
  • 网络Endpoint;Termination;termination point;terminal node
  1. 选择要查看的web服务提供者终结点。

    Select the web service provider endpoint that you want to view .

  2. 在services元素中,添加定义终结点协定的值。

    In the services element , you add a value that defines the endpoint contract .

  3. 在关系图上,删除web服务终结点之间的连接。

    On the diagram , delete the connection between the web service endpoints .

  4. 节更新后,会在应用程序关系图上出现对应的web服务使用者终结点和连接。

    Section is updated , the corresponding web service consumer endpoints and connections appear on the application diagram .

  5. 使用“web服务详细信息”窗口,可以查看web服务提供者终结点的详细信息。

    Using the web service details window , you can view the details of web service provider endpoints .

  6. 在“web服务详细信息”窗口中,展开终结点节点,再展开该节点下方的任何其他节点。

    In the web service details window , expand the endpoint node and then any additional nodes below it .

  7. 在services元素中定义终结点协定,在behaviors元素中定义服务行为。

    Define the endpoint contract in the services element and the service behavior in the behaviors element .

  8. 它具有一个可通过URL访问的终结点。

    It has an endpoint that is accessible by a URL .

  9. 如果将任何图像文件作为公开web内容提供程序终结点的应用程序的一部分包括在内,则此目录将包含这些文件。

    If any image files are included as part of an application that exposes web content provider endpoints , this directory contains those files .

  10. 如果应用程序关系图上存在适当的web服务提供者终结点,则web服务使用者终结点与提供者终结点之间将出现连接。

    If the appropriate web service provider endpoints exist on the application diagram , connections appear between the web service consumer endpoints and provider endpoints .

  11. 若要实现web服务使用者终结点,请选择该使用者终结点,指向“关系图”菜单上的“实现”,然后选择“实现”。

    To implement the consumer endpoint , select the web service consumer endpoint , point to implementation on the diagram menu , and choose implement .

  12. 例如,若要使用“web服务详细信息”窗口对web服务提供者终结点定义进行编辑,必须通过应用程序关系图对其进行编辑。

    For example , to edit a web service provider endpoint definition using the web service details window , you must edit it from the application diagram .

  13. 删除表示自定义代理类的web服务使用者终结点时,会移除关联的配置文件项,但不会删除关联的代理类。

    Deleting a web service consumer endpoint that represents a custom proxy class removes the associated configuration file entry but does not delete the associated proxy class .

  14. 如果某个web服务使用者终结点在需要连接时断开了连接,则当对包含关联应用程序的系统的部署进行计算时会产生验证错误。

    If a web service consumer endpoint is disconnected when a connection is required , a validation error will result when evaluating deployment for a system containing the associated application .

  15. 在本例中,您将创建catalog应用程序及关联终结点的副本。

    In this case , you will create a copy of the catalog application and associated endpoints .

  16. 它采用了终结点、关联和流作为其连接模型,定义了信号和事件,提供了强大的API命令。

    It selects Termination , Context and Stream as its connection model , defines signal and event , and provides powerful API command .

  17. 结论作为非黏附性液体栓塞材料,EVAL聚合物是一种具有栓塞可控性好,易判断栓塞的开始和终结点的较理想栓塞物。

    Conclusion The national EVAL embolic mixture is a suitable and easy control vascular embolic material .

  18. 此形状只接受一个业务流程连接线终结点。

    This shape can only accept an orchestration connector end point .

  19. 终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。

    There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper .

  20. 业务流程连接线在该分叉形状上没有终结点。

    There is no orchestration connector end point for the fork shape .

  21. 在解决了这个原因之后,便可以实现使用者终结点。

    After resolving the cause , the consumer endpoint can be implemented .

  22. 无法创建终结点映射表数据库项。

    The endpoint mapper database entry could not be created .

  23. 网络传输终结点已有与其关联的地址。

    The network transport endpoint already has an address associated with it .

  24. 世界如你所知的,正来到一个终结点。

    The world as you know it is coming to an end .

  25. 地址仍未与网络终结点关联。

    An address has not yet been associated with the network endpoint .

  26. 获取终结点所属的地址族。

    Gets the address family to which the endpoint belongs .

  27. 截止期:指定的期限或终结点。

    Cutoff , also cut-off : a designated limit or point of termination .

  28. 此事件是一个远程终结点请求的结果。

    The event is the result of a request from the remote endpoint .

  29. 服务器终结点无法运行操作。

    The server endpoint cannot perform the operation .

  30. 没有任何服务正在远程系统上的目标网络终结点上操作。

    No service is operating at the destination network endpoint on the remote system .