
  • 网络Our Planet
  1. 早期的天文学家认为我们的星球是宇宙的中心。

    Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the universe .

  2. (我们的星球因气候变化而深处危险之中。)

    Our planet is in peril due to climate change .

  3. 在18世纪工业革命初期燃烧煤炭所释放出的二氧化碳分子仍存在于大气层中,使我们的星球变暖。

    Molecules emitted by the burning of coal at the start of the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s are still in the atmosphere warming our planet today .

  4. 有了Web上的有效数学处理以及各种开源工具和技术,您就能够与他人协作,让我们的星球变得更智能。

    With efficient mathematical processing on the Web and by using open source tools and technologies , you have the ability to collaboratively build a smarter planet .

  5. 40年前,“地球日”(EarthDay)作为一个“宣教日”始于美国&在这一天对人们讲解我们的星球在环境方面遇到的挑战。

    Forty years ago , Earth Day began in the United States as a " teach-in "– a day to educate people about the environmental challenges facing our planet .

  6. Bradford的气候变化经济学家LordStern,去年10月称吃素对我们的星球是有益的。

    Lord Stern of Bradford , the climate change economist , claimed last October that a vegetarian diet was beneficial to the planet .

  7. 所以,没有必要担心小行星1998QE2会撞上我们的星球。

    So there is no need to worry about the asteroid 1998 QE2 striking our planet .

  8. 周三,该公司宣布与英国广播公司(BBC)《行星地球》(PlanetEarth)的制作方新建合作关系,打造名为《我们的星球》(OurPlanet)的系列自然纪录片。此举愈发凸显Netflix在全球的雄心。

    Netflix 's global ambitions were underscored on Wednesday by its announcement of a new partnership with the creators of the BBC 's Planet Earth for a nature documentary series called Our Planet .

  9. 幸运地是,我们的星球还未达到那样的僵局。

    Fortunately , the planet has not yet reached that impasse .

  10. 这个,是获取一切保卫我们的星球所需要的东西。

    Well , acquiring what we need to defend our planet .

  11. 我们的星球曾是一个强大的帝国,平静,祥和。

    Our planet was once a powerful empire , peaceful and just .

  12. 我在我们的星球被抓住了。

    I was captured during a culling on my planet .

  13. 我们的星球曾经是强盛帝国爱好和平、维持正义。

    Our planet was once a powerful empire , peaceful and just ,

  14. 月球对我们的星球有相当大的影响。

    The moon has quite an effect on our planet .

  15. 我们的星球将把它最后的秘密玄给您。

    you 're going to learn the ultimate secrets of our planet .

  16. 战争在我们的星球横行,直到彻底毁灭了这个世界。

    A war that ravages our planet until it was consumed by death .

  17. 在我们的星球最高惩罚就是让万恶之徒滚去地球。

    On our planet going to the hell means going to the earth .

  18. 海洋面会急剧上涨吗?我们的星球会变成一个水中天下吗?

    Will the oceans rise dramatically and our planet become a water world ?

  19. 我们的星球受到了强烈的毁灭性辐射震荡。

    Our planet was buffeted with blasts of radiation & with devastating effects .

  20. 我们的星球能够承受中国和印度的崛起吗?

    Can Our Planet Support Rising China and India ?

  21. 这项发现表明太阳风暴是如何影响我们的星球。

    The findings have implications for how solar storms affect the our planet .

  22. 也许他们的超级后代会设计出一种办法来拯救我们的星球。

    Maybe their unber children will have devised a way to save our planet .

  23. 火种毁灭以后,我们的星球无法再恢复生命。

    With the All Spark gone , we cannot return life to our planet .

  24. 更多的地震接踵而至折磨我们的星球

    more earthquakes continue to plague our planet .

  25. 我们的星球到处都有不为人知的地方。

    Our planet is filled with hidden places .

  26. 此外,有利于你的东西对我们的星球也有好处。

    In addition , what 's good for you is good for our planet .

  27. 对很多生物来讲太阳是很好的,太阳提供光源让我们的星球生存。

    The sun is great for lots of things : light keeping our planet alive .

  28. 而且,比赫洛克·霍什内维斯教授相信这项技术可以被运用到我们的星球以外。

    Furthermore , Prof Khoshnevis believes that the technology could be applied beyond our planet .

  29. 我们的星球不仅仅越来越小、越来越平,也越来越智能。

    Our planet is not just getting smaller and flatter , it is also becoming smarter .

  30. 如果这种疏忽继续下去,我们的星球很快就会变成另一个火星。

    In case such carelessness continues , our planet can soon be turned into another Mars .