
zhōnɡ duān shè bèi
  • terminal equipment;terminal unit
  1. 网络计算机(NetworkComputer,NC)是一种基于网络计算环境的信息访问处理终端设备。

    Network Computer is an information-visited processing terminal unit based on the network compute environment .

  2. 基于DSP的馈电线终端设备的研制

    Studies on DSP-based Feeder Terminal Unit

  3. 督学定期进行检查,发现所有方面都令人满意,教材充足,还有5台计算机终端设备。

    School inspectors visit regularly , finding everything satisfactory , books in plenty and five computer terminals .

  4. 这些终端设备都和我们的计算机主机相连。

    These terminals are all connected to our mainframe computer .

  5. 关于Windows系统下挂接字符终端设备的设想与实现

    Some Ideas of Connecting Computers with Terminals in Windows System

  6. 具备GPS定位功能的终端设备通称为GPS设备。

    With GPS location-enabled terminal device is known as the GPS device .

  7. 二是对现有的Web学习资源进行转换以适应移动终端设备能够正常浏览。

    It is to existing Web learning resources for conversion to adapt to the mobile terminal equipment can browse .

  8. 嵌入式Linux终端设备中通过USB同步数据的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation for Synchronization over USB in Terminal Based on Embedded Linux

  9. 终端设备至计算机多路转接器基于FPGA技术的网络视频监控中多路转接逻辑的设计与实现

    Design and implement of multi-channel transition logic in network video monitor system based on FPGA technique

  10. 控制中心能够及时接收到GPS发回的短信息,在强大的GIS地图上显示被监控终端设备的每一个精确地理位置,实现了实时监控。

    The operations center received the short message and displayed each exact position of the supervised terminal in the screen .

  11. 对于基础设施mesh网,其网络吞吐量的大小直接决定了终端设备接入的数量。

    For infrastructure mesh networks , the throughput in network will determine the number of terminals which can access network .

  12. HFC终端设备中的ASIC芯片体系结构研究及协议实现

    Research on Architecture and Protocol Implementation of ASIC on HFC Terminal Equipment

  13. 服务发现协议(ServiceDiscoveryProtocol,SDP)是解决终端设备如何发现和获取网络中服务的协议。

    SDP ( Service Discovery Protocol ) is a protocol about how terminal equipment can find and access existing services in network .

  14. 基于MPEG-2的高清晰会议电视系统终端设备

    Terminal device of high density video conference system based on MPEG-2

  15. DWDM终端设备网络管理软件的实现。

    Implementation of the network management software for DWDM terminal equipment .

  16. Linux伪终端设备及其在L2TP中的应用

    Linux pseudo terminal device and its application in L2TP

  17. USB网络电话是借助于计算机平台,提供一种新型的、人性化的网络电话服务的终端设备。

    USB network phone is atermination providing a new - style human network phone service in virtue of computer plan .

  18. 诺基亚提供双协议栈的终端设备解决IPv6过渡。

    Nokia is enabling the transition to IPv6 by providing dual-stack ( IPv4 / v6 ) terminals .

  19. 本文介绍了使用个人微机代替终端设备,构建UNIX网络的实现方法。

    This paper introduces methods how to set up UNIX network with personal computers instead of terminal equipment .

  20. WAP全称为无线应用协议,它是一个用于向无线终端设备进行智能化信息传递的无线网络协议。

    WAP is abbreviation to Wireless Application Protocol .

  21. Linux下tty终端设备的工作机制的分析及应用

    Analysis and Application of tty Device ′ s Mechanism under Linux Operating System

  22. 在异构无线网络环境下,如何为移动中的终端设备选择合适的无线网络并为其提供具有服务质量(QoS)保障的多媒体业务,是异构无线网络需要解决的关键问题。

    How to select an appropriate wireless network to provide mobile users with multimedia services with guaranteed QoS is one of the key problems .

  23. 在这一嵌入式网络终端设备上试验了VoIP网络语音通信和Telnet网络数据通信,并获得了成功。

    VoIP and Telnet communications have been tested successfully in the embedded network terminal equipment .

  24. 第二部分主要是介绍EPON的用户终端设备的硬件详细设计。

    In the second of the dissertation , hardware design in detail of ONT is introduced .

  25. 随着无线技术的发展和终端设备能力的提高,由无线节点自组织构建的多跳adhoc网络逐渐成为无线通信领域的一个重要研究方向。

    As the developing of wireless technology and improving of terminal devices , Ad Hoc has become one of the most important areas in wireless communication .

  26. 本文探讨基于Android移动终端设备的人机博弈游戏&一种升级博弈游戏及其性能改进。

    This paper discusses a man-machine game for Android mobile devices which is one kind of Tractor and its improvements of performance .

  27. 在adhoc网络中,通信的主机一般是便携式计算机、个人数字助理(PDA)等移动终端设备。

    In Ad hoc networks , the communication hosts are generally portable computers , personal digital assistants ( PDA ) and other mobile terminal equipments .

  28. 并在此基础上,论述了加强对pc等终端设备实施安全保护以及建立保护平台(可信赖计算环境)的重要性。

    And according to it , discusses the importance for terminal unit including PC to implement security safeguard and the importance to establish platform protection ( trusted computing environment ) .

  29. 利用BREW技术,把传统的有线监控系统跟CDMA网络、移动终端设备融合为一体,构成一个新的无线监控系统。

    A new wireless monitor and control system is combined traditional wired monitor and control system with CDMA network and mobile devices .

  30. 因为终端设备在中文上采用GB码,英文及其他符号采用ASCII码。

    The terminals adopt GB code when dealing with Chinese characters and ASCII code when concerning English and other characters .