
yīn wèi
  • phoneme
音位 [yīn wèi]
  • [phoneme] 一种语言(或方言)中能够区别意义的最小的语音单位

音位[yīn wèi]
  1. 从音位看PSC错误和缺陷的判定

    Judging errors and defects by PSC from the perspective of phoneme

  2. 研究采用了Swan&Goswami(1997)和Hulmeetal(2002)的工具测试语音意识的三个语言单位:音节意识,首音-韵脚意识和音位意识。

    Swan & Goswami ( 1997 ) and Hulme et al ( 2002 )' s instruments are used to measure three linguistic units of phonological awareness : syllable awareness , onset-rime awareness and phoneme awareness .

  3. 洛阳方言与RP音段音位对比分析

    Contrastive Analysis of Segmental Phonemes In Luoyang Dialect and RP

  4. 从英语音位体系元音符号的变化看RP的发展

    The Change of Vowel Symbols Shows the Development of RP

  5. 在单词‘语素变体’和‘音位变体’中‘allo’是个前缀。

    ` allo ' is a prefix in the words ` allomorph ' and ` allophone ' .

  6. 本文从探讨RP在社会、区域和音位三方面的特征入手,着重讨论了英国语音学界对RP的最新观点,以及RP的现状和面临的挑战。

    By quoting some well-known phoneticians , the writer of this article tries to discuss the latest ideas about RP from the perspective of its social , regional and phonological features .

  7. 运用优选论(OptimalityTheory)分析了英语软腭音化(Velarization)和清音化(Devoicing)两种辅音逆同化现象的制约条件。英汉辅音音位比较

    Based on the Optimality Theory , the Constraints of Velarization and Devoicing of English Consonants were researched . Comparison Between Phonemes of Chinese Consonants and English Consonants

  8. 本文试图运用TG理论音位学中复合词重音规则和短语重音规则,建立一种简便易懂而又科学准确的句子重音标立模式。

    This paper makes an attempt to establish a new model for marking sentence stress more scientifically and more precisely , in the light of the English phonological compound stress rule and the phrase stress rule .

  9. 本文回顾了RP在音段音位层面上的重大发展变化,以期对我国的英语教学,特别是英语辞书和教材的编纂有所启发。

    The present paper takes a look at what the twentieth century has done to the accent that is known as Received Pronunciation ( RP ) and calls English textbook writer 's attention on reflecting such changes .

  10. /r/音位的语音特征是区别GA和GB的标志之一。因此,了解/r/音位的历史演变渊源有助于提高对/r/音位的认识。

    The phonetic characteristics of the / r / phoneme is one of the marks which distinguishes GA from GB . It is helpful to recognize the quality of the / r / phoneme through analyzing its sources of historical changes .

  11. 本文以音位理论为依据,对洛阳方言与RP从元音系统、辅音系统、音节结构三方面进行音段音位的对比分析,以促进洛阳方言区的英语语音教学。

    Based on the phoneme theory , this paper analyzes the segmental phonemes in Luoyang dialect and RP from three aspects : vowel system , consonant system and syllable structure , in order to improve the teaching of English pronunciation in Luoyang area .

  12. 插入搜索查询建议的另一种方法的Aspell或IspellAPI的调用,或将变音位匹配替换为应用程序的最佳现代探测法。

    Insert a call to the Aspell or Ispell API for another avenue of search query suggestion , or replace the metaphone matching with the best modern soundex for your application .

  13. 音素、音位和音位变体有什么区别?

    What are the differences among phone , phoneme and allophone ?

  14. 什么是超语段音位学?什么是超语段特征?

    What is suprasegmental phonology ? What a re suprasegmental features ?

  15. 普通话非音质音位的教学问题浅议

    Brief Discussion About the Teaching of Non-Tone Quality Phoneme in Putonghua

  16. 对普通话音位若干问题的探讨

    A Discussion On Some Problems of the Phoneme of Putonghua

  17. 论连云港方言区学生英语发音常见音位错误

    On the Phonemic Errors Made by the Students from Lianyungang Dialect Region

  18. 语音学和音位学的研究重心有何不同?

    How do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study ?

  19. 湘方音音段音位对英语语音学习的负迁移影响

    The negative transfer of Xiang dialectal segmental phonemes in learning English pronunciation

  20. 英汉语音音段音位对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Pronunciation at the Segmental Level

  21. 音位对立,互补分布,最小对立对。

    Phonemic ntrast , plementary distribution , and minimal pair .

  22. 属于或关于某一语言的音位、音素。

    Of or relating to phonemes of a particular language .

  23. 英语中无摩擦延续音/r/音位的语音特征研究

    Studies on the Phonetic Characteristics of Approximant / r / in English

  24. 二是元音格局中的元音是音位性的;

    Secondly , the vowels in vowels pattern are phonemic in nature .

  25. 音位与思想共鸣&英语诗歌欣赏探析

    Phonemes in Resonance with Thoughts & On English Poem Appreciation

  26. 英汉音位构音简略比较

    A brief comparison between the articulation of phoneme in English and Chinese

  27. 如果产生了,那么这两个语音就代表不同的音位。

    If it does , the two sounds then represent different phonemes .

  28. 音节清晰度与音位清晰度之间的统计关系

    On the statistical relation between the syllable articulation and the phoneme articulation

  29. 大于音位的口语单位。

    A unit of spoken language larger than a phoneme .

  30. 关于鄂温克语以派生词尾元音音位为中心的形态语音结构类型

    On the Formal Phonetic Type Centered with Derivational Suffix Vowel Phoneme in Ewenki