
  • I think, therefore I am;cogito ergo sum;I think,therefore I exist
  1. 我思故我在。

    I think , therefore I am .

  2. 这位哲学家对此的答案是:我思故我在。

    He answered it by saying : I think , therefore am .

  3. 我思故我在&艺术笔记随想录

    I Exist Because I 'm Thinking & Art Notes Wandering

  4. 这么看起来“我思故我在”还真是非常特别。

    So it looks like the cogito is really special .

  5. 这位哲学家对此的答案是:“我思故我在。”

    He answered it by saying : " I think , therefore am . "

  6. 我思故我在&试论笛卡尔普遍怀疑原则的现实意义笛卡尔的我思故我在是近代哲学的灵魂,整个近代哲学都是在反躬沉思的主体中完成的。

    Descartes ' I think , then I am is the soul of modern philosophy that was finished by self-reflecting subject .

  7. 通常被翻译为“我思故我在。”但是有一种更好的译法。

    That 's routinely translated as , " I think , therefore I am . " But there is a better translation .

  8. 雅克·欣提卡在诠释笛卡尔的“我思故我在”命题时创造了一种新的范式&践言性诠释。

    Jaakko Hintikka created a new paradigm in the domain of interpretation on the " Cogito , ergo sum " proposition , namely the Performatory Interpretation .

  9. 先验哲学肇端于笛卡儿“我思故我在”的哲学原则,以“先验自我”为阿基米德点而使世界在主观性中客观化。

    Transcendental philosophy started with Descartes 's philosophical principle which makes the world objective in subjectivity with " transcendental self " as the Archimedes 's point .

  10. 自从笛卡尔提出著名的哲学命题“我思故我在”,人们就不断的在追问自我。

    People constantly ask " Who am I ?", since Descartes put forword the famous philosophic proposition - " I think , therefore I am " .

  11. 自笛卡尔的我思故我在诞生以来,经过康德、费希特以及青年黑格尔的发展,主体理论达至顶峰。

    Since Descartes " I think therefore I am " emerged , through the development of Kant , Fichte and Young Hegel , the theory was up to the mountaintop .

  12. 自从笛卡尔将我思故我在设定为哲学的基本原则以来,思维与存在的二元对立结构就不可避免地成为传统理论的基本逻辑结构。

    Since Descartes had enacted the basic principle of when I think I existent , the antimony structure of thought and existent had become the basic logical structure in traditional academic inevitably .

  13. 作为出发点来说,没有什么真理能比得上我思故我在了,因为它是意识本身找到的绝对真理。

    And at the point of departure there cannot be any other truth than this , I think , therefore I am , which is the absolute truth of consciousness as it attains to itself .

  14. 程颐的“万物皆只是一个天理”在中国,就跟西方笛卡尔的“我思故我在”一样著名。

    Cheng Yi 's statement , " Principle is one but its manifestations are many , " is as well known in China as Descartes ' " I think , therefore I am " is in the West .

  15. 思维与思维者的存在的简单的不可分性,“我思故我在”(cogitoergssum),与我的存在、我的实在、我的生存直接地启示在我的意识里,是完全相同的。

    The simple inseparability of the thought and being of the thinker . Cogito , ergo sum is the same doctrine as that the being , reality , and existence of the ' ego ' is immediately revealed to me in consciousness .

  16. 我思弗雷德故我在

    I think about Fred therefore I am

  17. 他通过普遍怀疑的方法确立了他的哲学第一原理我思,故我在,从而建立起了自己的哲学体系。

    Through the method of suspicion , he founded the first principle of his philosophy I think , therefore I am , and built up his own philosophy system .

  18. 我思,故我在是笛卡尔哲学的第一原理。因此,有关我思即自我意识的理论,在其哲学中占有极为重要的地位。

    I think , therefore I am is the first principle of the Cartesian philosophy . I think , the theory of self-consciousness , occupies a very important position in his philosophy .

  19. 笛卡尔从普遍怀疑出发,最后确立了一个不能怀疑的主体&我思,他的形而上学的第一原理我思故我在成为近代主体得以显现的口号。

    Descartes ' departure from the widely suspected , and finally established one can not doubt that the main body - " I think ," the first principle of his metaphysics . " I think therefore I am " become the slogan of the modern subject can be revealed .

  20. 他是用直观自明的原则把我思与存在直接同一,得出我思故我在的结论。

    He identified " Cogito " with " existence " by the rule of which the existent object is self-evident , then reached the conclusion that " I think therefore I am " .