
zuì hòu yī fēn zhōnɡ
  • Last Minute;at the eleventh hour
  1. 最后一分钟的进球夺去了这支球队胜利的机会。

    A last-minute goal robbed the team of victory .

  2. 我们靠最后一分钟的入球侥幸进入决赛。

    We squeaked into the final with a goal in the last minute .

  3. 该队在比赛的最后一分钟戏剧性地获胜。

    The team snatched a dramatic victory in the last minute of the game .

  4. 欧文以一个惊人之举结束了这个赛季:他在比赛最后一分钟进了球。

    The season ended with a flourish for Owen , when he scored in the final minute of the match .

  5. 不要把什么都拖到最后一分钟。

    Don 't leave it all until the last minute .

  6. 他接住对方的弃踢球,成功达阵,取得了制胜得分,此时比赛只剩最后一分钟。

    He caught a punt and scored the winning touchdown , with a minute left to play .

  7. 直到最后一分钟,他才跳上火车。

    He waited until the last minute before jumping on the train .

  8. 我本打算要去,但在最后一分钟我改变了主意。

    I had intended to go but I cried off at the last minute .

  9. 有些人总是等到最后一分钟,让事情变得比实际更难。

    There are people who always wait until the last minute , and make it much harder than it needs to be .

  10. 你那二十个避难所到了最后一分钟也要不认帐

    Your twenty havens would back out at the last minute anyhow .

  11. 每到圣诞节的时候,无论我们做了多少准备,提前购置了多少礼物,我们总是到最后一分钟的时候才选出最恰当的礼物。

    It doesn 't matter how much we plan ahead and shop early when it comes to Christmas , we can 't resist picking up presents right up until the last minute .

  12. 上半场最后一分钟,中国队守门员彭诗梦扑出了韩国队利用角球机会发出的一个近距离头球,但是球反弹进网。这个进球最初判给了韩国队前锋崔友利,不过亚洲足联后来又判定这个进球是中国队后卫李梦雯的乌龙球。

    In the last minute of the first half , Chinese goalkeeper Peng Shimeng saved a close-range header from a corner , but couldn 't keep the ball out of the net from a rebound Li Mengwen 's own goal .

  13. pulloutof从…处取出,拉出我认为他们不会在最后一分钟退出这笔交易。

    I don 't think they are going to pull out of the deal at the last minute .

  14. 从Terminal窗口,运行如下命令来检索最后一分钟所做的任何更改或依赖项:sudoportupgradecouchdb。

    From the Terminal window , run the following command to retrieve any last-minute changes or dependencies : sudo port upgrade couchdb .

  15. 该卫星携带的德尔塔IV火箭发射已定于星期五,但在最后一分钟时,由于天气卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的条件在美国佛罗里达州擦洗。

    The launch of the Delta IV rocket carrying the satellite had been scheduled for Friday , but was scrubbed at the last minute due to weather conditions at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida .

  16. 作为最大的股东,格拉森伯格将从嘉能可的ipo录得巨额账面利润;但他迄今没有透露他拥有多少股份,且预计不到最后一分钟不会这么做。

    As the largest shareholder , he will have a vast paper windfall with the IPO , but he has not revealed how much he owns and is not expected to do so until the last minute .

  17. 她的中介、平安旅行社(ShalomTravel)的ChristineChiu不仅密切关注着航班剩余座位并帮她处理哪怕最后一分钟的日程变动,也会帮助她整合复杂的行程。

    Not only does her agent , Christine Chiu of Shalom Travel , monitor seat availability and handle last-minute schedule changes , but she also pieces together complex itineraries .

  18. 如此说来,我们有时候会喜欢用Google搜索,然后我们发现昨晚在CS50的其他课程上提到的,在最后一分钟的购物清单里。

    So , with that said , we like to Google ourselves sometimes FlyBy and so we discovered that FlyBy last night mentioned CS50 among some other courses in its last minute shopping list .

  19. 幸运的是,我在最后一分钟赶上了火车。

    Fortunately , I caught the train at the last minute .

  20. 请不要等到最后一分钟才行动。

    Do not wait until the last moment to do this .

  21. 另一个精彩镜头是还包括2002年斯米切尔最后一分钟绝杀切尔西。

    Other highlights include a dramatic last-minute winner against Chelsea in2002 .

  22. 联队在最后一分钟进球,扳平了比分。

    United scored in the last minute to even the score .

  23. 在延长赛的最后一分钟我得了一分。

    I got one point in the last minute of overtime .

  24. 什么是不显示或最后一分钟取消政策?

    What is the No Show or Last Minute Cancellation Policy ?

  25. 球队以最后一分钟的一例进球赢得了冠军。

    The team clinched the title with a last-minute goal .

  26. 他们队在最后一分钟射中一个球。

    Their team shot one goal at the last minute .

  27. 他总是在最后一分钟反悔。

    He 's always begging off at the last minute .

  28. 我们队在最后一分钟将比分拉平。

    Our team evened the score in the last minute .

  29. 莱因克在最后一分钟进了一球。

    Lineker scored a goal in the last minute of the match .

  30. 在最后一分钟刚好有人打电话来退票。

    Someone had just phoned in a last minute cancellation .