青年为保家卫国承担起责任了。

    Karzai said it is now up to the youth of Afghanistan to take over the responsibility for security in the country .

  10. 他们是军人——男军人和女军人,他们是如此热爱这个国家,他们抛下最爱的人去保家卫国。

    The servicemen -- The servicemen and women who love this country so much , they leave those they love most to defend it .

  11. 像志愿保家卫国的许多其他美国人一样,他赢得了举国上下的尊敬与感激。

    And like so many other Americans who have volunteered to defend us , he has earned the respect and gratitude of our whole country .

  12. 我们以那些曾经和正在奉献自己、保家卫国的军人们为骄傲!

    We are proud of the men and women who serve our country and keep ( or have kept ) us and our families safe .

  13. 一起简单的企业清算最长时限270天,至今11年未果,难道比抗日保家卫国还难?

    The maximum limit of a simple liquidation of enterprise is270 days , however , the hardness of this case never got the result than the11 years Anti-Japanese War .

  14. 你们的使命不仅是保家卫国,更是伸张正义。身为最高统帅,我对你们充满信心。

    Your charge now is not only to protect our country , but to do what is right and just . As your commander in chief , I know you will .

  15. 技击是支撑武术发展的支柱。自古以来就既是上阵杀敌、保家卫国的工具,又是竞技的手段。

    Jiji , or " combat technique ," has played a key role in the advancement of wushu and proved its worth both in ancient battles for the defence of the country and in contests among individuals .

  16. 中国副主席表示,60多年前,中国人民志愿军与朝鲜军民并肩作战、保家卫国,捍卫了和平,维护了正义。

    The Vice President says the fighters of the Chinese People 's Volunteers joined the North Korean soldiers more than 60 years ago helped people in North Korea protect their homeland and country , and safeguard peace and justice .

  17. 在严重的社会危机面前,人们希望英雄能够救世,便通过文学作品歌颂与呼唤那些能够遏制奸佞、保家卫国的忠勇之士;

    The people , facing the severe social crisis , wished that the heroes could save the nation , so they summoned the faithful and brave people to contain the crafty and fawning people and protect the nation by way of literary works ;

  18. 你会听到一位军嫂声音中深切的爱国主义情怀,她深夜也不放下电话,就是为了要让每一位保家卫国的战士不用在回家后,为了一份工作一片屋檐,苦苦求而不得。

    You 'll hear the deep patriotism in the voice of a military spouse whose working the phones late at night to make sure that no one who fights for this country ever has to fight for a job or a roof over their head when they come home .

  19. [qh]有点娘娘腔对吧?[qh]没关系这只是医学院的实习学分[qh]而且波湾战争时感觉没那么娘娘腔[qh]那当然[qh]感谢你保家卫国[qh]何必等到星期六你明天有空吗?

    I 'm doing this to get through medical school . [ qh ] And it didn 't feel " girlie " during the Gulf War . [ qh ] Sure . [ qh ] Thanks for doing that for us , by the way . [ qh ] Why wait till Saturday ?