
yīn biāo
  • phonetic transcription;phonetic symbol
音标 [yīn biāo]
  • [phonetic symbol] 语音学上用来标音的一套符号

音标[yīn biāo]
  1. 看看,我在学习《李阳国际音标(小学版)》。妈妈在辅导。

    Hey , look ! I am learning the International phonetic symbol while my mom teaching .

  2. 语音教学是小学英语教育的基础,而音标是语音教学的关键。

    The pronunciation teaching is the foundation of the primary English education , and the phonetic symbol is the key point of pronunciation teaching .

  3. 本词典所有词目都注出了音标。

    This dictionary gives phonetic transcriptions of all headwords .

  4. 尖音符号:英文e字上边的音标。例如cafe。

    Acute accent : Accent above the letter e.g. cafe .

  5. 然后我加了个音标就变成Fé,在巴西是信仰的意思。

    Then I put a little accent and it becomes F é, which in Brazil means faith .

  6. n.誊写把文字誊写为音标需要专门训练。

    transcription The transcription of words into phonetic symbols requires special training .

  7. 于是,我开始教我的Salsa朋友学国际音标。

    So I started to teach phonetic symbols to our Salsa friends .

  8. 词的发音均用国际音标(IPA)注出。

    Pronunciation is presented in the International Phonetic Alphabet ( IPA ) system .

  9. 合成引擎完成从音标到实际语音的转换。

    The synthesis engine converts the phonetic transcription into speech signals .

  10. 把文字誊写为音标需要专门训练。

    The transcription of words into phonetic symbols requires special training .

  11. 汉语拼音对您学习英语音标有什么影响?

    How Chinese Pinyin affects your learning of English phonetic symbols ?

  12. 一个汉字&音标磁盘操作系统

    Disk operating system supporting Chinese characters and international phonetic signs

  13. 这些音标表示人发出的声音。

    These phonetic symbols represent sounds of the human voice .

  14. 字母与音标同步教学的尝试

    A Trial on Teaching the English Letters and the Phonetic Symbols Simultaneously

  15. 而李老师却能拼出来音标,真佩服。

    Lee was able to spell phonetic teachers really admire .

  16. 多练习一段时间,自然会熟练掌握音标的。

    After a period of practice , you will probably master it .

  17. 国际音标法实践的必要性及其意义。

    The necessity and significance of the practice for international phonetic transcription .

  18. 表音速记法通过音标来描述语音的方法。

    The practice of transcribing speech sounds by means of phonetic symbols .

  19. 读一读音标和单词,补充更多的例子。

    Read the sounds and the words , and add more examples .

  20. 国际音标基本元音在英语语音教学中的应用

    Making Use of the IPA Vowels in the Teaching of English Pronunciation

  21. 国际音标输入法及其实现

    The Implement of the Input Method for International Phonetic Alphabet

  22. 为什么学习音标?我听见有人在问。

    Why do we need different symbols , I hear you asked .

  23. 这本词典使用一套音标作为发音的指导。

    This dictionary uses a phonetic alphabet as a guide to pronunciation .

  24. 给划线词选正确音标。

    Choose the right sound of the underlined word .

  25. 文章探讨了国际音标在现代汉语体系中所占的比重份额;

    The proportion of the International Phonetic Alphabet in Modern Chinese is discussed .

  26. 用国际音标加强英语语音教学

    Strengthen the English Speech Teaching with International Phonetic Alphabet

  27. 结论:自然拼读法比传统国际音标更符合小学生认知规律。

    Conclusion : Natural spell law students more than traditional cognitive rule IPA .

  28. 在词典前面给出了音标表。

    A list of phonetic symbols is given in the front of the dictionary .

  29. 我们学习的英语音标一共有48个。

    We learn English phonetics a total of48 .

  30. 谈谈汉语国际音标记音的信息处理

    On the Message Processing of IPA for Chinese