
  • 网络lifetime achievement award;Cecil B. DeMille Award;Honorary Academy Award;Academy Honorary Award
  1. 本月,他将在伦敦的欧洲商业领导人大奖(europeanbusinessleadersawards)典礼上获得终身成就奖。

    This month he will receive a lifetime achievement award at the European business leaders awards in London .

  2. 在2006年,他被Reputationinstitutes授予终身成就奖。

    He was given the Reputation institutes ' first ever Lifetime achievement award in2006 .

  3. 这位传奇男星在过世后获得终身成就奖的肯定。

    The legendary actor received a posthumous achievement award .

  4. 6月26日晚上,拉坦•塔塔获得了洛克菲勒基金会(RockefellerFoundation)颁发的创新终身成就奖。

    Last night , Ratan n. Tata received a lifetime achievement award for innovation from the Rockefeller Foundation .

  5. 今年,终身成就奖发给了“BeeGees”、乔治·哈里森(GeorgeHarrison)、古典乐指挥和作曲家皮尔·布莱兹(PierreBoulez)、布鲁斯吉他手巴迪·盖伊(BuddyGuy)和弗拉克·吉梅内斯(FlacoJiménez)。

    This year , lifetime achievement awards went to the Bee Gees , George Harrison , the classical conductor and composer Pierre Boulez , the blues guitarist Buddy Guy and Flaco Jim é nez .

  6. 不过,终身成就奖将授予72岁的贝齐·约翰逊(BetseyJohnson)。她说,6月1日她在爱丽丝·杜莉音乐厅(AliceTullyHall)发表获奖致辞时将会即兴自由发挥。去年获得终身成就奖的是53岁的汤姆·福特。

    But the Geoffrey Beene Lifetime Achievement Award , most recently claimed by Mr. Ford , 53 , will be given to Betsey Johnson , 72 , who promised that her acceptance speech at Alice Tully Hall on June 1 will be characteristically freestyle .

  7. 美国导演工会公开了年度终身成就奖名单,李安、福克斯探照灯联合主席NancyUtley、美国演员工会和广播电视人员联合工会高级顾问JohnMcGuire、议员Emick.AmyKlobuchar和AnnRoth,Anros均位列名单。

    The American Directors Union announced the annual Lifetime Achievement Award list , which includes Ang Lee , Nancy Utley , co-chairman of Fox Searchlight , John McGuire , senior adviser to the American Actors Union and the Federation of Radio and Television ActorsUnions ( SAG-AFTRA ) , and Senator Emick . AmyKlobuchar and AnnRoth , Anros .

  8. 他已经被定为塞西尔·德米尔(CecilB.DeMille)终身成就奖获得者。两位主持人拿他获奖的事开玩笑,说实际上他的新婚妻子、人权律师阿迈勒(Amal)才是通过无数成就拯救世界的人。

    Set to pick up a Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime service to entertainment , Mr. Clooney was mocked by the hosts for receiving a lifetime achievement award when his new wife , Amal , a human rights lawyer , was actually the one whose myriad efforts were saving the world .

  9. 1996年,蔡斯荣获《哈佛讽刺》终身成就奖。

    Chase won the Harvard Lampoon Lifetime Achievement Award in1996 .

  10. 她母亲朱迪·加兰1939年获得奥斯卡终身成就奖。

    her mother , Judy Garland , received an honorary award in 1939 ;

  11. 在开幕式上,奥利弗•斯通收到一个终身成就奖。

    During the opening ceremony , Oliver Stone received a lifetime achievement award .

  12. 美国国家书评圈在1997年授予他终身成就奖。

    The National Book Critics Circle gave him a lifetime achievement award in 1997 .

  13. 家庭电影奖授予安·玛格丽特终身成就奖。

    Ann-Margret has been honored with a lifetime achievement award at the Family Film Awards .

  14. 终身成就奖:梅丽尔·斯特里普

    Cecil B. DeMille Award : Meryl Streep

  15. 1980年她还获得了美国杂志摄影师协会的“终身成就奖”。

    She was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society of Magazine Photographers in1980 .

  16. 年,杰克逊在第三届每年一次的“黑人娱乐电视奖”颁奖礼上为詹姆斯·布朗颁发终身成就奖。

    Jackson presented James Brown with a lifetime achievement award during the third annual BET Awards in2003 .

  17. 西西莉·泰森在这个周日拿下了奥斯卡终身成就奖,这意味着她的好莱坞传奇生涯达到了顶峰。

    Cicely Tyson capped her legendary career in Hollywood on Sunday when she took home an honorary Oscar .

  18. 在2001年3月,她被授予大卫?科恩终身成就奖。

    In March 2001 she was awarded the David Cohen Prize in honour of a lifetime of excellence .

  19. 终身成就奖的获得者是由好莱坞好莱坞外国记者协会理事会选出的。

    The lifetime achievement award recipients are chosen by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association 's board of directors .

  20. 李名觉去年获得了托尼奖终身成就奖,2002年获得了国家艺术奖章。

    who received a special Tony Award for lifetime achievement last year and a National Medal of Arts in 2002 .

  21. 1976年,碧克馥获得奥斯卡终身成就奖,3年后逝世。

    Mary was awarded the 1976 Oscar for Lifetime Achievement and died three years later at the age of 87 .

  22. 近日,他被洛杉矶影评人协会授予终身成就奖。

    Recently , he was honored by the Los Angeles Film Critics Association ( LAFCA ) with a Career Achievement Award .

  23. 当代管理会计的发展与展望&管理会计终身成就奖获得者成就评析

    The Development and Prospects of Contemporary Management Accounting : An analysis on the achievements by winners of Management Accounting Lifetime Achievement Award

  24. 贝托鲁奇于2008年在好莱坞星光大道上留名,并于2011年荣获戛纳电影节终身成就奖。

    Bertolucci received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2008 and was awarded an honorary Palme d'Or at Cannes in 2011 .

  25. 到1972年,双方态度有所缓和,美国电影艺术与科学学院为卓别林颁发了奥斯卡终身成就奖。

    By 1972 , feelings had softened on both sides and the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences offered Chaplin an honorary Oscar .

  26. 此前,导演格斯•范•桑特领取了斯德哥尔摩视觉奖,而终身成就奖则颁给了哈里特•安德森。

    Earlier , the Stockholm Visionary Award was presented to director Gus Van Sant , while the Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Harriet Andersson .

  27. 踏歌而行的木刻人生&访国家级艺术终身成就奖获得者力群

    On a Lifelong Road as a Woodcutter , with a Lilting Step An Interview with Li Qun , a Recipient of the National Lifelong Artistic Achievement Award

  28. 在金球奖典礼上,朱迪·福斯特在获得德米尔终身成就奖的获奖感言上大方出柜。

    Also at the Globes , Jodie Foster came out without really coming out , in her acceptance speech for winning the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award .

  29. 路透社消息,美国电影艺术与科学学院宣布将授予《教父》导演弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉奥斯卡终身成就奖。

    " Godfather " director Francis Ford Coppola will receive a lifetime achievement Oscar , Reuters reported citing an announcement by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences .

  30. 2005年1月26号,麦戈文获得美国杂志出版人协会颁发的终身成就奖。

    On January 26 , 2005 , McGovern won " The Henry Johnson Fisher Award ," a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Magazine Publishers of America ( MPA ) .