
  • 网络My War;This War of Mine
  1. 许多归咎于我的战争,并非我发动的。

    Many of the wars ascribed to me , I did not create .

  2. 从那时起,我的战争!

    Since then I 'm at war !

  3. 但是这已经不是我的战争,我只盼望这该死的车早点开到美斯特列,可以吃吃东西,停止思想。

    But it was not my show any more and I wished this bloody train would get to Mestre and I would eat and stop thinking .

  4. 这是我的身体战争论。

    This is my pee body war winning theory .

  5. 这是你我之间的战争。

    This battle is between you and me .

  6. 具体地看,九十年代后我国的战争题材影视作品在阶级、性别、民族等层面上表现出重大意义的变迁。并且体现出传统文化与现代文化、主导文化与大众文化相结合的发展追求。

    Specifically , those films of war in our country showed significant changes in class , gender and ethnic , and changes in the cultural route , such as the embodiment of the traditional culture and modern culture , the dominant culture and popular culture .

  7. 我的祖父在战争中丧生。

    My grandfather lost his life in the war .

  8. 我国财政的战争承受力研究

    A study of the war support capability of finance of our country

  9. 我的祖父母在战争期间经历了许多艰难痛苦。

    My grandparents went through a lot during the war .

  10. 改革开放以来我国的美西战争研究综述

    Review on the study of Spanish-American war in China since reform and opening-up

  11. 我的兄弟死于战争中。

    My brother died in the war .

  12. 这让我想起早期的战争电影,和弟弟胡沙尔爱玩的电玩游戏。

    It made me think of old war movies or the video games my brother Khushal loves to play .

  13. 我的朋友、战争时期的同志哈米迪知道,这就是解决方案,他为此押上了自己的生命。

    My friend and wartime comrade , Ghulam Haider Hamidi , knew that was the solution and he bet his life on it .

  14. 至于我这次目击的战争,发生于波尔克总统任期之内,时候在韦勃司特制订的逃亡奴隶法案通过之前五年。

    The battle which I witnessed took place in the Presidency of Polk , five years before the passage of Webster 's Fugitive-Slave Bill .

  15. 数据挖掘技术在军事装备保障中的应用是一个新的研究方向,对贫信息系统中军事装备保障的数据挖掘研究可以极大地提高我军的现代化战争中装备保障能力。

    The application of data mining technology to military equipment indemnification is still a new research field , the data mining research about military equipment indemnification in poor information system can greatly improve the equipment indemnification ability of our army in modern wars .

  16. 这是一场我准备要开打的战争。

    This was the war I was going to fight .

  17. 好吧我受够他们的战争了

    Uh , okay I 'm fed up with their war

  18. 我的爱建立在战争之上。

    My love is build on the war .

  19. 他是我见过的经历了战争的人中受创伤最为严重的人之一。

    And he 's one of the most traumatized people I 've seen from that war .

  20. 我不赞成任何的战争,也不支持任何一方。

    I do not approve of any war , and I do not support any nation .

  21. 我与胡沙尔之间的战争永无止境,而他偶尔会去找母亲哭诉。

    I fought non-stop with my brother Khushal , and he would go crying to our mother .

  22. 我满载的一切古代战争的货物,都被笑浪所颠簸,被眼泪浸透而下沉。

    All my cargo of the stories of old wars was tossed by the laughing waves and soaked in tears and sank .

  23. “你不会看见的,”奥雷连诺上校说。“穿上你的鞋子,帮助我结束这种讨厌的战争吧。”

    " Nothing of the sort ," the colonel said . " They 're things that a person writes to himself . "

  24. 我认为那含蓄的战争恫吓是吓唬人的。

    I never intimidate ordinary folks . I only intimidate those venal officials . I thought the veiled threat of war was bluff .

  25. 我的朋友,希望战争快点结束,希望你们能回自己祖国,回自己的家。

    My dear friend , we 've expecting the war will be over soonner , excepecing going back to country , excepecing going back home .

  26. 如果你拯救威尼斯失败,我就得到我要的战争。

    If you fail to save venice , then I get my war .

  27. 我意愿释放我祖先中的所有战争和疾病业力。

    I intend to release all karma for warfare and disease in my ancestry .

  28. “不,我反对暴力,我不同意你的战争。”

    " No.i 'm against violence . I don 't agree with yourwar . "

  29. 我不打算在我的教堂里鼓吹战争,英曼先生。

    I have no plans to preach war in my church , mr , lnman .

  30. 但我希望那是一场我选择参加的战争。

    And hopefully a battle of my choosing .