
  1. 伍博士回答说:“我是中国人。”英语小故事然后他就问那个女人:“你是什么肌(指Kee)呀,猴肌,驴肌,还是羊肌?”

    Dr. Wu replied , " I am Chinese . " And then he asked the woman : " What ' kee ' are you-monkey , donkey , or Yankee "

  2. 我是中国人,我和我父母住在一起。

    I am Chinese , and I live with my parents .

  3. 我是中国人,从事进出口贸易方面的工作。

    I 'm a Chinese and work in Import and Export field .

  4. 你是美国人吗?不,我是中国人。

    Are you American ? No , I am Chinese .

  5. 我是中国人,会说汉语。

    I am a Chinese and ( I ) can speak Chinese .

  6. 为了让大家知道我是中国人还是黑人。

    As to whether I 'm Chinese or whether I 'm black .

  7. 我是中国人,何必学外文!

    I am a chinese ; why I must to know english !

  8. 我是中国人,但我住在马德里。

    Soy de China , pero vivo en Madrid .

  9. 我是中国人,应得保护中国的国货工厂!

    Being a Chinese , I 'm under an obligation to protect Chinese factories !

  10. 因为我是中国人,我永远爱我的祖国!这就是人的本性!

    Beacuse I am a Chinese ! I love my country forever by nature !

  11. 我是中国人,朋友,请用简体中文或英文!

    I am a Chinese , friends , please use simplified Chinese or English !

  12. 虽则我是中国人,我将在不列颠找出我的故事。

    Though I 'm a Chinese , I 'll locate my story in Britain .

  13. 我是中国人,我骄傲!

    I 'm chinese , I 'm proud !

  14. 我是中国人,我住在香港,当我出生的。

    I am a chinese and I live in Hong Kong when I born .

  15. 如果我是中国人,我不会要什么超级大国地位的。

    If I were the Chinese people , I wouldn 't want superpower status .

  16. 虽然我是中国人,我还不了解中国的文化。

    Although I am Chinese , I am still not very familiar with Chinese culture .

  17. 我是中国人,我来自中国。我别无选择。

    I 'm a Chinese , I 'm from China . I have no choice .

  18. 我是中国人,家住云南省,想找一个老外女友。

    I am a Chinese , in yunnan province , trying to find a foreigner girlfriend .

  19. 我是中国人,不会说英语,希望能得到您的帮助。

    I am Chinese , and I don 't speak English . I really appreciate your help .

  20. 我是中国人,不会说英语,您能帮助我找一个翻译吗?

    I am Chinese , my English is poor , please help me to get a translator .

  21. 我是中国人,但是我在美国长大,所以我的中文不好。

    I am Chinese , but I grew up in America , so my Chinese is not good .

  22. 我是中国人。我是上海人,但我住在北京。保罗千千静听在线你呢?

    A : I 'm chinese . I come from Shanghai , but I live in Beijing . And you , Paul ?

  23. 正如你所知,我是中国人,你们中间的某些人可能听说过中国是一个盗版大国。

    As you know , I 'm Chinese , and some of you might heard that China is a big country of Piratical Products .

  24. 我是中国人怎会不喜欢自己国家人民智慧的工艺品和那些有美感或创意的文化产品。

    How can the Chinese people , I do not like the people of the wisdom of their own country crafts and those that are aesthetic or creative cultural products .

  25. 你好,我是中国人,喜欢音乐,茶艺,运动和许多其他的东西。我希望可以成为你的朋友,我们可以相互交流。

    I 'm living in china , I like music , tea-art , sports and all kinds of good things . I will be your good friend . Let 's have a talk .

  26. 年轻时候钱曾经把去加拿大留学的签证仍进黄浦江,因为要经过日本,钱说,我是中国人,不去敌国。

    When the young have the money to Canada to study the visa is still into the Huangpu River , as to go through Japan , the money that I am a Chinese , not an enemy .

  27. 何佩嵘用纯正的英式英语说到:“我是中国人,并且为我的祖国感到自豪,我认为大多数中国人不是有意表现出粗鲁,只是他们没有受过礼仪方面的教育。”

    In her plummy British accent , she says : ' I am Chinese and very proud of my country . I don 't think the vast majority of Chinese people are purposely offensive . They just haven 't been enlightened to etiquette awareness . "

  28. 还好我妻子是中国人,每次我们拜访中国家庭,她都告诉我要买礼物。

    Thankfully my wife is Chinese , so whenever we visit a Chinese family she tells me to buy them a gift .

  29. 我是个中国人,我想学英语。

    I am a Chinese , and I want to learn English .

  30. 我是个中国人我爱我祖国!

    I am Chinese , I love my homeland .