
dǎng kuí
  • Party leader;party boss;party chieftain
党魁 [dǎng kuí]
  • [party boss] 政党的首领

党魁[dǎng kuí]
  1. 这清澈响亮的呐喊在工党内引发了一场危机,威胁到当时党魁迈克尔富特(MichaelFoot)的地位。

    This clarion cry provoked a crisis in the Labour party that threatened the leadership of Michael Foot .

  2. 上周末,曾角逐保守党党魁的戴维戴维斯(DavidDavis)要求首相详细说明他希望从欧盟那里收回哪些权力。

    David Davis , a former Conservative leadership challenger , called on the prime minister this weekend to be explicit about which powers he wants to repatriate from Brussels .

  3. 投票站出口民调显示,极右翼国民阵线(nationalfront)得票率约为14%,低于该党党魁马琳勒庞(marinelepen)在总统选举中18%的得票率。

    The exit polls showed the far-right National Front winning about 14 per cent of the vote , less than the 18 per cent achieved by marine Le Pen , the party leader , in the presidential election .

  4. 新任保守党党魁特丽莎‧梅(TheresaMay)本周三成为英国第二位女首相,在退欧公投三周后入主唐宁街10号官邸。

    Theresa May , the new Conservative Party leader , will become Britain 's second female prime minister on Wednesday , entering 10 Downing Street three weeks after Britain voted to leave the European Union .

  5. 社民党党魁福岛瑞穗(mizuhofukushima)说,她“非常高兴”政府没有“仓促决定”。

    Mizuho Fukushima , SDP head , said she was " very glad " there had been no " hasty decision " .

  6. 落败的自民党总裁、日本首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)表示,鉴于选举显示出了人民的失望,他将辞去自民党党魁职务。

    Taro Aso , defeated LDP president and prime minister , said he would step down as party leader after a poll that had shown people 's disappointment .

  7. 左图:英国前外交大臣戴维·米利班德中图:自由民主党党魁克莱格(NickClegg)右图:英国现任外交大臣威廉·黑格

    Loose fit : David Miliband ( left ) ; baggy and saggy : Nick Clegg ( centre ) ; and a black mark : William Hague ( right )

  8. 但有两个可能改变大势的因素苏格兰民族党党魁、苏格兰首席大臣亚历克斯萨尔蒙德(alexsalmond)高超的政治手腕,以及英国联合政府在苏格兰的惨淡人气。

    But there are two wild cards the considerable political skills of Alex Salmond , the SNP leader and Scottish first minister , and the unpopularity of the UK coalition government in Scotland .

  9. 政府正面临风险,对欧元持极度怀疑态度、且拥护联邦制的北方联盟党魁翁贝托博西(UmbertoBossi)在罗马告诉记者,形势很困难,非常危险。

    The government is at risk , Umberto Bossi , leader of the fiercely eurosceptic and federalist Northern League , told reporters in Rome . The situation is difficult , very dangerous .

  10. 金已就任该党党魁。

    King had come into office as the head of the party .

  11. 阿道夫·希特勒成为国家社会主义德意志劳工党的党魁。

    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party .

  12. 英国保守党党魁大卫卡梅伦成为首相,布朗辞职。

    Britain 's David Cameron becomes PM ; Brown out .

  13. 作者为加拿大自由党前党魁

    The writer is the former leader of the Liberal Party of Canada

  14. 他是个无可争议的党魁。

    He is the undisputed leader of his party .

  15. 但事实是,两位党魁走到一起纯粹出于政治盘算。

    In truth , the two men were driven together by raw political calculation .

  16. 你所在省的反对党党魁是谁?

    What is the name of the leader of the opposition in your province ?

  17. 只要党魁控制着党的机构,改革者就决不能高枕无忧。

    Reformers could never rest secure so long as bosses controlled the party structure .

  18. 魔王出现在共和党魁面前,用一只手卡在他的脖子上。

    The Devil comes over to the Republican and lays an arm on his neck .

  19. 随后,他又坐山观虎斗,看着手忙脚乱的狄安被逼提前五个月辞去党魁一职。

    Dion performed so clumsily that he was forced to resign five months ahead of schedule .

  20. 伊利人的易洛魁语.他是个无可争议的党魁。

    The Iroquoian language of the Erie . He is the undisputed leader of his party .

  21. 大卫·卡梅伦,保守党党魁,曾许诺会妥善安排界限重划的受害者。

    David Cameron , the Conservative leader , has vowed that boundary casualties will be looked after .

  22. 棋类游戏毫无争议地,?需要智力的一项消遣。他是个无可争议的党魁。

    Games like chess are unarguably intellectual pursuits . He is the undisputed leader of his party .

  23. 说它脆弱,也是出于同一原因:协议是由两位党魁协商达成的,而不是两个政党。

    Vulnerable for the same reason : the bargain was struck by the leaders rather than their parties .

  24. 奥斯本先生虽踌躇满志,但是他明白还要过几年才能有机会担任党魁或者国家元首。

    Mr Osborne is ambitious but knows that any opportunity to lead his party or country is years away .

  25. 如果小泽一郎继续保持强大的影响力,他只会使以后任何一个党魁在选民心中的地位黯然失色。

    If Mr Ozawa remains influential , he will only undermine any future party leader in the eyes of voters .

  26. 预计总理职位将由人民力量党党魁沙马接掌。今年72岁的沙马先前是泰国中央银行行长、电视烹调节目主持人。

    The post is expected to go to the PPP 's Samak Sundaravej-a72-year-old former Bangkok governor and TV cooking show host .

  27. “真的,我现在已经打定主意了,我当然想去天堂。”共和党魁说。

    " Really , I 've made up my mind . I want to be in Heaven ," says the Republican head of state .

  28. 那天早晨在其头版将当时秃头的工党党魁尼尔。基诺克描绘成电灯泡。

    That morning , on its front page , it depicted the bald head of the then Labour leader Neil Kinnock as a light bulb .

  29. 优先党党魁皮特斯反复重申要英文先驱报停止它不断说谎的行为。

    New Zealand First Leader Rt Hon Winston Peters has reiterated his call for the NZ Herald to cease its long running exercise in deception .

  30. 1997年,撒切尔夫人公开支持威廉黑格出任保守党党魁;对于他的继任人选伊恩邓肯史密斯,她也曾游说表示支持,但终究没有取得成功。

    She publicly endorsed William Hague for the Conservative leadership in 1997 but pointedly failed to speak in favour of his successor , Iain Duncan Smith .