
  • 网络wilsonianism;Wilsonian;wilsonism;Wilson doctrine
  1. 论威尔逊主义及其影响

    Wilson is m and It 's Influence

  2. 从威尔逊主义开始,传播美国的价值观、确立美国在国际政治中的道德领导地位,成为美国明确的政策目标;

    From then on , spreading American values has become the foreign policy aim of the United States .

  3. 共和党政纲反映出共和党摧毁威尔逊主义及某一切措施的意图。

    The Republican platform gave notice of the gop 's intention to destroy wilsooianism and all its works .

  4. 20世纪美国外交政策的主要价值取向,既非始终遵循威尔逊主义三原则,以大公无私感召天下,也非十足的虚伪、利己和不义。

    The US ' foreign policy of the 20th century neither adhered to the Wilson 's three principles with the adoption of " selflessness " nor was entirely pretentious , selfish and disloyal .

  5. 美国对外政策无须调头回到狭窄而冷漠的现实主义轨道上,而是需要在一个‘较现实的威尔逊主义’框架下实现目的和手段的更好的统一。

    What American foreign policy needs is not a return to a narrow and cynical realism , but rather the formulation of a " realistic Wildonianism " that better matches means to ends .

  6. “十四点”构成了威尔逊理想主义的核心内容。

    The Fourteen points constitute the core content of idealism and analysis its difficulties in practice .

  7. 其中,威尔逊的理想主义外交影响最大,给这一时期的美国外交染上了浓重的理想主义色彩。

    Among these factors , Wilsonian idealist diplomacy was the most important , which deeply influenced America 's diplomacy during this period , and cast an idealistic color on it .

  8. 但在威尔逊的理想主义外交等各种因素的影响下,美国最终断然选择从西伯利亚撤兵,美国对俄国西伯利亚的干涉也随之以失败而告终。

    Under the influence of Wilsonian idealist diplomacy and other factors as well , America firmly withdrew its army from Siberia , however , America 's Siberian intervention was finally proved to be a failure immediately .

  9. 美国20世纪初在亚洲的政策、威尔逊的理想主义外交以及西伯利亚国际形势的发展演变,三者相互作用,共同塑造了美国在西伯利亚的外交全貌。

    There were three factors , namely America 's foreign policy in Asia in the early 20th century , Wilsonian idealist diplomacy and the development of Siberian situation , which united together to shape America 's whole policy in Siberia .

  10. 美国在西伯利亚外交上的失败,不禁使人对俄国西伯利亚的特殊地位、威尔逊本人及其理想主义外交进行了深入的思考。

    The failure of America 's foreign diplomacy in Siberia made us think over the special situation in Siberia , Wilson himself and his idealist diplomacy .

  11. 威尔逊总统用理想主义手段应对日本对门户开放的全面挑战,但在现实面前,理想被击得粉碎。第五章叙述哈定总统上台后(1921&1922年)使门户开放原则得到国际认同。

    President Wilson used Idealism to deal with the overall challenge from Japan , but in reality , idealism gave pieces . Chapter ⅴ describes President Harding ( 1921 - 1922 ) made the Open Door principle became the international consensus after he came to power .