
yīn xiāng
  • loudspeaker box;voice box
音箱 [yīn xiāng]
  • [speaker] 放置扬声器的箱子,能增强音响效果

  • 两只音箱可以拆开安放在最佳位置

音箱[yīn xiāng]
  1. 浅谈专业音箱的损坏原因与预防

    The sources of professional voice box damage and their precautions

  2. 设计倒相式音箱计算公式的推导

    Deduction of Calculating Formula for Phase-reversing Voice Box Design

  3. 不出所料,女孩名亚莉克莎(Alexa)的使用量在一年内减半,这可能是因为它与亚马逊智能音箱的语音助手同名,从而可能会发生混淆。

    Unsurprisingly , the name Alexa halved in a year , possibly due to potential confusion with Amazon 's smart speaker .

  4. 它也将被嵌入下个月上市的、名为Home的一款智能音箱中。

    It will also be in Home , a smart speaker that goes on sale next month .

  5. 通过最简单的设置,Remote就能让你控制直接连接到电脑上的立体声音箱播放的音乐。

    In the simplest setup , Remote lets you control the music from stereo speakers connected directly to a PC.

  6. LCD潜在上下短路及其检测消除声短路的新结构音箱

    The Potential Short Circuit Between Upper and Lower Electrodes and Test of LCD

  7. 麻省理工学院给了这家世界上最大的在线零售商最高得分,理由是它的Echo智能音箱。

    MIT gave the world 's largest online retailer the highest score for its Echo Dot .

  8. 用户可以向AmazonEcho音箱说出指令来获得大量的服务。

    Users can shout commands to the Amazon Echo speaker to access a host of services .

  9. 这款名为“London”的智能手机采用安卓(Android)系统,外形酷似马歇尔音箱,强调音乐效果。

    The " London " is an Android smartphone that looks like a Marshall amp and is heavy on music features .

  10. 比如说,我就看到过一台这样的电脑,它的音箱无法兼容MacOS。

    For instance , on one such machine I saw , the speaker port didn 't work with the Mac OS .

  11. 销售预测模型在PSS公司多媒体音箱业务中的应用和探索

    The Application and Research of Sales Forecasting Mode on the Multimedia Speaker Business in PSS Company

  12. 今年年初,苹果重回音乐市场,参与竞争,并于6月推出了音量控制智能音箱(HomePodspeaker)。

    Earlier this year it launched a bid to return to the world of music , debuting its voice-controlled HomePod speaker in June .

  13. speakersandanHPLaserJetprinter.音箱和惠普激光打印机。惠普是一个知名的打印机品牌。

    Brian : Oh , yeah , speakers and an HP LaserJet printer .

  14. 但如果你用电脑将音频输送到家里另外的音箱上&比如说在院子里或客厅里的音响,那才是最能体现Remote功能的。

    But it 's most useful when you use a PC to deliver audio to additional speakers around a home & say , a pair on the patio and in the living room .

  15. 本音箱只需用USB线供电,USB供电和音频输出是同一根USB线,随笔记本电脑开关机自动启动。

    The speaker only powered by USB cable , USB power and audio output with a USB cable , with the laptop switch machine starts automatically .

  16. 由于音箱的辐射因频率的不同而不同,因此低频和高频驱动单元具有本质不同的辐射模式,其方向性,也就是常说的“Q”,在交叉频率处发生变化。

    As loudspeaker radiation varies according to frequency , LF and HF drivers have intrinsically different radiation patterns whose directivity-known as'Q ' - changes at the crossover frequency .

  17. 索尼正在加强与谷歌在起居室技术上的联盟关系,该公司还表示,将出售搭载GoogleCast的音箱,让用户将音乐以流播形式直接传送至音箱。

    Reinforcing its deepening alliance with Google in living-room technology , Sony also said it would sell speakers embedded with Google Cast , enabling users to stream music direct to speakers .

  18. 此产品可直接读SD卡与U盘,可听歌、读英语、听故事等,此音箱是您最佳的音乐伴侣。

    This item can insert SD card or Udisk , you may listening music , story and so on , so it is your best music friends .

  19. iMac形状较为方正,颜色为银色,而XPSOne则是通体黑色的长方形,两旁是音箱所在,还有个宽宽的玻璃底座。

    Where the iMac is squarish and silver , the XPS One is all black and rectangular , with speakers attached to the sides and a wide glass base .

  20. AE月影一号音箱内部使用优质OFC结构,有效提高细节和透明度的装配电子线路。

    The Acoustic Energy AELITE One loudspeaker uses quality OFC internal wiring , which enhances detail and transparency .

  21. 苹果语音助理(Siri)在苹果新型智能扬声器——苹果音箱中找到了自己的位置。

    Siri gets a place of its own with the HomePod , Apple 's new smart speaker .

  22. 捷波朗(Jawbone)推出的无线蓝牙音箱大受欢迎,公司趁胜追击,推出了全面升级的产品。

    Jawbone took its popular Bluetooth wireless speaker and made it bigger in every way possible .

  23. 苹果音箱使你可以直接连线苹果语音助理,要求它播放之声节目(Beats1Radio)、播送天气预报、设定计时器或控制你的智能家居平台设备(HomeKit)。

    It gives you a direct line to Siri . Ask it to play Beats 1 Radio , deliver the weather forecast , set a timer , or control your HomeKit devices .

  24. 最后结合一款手机音箱的设计实例,阐明了采用Pro/E进行塑胶产品快速设计的一般方法和技巧。

    At last , a design sample about the phone sound box of mobile by using Pro / E is used to illustrate the general method and skill of the fast design of plastics parts .

  25. 详细说明了RTP实时传输协议库的实现、应用及扩展(音箱间时钟同步),以及相关的实验结果;

    Describes the design , application and further research ( synchronization of speakers ' clock ) of RTP / RTCP , and result of relevanttest ;

  26. 二者都可以通过Wi-Fi家庭网络无线连接,这样你就不用为了电脑和音箱布线而在墙上打洞。

    Both work wirelessly over a Wi-Fi home network so you don 't need to put holes into your walls to run computer and speaker wires .

  27. 我们需要全集装箱计算机硬件如硬盘,内存,CD-ROM,主板,键盘,鼠标,音箱,LAN,WLAN从巴基斯坦的USB。

    We need full container of computer hardware like hard disk , RAM , CD ROM , motherboard , keyboard , mouse , speakers , LAN , WLAN , USB from Pakistan .

  28. 接下来各种硬件的购买(iPod、摄像机、低音电吉他、低音电吉他音箱等等)代替了生日聚会。

    Subsequent hardware purchases ( iPod , video camera , bass guitar , bass guitar amp and so on ) have been in lieu of birthday parties .

  29. 系统由计算机、DVD、VCR(录像机)、实物展台、远端视频会议系统、功放、音箱、数字硬盘录像机等A/V设备构成;

    A / V systems include computers , DVD , VCR , video conferencing systems , power amplifiers , speakers , digital disk recorders , and various other components ;

  30. 因生产蓝牙耳机、音箱、健身腕带等产品出名的Jawbone公司昨日又推出了一款最新的音箱。

    Jawbone , the Bluetooth headset , health band , and speaker company , came out with a new speaker yesterday .