
yīn diào
  • tone;pitch;tonality;tune;tongue
音调 [yīn diào]
  • (1) [tone]∶说话或吟诵诗文的腔调

  • 音调铿锵

  • (2) [tongue]∶指发音的方式或音质

  • 柔和的音调

音调[yīn diào]
  1. 他们的语言因为音调和重音上的细微变化而特别难学。

    Their language is particularly difficult to learn because of its subtle shading of tone and emphasis .

  2. 用DSP芯片实现变速语音音调的实时处理

    Using DSP Chip to Realize Real Time Processing of the Tone of Speech with Variable Speed

  3. 他把音调抬得更高了。

    He raised his voice to an even higher pitch .

  4. “伙计们,我想你们不介意我抽烟吧?”他拉长音调说。

    ' I guess you guys don 't mind if I smoke ? ' he drawled

  5. 这首诗读起来音调铿锵。

    This poem reads sonorous . ; This poem is both majestic and sonorous .

  6. 这架钢琴的音调不准。

    The piano is out of tune .

  7. 他是一个音调低沉的男低音。

    He is a bass with a black voice .

  8. 这首歌音调高了点儿。

    The song is a bit high-pitched .

  9. 她发现,如果大脑左半球在陌生的环境中为了防卫而保持警觉,那么它会对这种不规律的蜂鸣声有所反应,从而把睡眠中的人弄醒,但是会忽略定时响起且音调不变的蜂鸣声。

    She worked out that , if the left hemisphere was staying alert to keep guard in a strange environment , then it would react to the irregular beeps by stirring people from sleep and would ignore the regularly timed ones .

  10. 然后他们通过分析音调的顺序和数量来识别乞求的叫声。

    Then they identified begging calls by analyzing the order and number of notes .

  11. 音乐开始时,房间里充满了我能想象到的最优美的音调和音色。

    When the music started , the room was filled with the most beautiful tones and musical colors I could have ever imagined .

  12. 然而有一天,他在学校标准课程里的音乐课上随意地弹了弹钢琴,竟发现自己很容易就能辨别不同音调。

    However , one day , in the music class that was part of his school 's standard curriculum , he was playing idly on the piano and found it easy to pick out tunes .

  13. 萨米从医院回家时就迫不及待地拿起吉他,试着弹奏一小段音乐,但他的手臂不听使唤,弹出来的音调也都不对。

    When Sammy returned home from the hospital he could not wait to pick up his guitar and tried to play a small piece of music , but Sammy 's arm did not work right , and it all sounded wrong .

  14. 注意“rising”和“falling”的音调

    Note the rising and falling tones .

  15. Capslockvoice指平时冷静沉默的人在对某人或某事忍无可忍的时候转而采用的一种提高了音调且颇有威慑力的说话语调,这种方式相当于在网上聊天时用全部大写的方式表达自己激烈情绪,所以,就叫“大写锁定语调”。

    Caps lock voice refers to the authoritative and raised tone used by a normally calm and quiet person when he / she has had enough of someone or something . It is the equivalent to using the caps lock key in the digital world to show your strong emotion .

  16. 渐渐远离我们的运载工具发出的声似乎比平常的音调低

    Sounds produced by vehicles receding from us seem lower-pitched than usual .

  17. 她说话音调很高,声音里总充满幸福感。

    Her high voice was always full of happiness .

  18. 这小号音调不正。

    This horn is out of tune .

  19. 放在某些字母上(如c)表示发音的发音符号(一个反向的音调符号)。

    A diacritical mark ( an inverted circumflex ) placed above certain letters ( such as c ) to indicate pronunciation .

  20. RC型音调控制电路在高传真扩音机中的应用

    The application of type RC tone control circuit to the Hi-Fi amplifier

  21. 调整斜度、音调或者音量。LED可以自由调节灯具的亮度和颜色。

    Adjust the pitch , tone , or volume of . LEDs offer flexible lighting that can change in intensity and colour .

  22. 由于采用指数分布的频域采样点,常数Q变换(ConstantQTransform&CQT)在音乐信号的音调分析中有着独特的优点。

    Constant Q transform ( CQT ) has advantages in pitch analysis of music signals , due to its exponentially spaced center frequencies .

  23. 例如,“shi”,取决于音调和语境,有32不同的含义。

    For example " shi " has , depending on the tone and context , 32 different meanings .

  24. 快速傅立叶变换、滑动窗口和某些Linux音频编程可以为您提供符合您所选语言的音调识别能力。

    Fast Fourier transforms , sliding percentage windows , and some Linux audio programming can give you tonal-recognition capabilities with your language of choice .

  25. 另外,本文还提供Perl脚本以允许用户定制音调的输入及检测的环境。

    A Perl script will be presented to allow the user to customize the tonal input and detection environment .

  26. 结果表明,将汉语的音调变化信息加入到CIS语音信号处理方案中,可明显地提高汉语的识别能力。

    Results showed that adding tonal information to the CIS speech processor would offer an improved intelligibility of spoken Chinese .

  27. 他在一张纸上画出五线谱,标上E和F两个音调符。他向我示范手指应放在琴颈的什么部位,怎样运弓。

    On a scrap of paper he drew a staff with the notes E and F. He showed me where to put my fingers on the neck and how to draw the bow .

  28. 当我们比较天津话和普通话的音调系统后发现FF的易变性也是由于普通话的影响。

    The vulnerability of FF rule to change is shown when we compare the tonal systems of Tianjin dialect and Putonghua .

  29. 还有几个决定音乐是否适合用于健身的因素是,激励性的音调和歌词&想象一下《烈火战车》(ChariotsofFire)配上人们在海滩奔跑的画面。

    Other qualities that make music ideal for workouts are motivational sounds and lyrics & think the theme from ' Chariots of Fire ' with its associated image of men running on the beach .

  30. 还有几个决定音乐是否适合用于健身的因素是,激励性的音调和歌词——想象一下《烈火战车》(ChariotsofFire)配上人们在海滩奔跑的画面。

    Other qualities that make music ideal for workouts are motivational sounds and lyrics -- think the theme from ' Chariots of Fire ' with its associated image of men running on the beach .