
báo shǒu dǎng; bǎo shǒu dǎng
  • the Conservative Party;Conservatives;Tory
  1. 保守党愤怒地抨击他破坏政府。

    The Conservative Party rounded angrily on him for damaging the Government

  2. 他继续敦促保守党奉行右倾路线。

    He continued to urge the Conservative Party to tilt rightwards

  3. 两名保守党议员已转向自由民主党人一边。

    Two Conservative MPs have gone over to the Liberal Democrats .

  4. 在上次选举中保守党从工党手中夺得了这个议席。

    The Conservatives won the seat from Labour in the last election .

  5. 英国政坛的右派是以保守党为代表的。

    The Right in British politics is represented by the Conservative Party .

  6. 他们以保守党人自己的逻辑在和他们斗争。

    They are fighting the Conservatives on their own ground .

  7. 在民意测验中保守党的支持率落后于工党。

    The Conservatives are trailing Labour in the opinion polls .

  8. 那时是保守党当政。

    The Conservatives were then the governing party .

  9. 在选举中保守党大大失利于自由民主党。

    The Conservatives lost a lot of ground to the Liberal Democrats at the election .

  10. 英国保守党在选举中失败。

    The Tories lost the election .

  11. 她在分裂保守党这件事上所起的作用比任何人都大。

    She has done more to divide the Conservatives than anyone else

  12. 受影响最严重的是伦敦及英国东南部的保守党核心势力地区。

    Worst-hit areas were Tory heartlands in London and the South-East .

  13. 保守党能否继续实行国民医疗保健制度?

    Is the National Health Service safe with the Conservative party ?

  14. 保守党人在治安问题上不知所措。

    The Tories have lost the plot on law and order .

  15. 她通过地方政府的渠道在保守党的等级制度中一步步地晋升。

    She rose up the Tory hierarchy by the local government route

  16. 反对党保守党对这些数字提出一番不同的解释。

    The opposition Conservative Party put a different interpretation on the figures

  17. 她的领导才能是保守党最宝贵的财富。

    Her leadership qualities were the greatest asset of the Conservative Party

  18. 经济状况已成为保守党的一大难题。

    The economy has become a troublesome issue for the Conservative Party .

  19. 保守党人就这一法规向他们的首相表示了轻蔑。

    Tories cocked a snook at their prime minister over this legislation .

  20. 苏格兰保守党人一直好运连连。

    The Scottish Tories ' run of luck is holding .

  21. 一家报纸称他为“有见识的保守党人”。

    A newspaper called him ' the thinking man 's Tory ' .

  22. 商店店主一度本该成为保守党统治集团的重要支柱。

    Shopkeepers would once have been pillars of the Tory establishment

  23. 如果保守党赢得选举,他们可能会决定改变这一现状。

    If the Conservatives got in they might decide to change it .

  24. 保守党政府很快就堵住了他的嘴。

    The Conservative Government was only too quick to hush him up .

  25. 他们要么以个人名义要么通过他们的公司捐钱给了保守党。

    They gave money to the Conservative Party either personally or through their companies

  26. 保守党保住了选票的多数优势。

    The Conservative party retained a plurality of the votes

  27. 保守党人认为这是在遏制浪费纳税人的钱。

    The Conservatives saw this as stopping the waste of ratepayers ' money .

  28. 保守党人目前正在起草竞选宣言。

    The Tories are currently drawing up their election manifesto

  29. 我看见她父亲戴着玫瑰花结,正在为保守党游说拉票。

    I saw her father with his rosette on , canvassing for the Conservatives

  30. 我是保守党的积极分子。

    I am an active member of the Conservative Party