
zuì bù fā dá guó jiā
  • least developed countries
最不发达国家[zuì bù fā dá guó jiā]
  1. 目前国际上已建立了包括最不发达国家基金在内的多个多边融资机制。

    At present , the international community has established a number of multilateral financing mechanisms , including the Least Developed Countries Fund .

  2. 最不发达国家综合性新行动纲领

    Comprehensive New Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries

  3. 根据该协议,英国将免除世界上一些最不发达国家欠下的数亿英镑的债务。

    Under the agreement , Britain will cancel hundreds of millions of pounds in debts owed to it by some of world 's poorest countries .

  4. TRIPS理事会应最不发达国家成员提出的有根据的请求,应延长该期限。

    The Council for TRIPS shall , upon duly motivated request by a least-developed country Member , accord extensions of this period .

  5. 全世界的最不发达国家(LDCs)也是全世界科学最落后的国家。

    The world 's least developed countries ( LDCs ) are also the world 's least scientifically proficient .

  6. 1亿剂用于2009年H1N1大流行性病毒的疫苗是针对和代表世界上最不发达国家作出的极具规模和慷慨的姿态。

    One hundred million doses of vaccine against the pandemic H1N12009 virus is a sizeable and generous gesture to and on behalf of the world 's less-developed countries .

  7. TRIPS协定很大程度上反应了发达国家药品工业的利益,但却对发展中国家和最不发达国家公共健康问题的解决带来了巨大的法律障碍。

    While reflecting the interests of the pharmaceutical industry based in developed countries , the TRIPS Agreement constitute huge legal obstacles which will hinder the developing countries ' efforts to solve public health .

  8. 联合国环境规划署(unenvironmentprogramme)主任阿齐姆施泰纳(achimsteiner)警告称:“不应低估小国或最不发达国家的力量,它们可能会明显影响哥本哈根会议的结果。”

    Achim Steiner , head of the UN Environment Programme , warned : " do not underestimate the power of small nations or least developed countries to significantly affect the outcome in Copenhagen . "

  9. 对于最不发达国家成员影响进口或进口产品的卫生与植物卫生措施,这些国家可自《wto协定》生效之日起推迟5年实施本协定的规定。

    The least-developed country members may delay application of the provisions of this Agreement for a period of five years following the date of entry into force of the WTO agreement with respect to their sanitary or phytosanitary measures affecting importation or imported products .

  10. 因此,除非获得外部帮助,否则亚太地区最不发达国家可能无法实现联合国的2015年千年发展目标(MDG)。

    As a result the region 's least developed countries are likely to miss the United Nations ' millennium development goals for 2015 unless they get external help .

  11. Dube指出:“IPCC并不具体解决来自发展中国家的研究,更不要说来自最不发达国家的研究,”这些国家常常没有同行评议的研究。

    " The IPCC does not specifically address research from developing countries , much less least-developed countries " from where peer-reviewed research is often not available , Dube pointed out .

  12. 基础四国尚未决定它们将为最不发达国家提供多少资助,尽管Minc估计总数将超过富国承诺的100亿美元。

    The BASIC group is yet to decide how much it will give LDCs , though Minc estimated the total would exceed the US $ 10 billion pledged by rich countries .

  13. 最不发达国家、内陆和岛屿发展中国家司;

    Division for least developed , Land-locked and island developing countries ;

  14. 最不发达国家发展问题东京论坛

    Tokyo Forum on the development problems of the least developed countries

  15. 最不发达国家成员不需作出削减承诺。

    Least-developed country Members shall not be required to undertake reduction commitments .

  16. 第二,减免最不发达国家债务负担。

    Second , reduce and cancel debts of the least developed countries .

  17. 然而,最不发达国家则没有能力进行同样的工作。

    But the least developed countries cannot afford to do the same .

  18. 最不发达国家妇女参与发展问题专家组会议;

    Expert group meeting on women in development in the least developed countries ;

  19. 支援最不发达国家的八十年代新的实质性行动纲

    Special New Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries in the 1980s

  20. 向最不发达国家提供援助协调员;

    Coordinator of assistance to the least developed countries ;

  21. 对另外23个最不发达国家的较不详细的研究也显示了类似的模式。

    Less detailed studies of23 other least developed countries followed a similar pattern .

  22. 最不发达国家、发展中内陆国家和发展中岛屿国家特别方案

    Special Programme for the Least Developed , Developing Land-locked , and Developing Countries

  23. 最后一点特别反映了最小和最不发达国家的情况。

    The last point applies particularly to the smallest and least developed countries .

  24. 在做到这一点的11个新国家中,有3个属于最不发达国家类别。

    Three of the11 new countries achieving this are categorized as least developed .

  25. 最不发达国家部长宣言

    Declaration by the Ministers of the Least Developed Countries

  26. 关于有利于最不发达国家措施的决定

    Decision on measures in favour of least-developed countries

  27. 但是,这可能是最不发达国家的连锁百货店的担忧。

    But that may be the least of the department store chain 's worries .

  28. 第16条最不发达国家和粮食净进口发展中国家

    Article 16 Least-Developed and Net Food-Importing Developing Countries

  29. 第24条涉及最不发达国家成员的特殊程序

    Article 24 Special Procedures Involving Least-Developed Country Members

  30. 某些清洁发展机制决策对最不发达国家具有较大的负面影响。

    Some CDM decisions have had a disproportionate negative impact on Least Developed Countries .