
  • 网络law of momentum conservation;conservation of momentum;the law of conservation of momentum
  1. 或是牛顿摆(Newton'sCradle)。牛顿摆是一排悬挂的金属球,它们互相碰撞,将末端的球弹出,展示了牛顿动量守恒定律。

    Or Newton 's Cradle , a row of dangling metal spheres that knock against one another , sending the end members flying in demonstration of Newton 's law of conservation of momentum .

  2. 动量守恒定律中一个值得注意的问题

    A Problem worth Noticing in the Law of Conservation of Momentum

  3. 在汽车碰撞基本理论和OBB碰撞检测算法的基础上,采用车辆碰撞模型和能量和动量守恒定律,进行真实可靠的仿真计算。

    Based on the basic theory of automobile collision and OBB collision detection algorithm , vehicle collision model and energy and momentum conservation law are adopted for authentic and reliable simulation .

  4. 验证动量守恒定律实验中减少误差的几种方法

    Procedures to reduce error in experiment identifying law of momentum conservation

  5. 角动量守恒定律推导中的逻辑错误

    Logic errors in the derivation of conservation law of angular momentum

  6. 动量守恒定律的几种不同表述方式

    Several different denoting ways of the law of conservation of momentum

  7. 动量守恒定律部分守恒情况的讨论

    On Some Conservation Conditions in the Law of Concervation of Momentum

  8. 电磁场角动量守恒定律的又一例

    A further example of conservation of angular momentum of electromagnetic field

  9. 验证角动量守恒定律的一种实验方法

    An Experimental Method of Testing and Verifying Angular Momentum Conservation Law

  10. 动量守恒定律可以取代牛顿第三定律。

    The law of momentum conservation could supplant Newton 's third law .

  11. 我们就是这样利用能量和动量守恒定律的。

    We exploit the energy and momentum conservation laws in this way .

  12. 用单片机验证动量守恒定律

    Verify Law of Conservation of Momentum with Single-chip Microcomputer

  13. 动量守恒定律的平均速度表示及其应用

    The Expression and Application of the Average Velocity of the Law of Conservation

  14. 动量守恒定律的演变

    From The Momentum Conservation Law to Momentum Conservation Theorem

  15. 力学中的动量守恒定律和角动量守恒定律

    The Momentum Conservation Law and the Angular Momentum Conservation Law in the Mechanics

  16. 碰撞中动量守恒定律和能量守恒定律的相对论协变性

    The relativistic covariance of the conservation laws of momentum and energy in collision

  17. 该算法中地表河网流动分别由质量和动量守恒定律而建立的连续性方程和运动方程所组成;

    The equations for surface flow include the continuous equation and movement equation .

  18. 广义相对论中的能量动量守恒定律和引力辐射阻尼

    Law of Conservation of Energy-momentum in General Relativity and Weak Gravitational Radiation Damping

  19. 不知怎么的,这一定律和,角动量守恒定律有所相似。

    Somehow , it has the smell of some conservation of angular momentum .

  20. 角动量守恒定律在刚体平面运动中的应用

    Application of Conservation Law of Angular Momentum in Plane Motion of Rigid Body

  21. 关于相对论中的质点组动量守恒定律

    On the Conservation Law of Momentum in Relativity

  22. 角动量守恒定律,可以用回转器来演示。

    The law of conservation of angular momentum may be demonstrated with a gyroscope .

  23. 对电磁场角动量守恒定律作了一种简明的推导。

    A concise proof of angular momentum conservation law in electromagnetic field is introduced .

  24. 用气垫导轨验证角动量守恒定律

    Testing and verifying the law of conservation of angular momentum by using the air track

  25. 稳恒电流与动量守恒定律

    Steady Invariable Circuit and Momentum Conservation Theory

  26. 能量和动量守恒定律

    Laws of conservation of energy and momentum

  27. 动量守恒定律告诉你,碰撞后速度是多少。

    So the conservation of momentum tells you what the speed is after the collision .

  28. 角动量守恒定律讨论

    On Conservation Law of Angular Momentum

  29. 旋转带电体和电磁场的角动量守恒定律及能量守恒定律

    The conservation laws of angular momentum and energy for a charged and revolving system and electromagnetic field

  30. 动量守恒定律和动量矩守恒定律的正确表述

    The Exact Statement of the Law of Conservation of Momentum and the Law of Conservation of Moment of Momentum