
  • 网络Time Paradox;Temporal paradox;time-antinomy
  1. 匆忙与耽溺&现代性阅读时间悖论

    Fast Reading and Its Indulgence : A Paradox in Modern Reading-time

  2. 康德的时间悖论二百年来一直是个难解之谜。

    Kant 's Paradox of Time has been a difficult puzzle over 200 years .

  3. 康德时间悖论的终结

    The End of Kant 's Paradox of Time

  4. 现代性分裂为对立而互补的工作心态与娱乐心态,与之对应的现代性阅读时间悖论代表着现代文化在厌倦与骛奇之间的恶性循环,并成为现代意义危机的症候。

    Modernity has been split into two contradictory but complementary moods : the working and the entertaining , correspondent with which is the paradox of modern reading-time that makes modern culture fall into the meaningless cycle of struggles between boredom and curiosity , symptomatic of the modern crisis of meaning .

  5. 日常交通出行时间管理悖论

    Paradoxical management of daily travel time budgets

  6. 大众文化的审美时间体验及其价值悖论

    The Aesthetic Time Experience and Value Paradox of Mass Culture

  7. 对时间线形的僵化理解,是造成时间悖论的根源。

    Rigid understanding of time linearity is the root of paradox of time .