
  1. 我们谈了很多关于孩子的事。

    We talked plenty about our kids .

  2. 她帮我给地板打蜡时我们谈了很久。

    We 'd have long talks while she helped me wax the floor .

  3. 最后,我们谈一个比较轻松的话题吧。

    Let 's finish on a lighter note .

  4. 我们谈了很久很久。

    We talked for hours and hours

  5. 我们谈了各种话题。

    We talked on all sorts of subjects .

  6. 上次我们谈的那件事已经有点眉目了。

    I 'm getting on with what we talked about last time .

  7. 我们谈了许久,仍然毫无端绪。

    We talked the matter over for quite a while but get nowhere .

  8. 我们谈至深夜。

    We talked deep into the night .

  9. 我们谈得很愉快。

    We had a great talk .

  10. 我们谈的这部车还有冷气和一个CD播放机。

    This particular car also has air conditioning and a CD player .

  11. 首先让我们谈一谈RADIUS协议、AAA组件以及它们如何工作,另外还有LDAP协议。

    Let 's start by talking about the RADIUS protocol , the AAA components and how they work , and the LDAP protocol .

  12. 我们谈了一小时后,柬埔寨著名企业家陈丰明(KithMeng)用手指在茶几上一个令人好奇的小瓶子里蘸了蘸,接着把一种带有香味的黄色药膏涂到了脖子和太阳穴上。

    About an hour into our meeting , Kith Meng , Cambodia 's leading entrepreneur , dips a finger into an intriguing little flask on his coffee table and applies a fragrant yellow ointment to his neck and temples .

  13. 上周,我们谈了大规模的网络公开课,也叫MOOCs,数万人、甚至更多的人能同时上课,只要有台电脑和网络,全世界各个角落都可上网络公开课。

    Last week , we talked about Massive Open Online Courses , also called MOOCs . Tens of thousands , or even more , people can take these classes all at once . You can be anywhere in the world to take a MOOC . All you need is a computer and a network connection .

  14. 先生们,我们谈得离题了。

    We 're losing sight of the main question , gentlemen .

  15. 我们谈了起来,时间过去了也没注意到。

    We got talking , and did not notice the time .

  16. 我们谈了很长时间,以致没赶上看电影。

    We talked for so long that we missed the movie .

  17. 你们还敢和我们谈法律?

    How dare you talk to us about breaking the laws ?

  18. 你保证他不会知道我们谈过?

    Promise me that he won 't find out we spoke ?

  19. 她跟我们谈了她受过的路。

    She told us about the hardships she had been through .

  20. 找个时间我们谈一谈吧。

    Maybe we can get together sometime and talk about it .

  21. 我们谈一下商品检验问题好吗?

    Shall we go down to the question of inspection ?

  22. 我们谈了许多人的问题。

    We talked a lot here about the people thing .

  23. 我们谈的那个地方进展怎么样了?

    What 's going on in the place we 're talking about ?

  24. 我们谈了好多好多话,彼此谈得融洽极了。

    We talked immensely , understanding one another to perfection .

  25. 过去这个月来我们谈了一大堆。

    We 've been talking our heads off for the past month .

  26. 我们谈着谈着逐步拟出了一项改进工作的计划。

    Our talk gradually rounded into a plan for improving our work .

  27. 丹尼.麦克内尔:现在我们谈“大老板”的事情。

    DANNY MCNEIL : Now let 's turn to the Big Boss .

  28. 下面你建议我们谈什么呢?

    Now what do you suggest we work on next ?

  29. 你到底想跟我们谈什么?

    What 'd you need to talk to us about ?

  30. 马克安东尼,能跟我们谈一会吗?

    Mark anthony , why don 't you give us a moment ?