
  • 网络three books
  1. 这个电影脚本由三本书合成。

    The film script is an amalgam of all three books .

  2. 那三本书的内容全都压缩进一本书了。

    All those three books are compacted and compressed into one book .

  3. 我将付给你三本书买四张CD。

    I 'll give you three books for four CDs .

  4. 这个数据集很简单,只包含三本书,每本书都具有惟一的ID、书名、作者姓名及出版商的名字。

    The data set is simple and contains three books , each with a unique ID , a title , the author 's first and last name , and the publisher .

  5. Entitle采用了分级模式运营:每月付费9.99美元可读两本书(最受欢迎的方案),付费14.99美元则可读三本书等等。

    Entitle operates on a tiered model : two books for $ 9.99 a month ( the most popular plan ) , three for $ 14.99 , and so on .

  6. 从这些书中选三本书

    Choose three from [ among , out of ] these Books

  7. 她写过三本书和许多文章。

    She is the author of three books and numerous articles .

  8. 桌子上有三本书和一个杯子。

    There are three books and a cup on the table .

  9. 他在抽屉里找到三本书。

    It was three books that he found in the drawer .

  10. 你的书桌上有三本书和一支钢笔吗?

    Are there three books and one pen on your desk ?

  11. 我今天早上在图书馆按手续借了三本书。

    I checked out three books from the library this morning .

  12. 它是这三本书中最有意思的。

    It is the most interesting one of the three books .

  13. 三本书当中,这本最有趣。

    Of the three books this one is the most interesting .

  14. 你一次可借三本书。

    You can take three books out at a time .

  15. 他跟过去发现不少于三本书被盗。

    He followed then found no less than three books were stolen .

  16. 在杰迈玛写的这三本书中,它是最好的。

    Of the three Jemima books it is the best .

  17. 这么说我还可以借其它三本书,对吗?

    But , I can borrow these other three books , right ?

  18. 读另外三本书时他也未必更走运。

    Nor did he have much better luck with the other three books .

  19. 这三本书都有自己的优势,但分开来看每一本都不够全面。

    Each has its separate strengths but none is enough on its own .

  20. 她看懂了她喜欢的那三本书的内容。

    She took the three books that she loved .

  21. 我还有另外三本书要读。

    I 've got another three books to read .

  22. 这是我这周看他的第三本书了

    It 's the third book of his I 've read this week .

  23. 她的第三本书出版于1995年。

    Her third book was released in nineteen ninety-five .

  24. 他将要完成在暑假当中所看的第三本书。

    He will finish the third book he reads in the summer holiday .

  25. 我的老师给了我三本书。

    I was given three books by my teacher .

  26. 她是三本书的作者和一百多篇技术论文。

    She is the author of three books and over a hundred technical papers .

  27. 书桌上有一支钢笔,两把尺,三本书。

    There is a pen , two rulers , three books on the desk .

  28. 盒子里有三本书。

    There are three books in the box .

  29. 他曾撰写过十几篇技术文章,而且还与他人合著了三本书。

    He has authored over a dozen technical articles and has co-authored three books .

  30. 由一位澳大利亚大作家所写的三本书。

    Three books by a great Australian writer .