
  • 网络era theme
  1. 从《根本利益》可看出当代报告文学在挖掘时代主题和探索批判与歌颂方面与时俱进的发展线索。

    From Fundamental Interests we can see the developing clues of the contemporary reportage in tapping era theme and researching criticism and extolment and growth with each passing time .

  2. 五四时期的知识精英们面对鲜明的时代主题给出自己明晰的回应,做出了特殊而宝贵的思想贡献。

    The knowledge elites of the period of the May Fourth Movement provided their own distinct response in the face of the distinct era theme and had made special and valuable thought contribution .

  3. 我们坚信,和平与发展的时代主题没有改变,世界多极化和经济全球化的时代潮流也不可能逆转。

    We remain convinced that the theme of our times , peace and development , has not changed , and that the trend toward multipolarity and economic globalization cannot be turned around .

  4. 时代主题:公平、效率与和谐社会

    Theme on the Times : Equity , Efficiency and Harmonious Society

  5. 数字电视时代主题频道的发展

    The Development of Topic Channels in the Digital TV Times

  6. 这已成为时下中国的一个重大时代主题。

    It has become a major theme of the times .

  7. 笔者认为,在和平与发展被视为时代主题和世界经济一体化的时代背景下,“结合”应上升为哲学范畴。

    I think " integration " should rise to a philosophy category .

  8. 对当今时代主题的认识

    The Cognition of the Theme of the Today 's Times

  9. 作为时代主题的技术哲学

    The philosophy of technology as main theme of our era

  10. 和平与发展时代主题更为明显,然而世界各地地区战争不断。

    However , regional wars around the world are incessant .

  11. 关于当今时代主题的若干认识问题

    Several Cognitive Issues on the Contemporary Themes of the Time

  12. 新形势下对时代主题论的再认识

    The Reconsideration of Age Theme Under the New Situation

  13. 论20世纪时代主题的变化及其重大意义

    On the Change of the 20th Century 's Times Theme and its Significance

  14. 中国近代史、现代史、当代史,有一个一以贯之的时代主题,这就是中国现代化,这是一个跨世纪的大课题。

    The modernization of China has been a great theme of many centuries .

  15. 论体验旅游时代主题公园的营销策略&以云南民族村为例

    On the Marketing Strategy for Theme Park in the Age of Experience Tourism

  16. 时代主题转换与中国特色社会主义的发展

    The Change of Time Subject and the Rise of the Socialism with Chinese Feature

  17. 50年代至60年代初是当代中国儿童小说的第一个繁荣期,其主要特点是表现集体主义的时代主题。

    1950s to 1960s is a prosperous stage when its theme is about collectivism .

  18. 样品支撑初探走可持续发展之路已经成为整个世界的时代主题。

    It has been the subject of the whole world to hold sustainable development .

  19. 时代主题再解读

    A Reinterpretation of the Theme of the Times

  20. 计算机编目中时代主题字段的设置

    Set of Time Subject Field in Computer Cataloging

  21. 关于时代主题的再思考

    More on the Theme of the Times

  22. 近代以来,启蒙和救亡一直是两大时代主题。

    Since the modern times , enlightenment and salvation have been two key literary themes .

  23. 现代性视阈下的风险生存是一个深刻的时代主题。

    Risk Survival in the horizon of modernity is a profound theme in our time .

  24. 和平与发展这个时代主题问题再次成为人们关注的焦点。

    The peace and development have become age theme which people again pay more attention to .

  25. 车辆的高速化、重载化已成为铁路运输发展的时代主题。

    High-speed and heavy haul have become the time theme of the development of rail transport .

  26. 维护和实现农民经济利益是农村改革的时代主题

    Safeguarding and Realizing the Peasants ' Economic Interests Is the Epochal Theme of the Rural Reform

  27. 发展是人类社会永恒的法则,是当今世界的时代主题。

    Development is the perpetual rule of human society and the modern theme of today world .

  28. 这一部分首先对时代主题的内涵、结构以及在当今时期的新发展作了比较深入的研究。

    The part researches into the connotation , structure and new development of times theme at present .

  29. 在救国图强的时代主题上,又附加上了转型时期特有的社会力量整合、思想道德重塑等色彩。

    The times topic of national salvation had added integration of social power and reconstruction of moral .

  30. 好莱坞顺应时代主题而拍摄出了一大批反恐影视剧作。

    Conforming to this theme , a large number of anti-terrorism films have been made in Hollywood .