
dǎng dài biǎo
  • Party representative
党代表 [dǎng dài biǎo]
  • [Party representative] 我国第一次国内革命战争和第二次国内革命战争时期,中国共产党派到军队里代表党组织做领导工作的人员

党代表[dǎng dài biǎo]
  1. 党代表已经掌握了总部提供的事实。

    The party representative had been well primed with the facts by party headquarters .

  2. 设立教师党代表是完善党支部建在班上的重要举措

    Setting up a Teacher Party Representative is the Important Measure for Establishing the Party Branch in the Class

  3. 在定于下月举行的党代表大会上,他的领导地位将受到威胁。

    His position as leader will be under threat at a party congress due next month

  4. 罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)周二晚间宣布在得克萨斯州共和党初选中获胜,这使他获得了确保自己被提名为共和党总统候选人所需的党代表票数。

    Mitt Romney Tuesday night claimed his win in the Texas primary gives him the requisite number of delegates to clinch the Republican presidential nomination . '

  5. 这些选票将决定两位竞选人各赢得多少党代表。

    They will determine the number of delegates each candidate wins .

  6. 我们就说定了,为党代表们去打场保龄。

    Let 's strike a deal and go bowling for delegates .

  7. 第二部分论述了新世纪党代表人民根本利益所面临的新情况、新问题。

    The second part discuss new situation and new question .

  8. 第三章探讨的是党代表的产生及作用的发挥。

    Chapter three is discussing the election and exertion of Party representatives .

  9. 共和党在大多数州采用胜选者囊括全部党代表选票的制度。

    Republicans use a winner-take-all system in awarding delegates in most states .

  10. 选举符合条件、素质较高、能够代表党员意志的党代表,是开好党的代表大会的基础。

    Voting representatives of accord with standards is the base of congress .

  11. 党代表们在乐队演奏俄罗斯国歌后,离开了会场。

    Delegates departed after playing of the Russian national anthem .

  12. 党代表了中国先进文化的前进方向。

    The Party represents the onward direction of China 's advanced culture .

  13. 你们所有的人都知道这党代表什么人的利益。

    All of you know what this party stands for .

  14. 党代表大会制度是马克思主义政党的根本制度。

    The Party congresses serve as the fundamental system of the Marxist party .

  15. 她由于向党代表大会做了有力的演说而挽回了自己的声誉。

    She redeemed her reputation with a powerful speech to the party convention .

  16. 这个州将决出33个党代表的名额。

    Thirty-three delegates are at stake in that contest .

  17. 作为党代表,我将参加这次的党代会。

    I will take part in the Party Congress as a party representative .

  18. 我们这次党代表会议采取了两个重要措施。

    Two important measures were adopted at that conference .

  19. 新世纪党代表大会常任制推进条件及制度建构研究

    Practice Conditions and System Construction for Permanent System of Party Congress in New Century

  20. 党代表人民根本利益是重大的理论问题和实践问题。

    That CPC is on behalf of Chinese people basic interest is important problem .

  21. 本月早些时候,本次劳动党代表会议被神神秘秘地推迟几周召开。

    Earlier this month the party conference was mysteriously postponed for a few weeks .

  22. 党代表制度,经验证明不能废除。

    Experience has proved that the system of Party representatives must not be abolished .

  23. 党的利益是党代表人民利益的逻辑中介

    On the Chinese Communist Party 's Interest

  24. 提高民族素质是党代表先进生产力发展要求的第一要务

    Enhance National Quality & a Primary Task of the CPC in Representing Advanced Productive Forces

  25. 他很可能赢得7个怀俄明的党代表,而克林顿应该赢得5个党代表。

    Obama is likely to take seven delegates from Wyoming . Clinton should take five .

  26. 两名候选人都可望在党代表大会开幕之前宣布副总统竞选夥伴。

    Both contenders are expected to announce vice presidential running mates before the conventions begin .

  27. 目前还有超过一百五十名的超级党代表还没有决定他们的选择。

    There are more than 150 super delegates who have yet to endorse either candidate .

  28. 而到目前为止,还没有出现有大批超级党代表放弃支持奥巴马的现象。

    To date , there has been no mass exodus of super-delegate support away from Obama .

  29. 麦凯恩已经获得他为了争取党提名所需要的党代表人数的一半多。

    McCain already has about half of the delegates he needs to win the party nomination .

  30. 党领导和影响下的抗战文化建设是党代表先进文化前进方向的具体表现。

    Fourthly , the cultural construction which the CPC leaded and influenced then is a direct show .