
  • 网络decoupling;Decouple;uncoupling
  1. 一种解耦合二维MUSIC算法研究

    On decoupling MUSIC algorithm for 2-D measuring

  2. Matlab神经网络工具箱在导弹解耦控制仿真中的应用

    Application of Matlab Neural Network Toolbox in Decoupling Control Simulation for Missiles

  3. 电压解耦型矢量控制异步电动机的非线性H∞控制

    Non-linear H _ ∞ control for voltage decouple vector-controlled induction motor

  4. 用改进的神经网络优化PID参数的解耦系统

    A Decoupling System Based on Neural Network to Improve Parameter of PID

  5. 基于模糊PID的无人直升机解耦控制研究

    An Unmanned Helicopter Decoupling Control Based on the Fuzzy PID Control Method

  6. PID神经元网络对强耦合带时延多变量系统的解耦控制

    PID Neural Network for Decoupling Control of Strong Coupling Multivariable Time-Delay Systems

  7. 多变量V规范型解耦控制系统设计

    Design of Multivariable Control Systems by Decoupling Method of the V-Norm Type

  8. 磁悬浮控制部分采用具有输入解耦的参数不确定性H∞控制,来抑制参数摄动对控制的影响,保证悬浮高度的精确控制。

    A robust control with input decoupling is used in the controlling part of the magnetic suspension .

  9. 多变量自校正解耦PID控制器

    Multivariable Self-tuning Decoupling PID Controller

  10. 以某型武装直升机为例,在电传控制方式下,从工程易实现的角度出发,仅通过对控制阵B解耦,设计直升机显模型跟踪飞控系统。

    This paper takes an attack helicopter for example for achieving flight control system design of explicit model-following control system for helicopter fly-by-wire system .

  11. 分别基于多变量解耦和多变量内模方法设计出具有PID形式的协调控制器,两种方法相辅相成、互为验证;

    A coordinated controller with a PID form is designed via decoupling method and internal model control method separately .

  12. EJB技术当然提供了一层解耦,但代价是什么呢?

    EJB technology certainly provided a level of decoupling , but at what price ?

  13. 实践表明,无模型控制器有很好的自解耦功能,而PID调节器缺乏这种功能。

    In practice , one can see that model free controller has the capacity of " self-decoupling ", which the PID regulator lack .

  14. 下位机采用PID算法,形成闭环控制,对电机的运动速度进行控制,并加入了扰动解耦环节,提高了机器人运动的精确性。

    We adopted the PID algorithm in the closed control circle to control the speed of the motor to improve the motion precision .

  15. 文章采用电流空间矢量PWM调制方法,对脉冲整流器进行解耦控制。

    This paper describes a control strategy for current-source space vector PWM , and the decoupling control of PWM rectifier .

  16. 基于AOP的轻量级解耦框架的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of a Light-Weight Loose-Coupling Framework Based on AOP

  17. 研究了基于H∞控制理论的振动台解耦控制的双自由度控制器设计方法,克服了传统的基于模型逆的解耦控制系统鲁棒性能较差的缺点。

    A decoupling approach is presented to dual shaker random vibration control problem using H ∞ based optimal control for an two degrees of freedom controller .

  18. 本系统遵循J2EE标准,并在3-层结构的基础上再一次解耦,使每层的功能更加单一化。

    The system is based on J2EE and makes the function in every tier more singular by layering the 3-tier architecture .

  19. 研究了采用反作用飞轮为执行机构的整星零动量卫星绕X轴大角度偏置飞行模式的姿态解耦控制问题。

    This paper designs an attitude decoupling control law for small satellite in large-angle biased flight mode about roll axis of zero-momentum system via reaction wheels .

  20. 自校正解耦信息融合Wiener状态预报器

    Self-tuning decoupled information fusion Wiener state predictor

  21. 在研究基于最小二乘理论的多维力传感器静态线性解耦方法的同时,提出了一种基于BP神经网络的静态非线性解耦方法。

    The least square theory-based static linear decoupling method is studied , and a new static decoupling method based on BP artificial neural network is proposed .

  22. 首先,从现有三相PWM整流器的d,q模型出发,得到一种通用的矢量解耦控制策略;

    Based on the present d , q model of three phase PWM rectifier , we got a general vector decoupling control strategy .

  23. 6-DOF并联机器人动力学建模、非线性解耦及控制

    6-DOF parallel robot dynamic modeling , nonlinear decoupling and control

  24. 着重分析了解耦设计、PID参数鲁棒整定、发热量校正、凝结水节流这些工程技术上的实用方法。

    Some engineering applied methods , such as : decoupling design 、 PID parameters robust tune 、 heat value emendation and water of condensation throttle are analyzed .

  25. 基于ANFIS的三容系统解耦及液位控制

    The decoupling and level control for the three tank system based on the ANFIS

  26. 研究中,将系统解耦为EPS执行器和AFS执行器,分别进行控制研究。

    In treatment of the AFS system , the controls of EPS actuator and AFS actuator are decoupled .

  27. 按照解耦合思想和MVC模式详细设计系统,并对各模块的MVC设计进行了具体描述。

    To particularly design by the coupling-separation thought and MVC model , and concretely described the MVC designing of every module .

  28. BTT导弹自动驾驶仪的多变量频域法解耦设计

    Decoupling Design for Bank to turn Missile Autopilot Using Multivariable Frequency domain Approach

  29. 笔者提出:采用解耦算法,最优预估控制算法,以DSP为核心硬件,提高球团矿的合格率、抗压率、转鼓率。

    The author puts forward : using uncoupling algorithm 、 optimal predictive algorithm based on DSP hardware , it can promote the percent of pass , bearing , rolling drum .

  30. 神经元解耦控制方案在火电厂球磨机FCS中的设计

    Design of a Kind of Neuron Decoupling Control Scheme in FCS for Ball Miller Control in Power Plant