
  • 网络Jet Lag;jet-lag;jetlag
  1. 然而,12小时的飞行最终成为一种负担;由于时差反应,导致她在多数日子里早上4点就醒了。

    Eventually , however , the 12-hour flights took a toll ; jet lag had her awake at 4 am most days .

  2. 虽然我不是佛教徒,但来中国之后,我感到自己仿佛又变成了一个彻头彻尾的婴儿&抵达中国后,因为时差反应,我一心只想睡觉;

    Well , I 'm not a Buddhist , but when I came to China , I felt like I was a baby all over again . I arrived , and all I wanted to do was sleep because of jet lag .

  3. 我还有点时差反应。

    I 'm still a little jet-lagged .

  4. 3.jetlag飞机时差反应经过跨越时区的飞行后,人们常常会有时差反应。

    After flying across time zones people often suffer from jet lag .

  5. 他是麦基尔大学(McGillUniversity)的博士研究生。他去希腊旅行出现时差反应后开发了这种算法。

    candidate at McGill University , who developed the algorithm after experiencing jet lag on a trip to Greece .

  6. 军队急救医学专家伊恩·韦德莫尔上校(IanWedmore)说,缓解时差反应的建议包括调整睡眠安排,短期服用帮助入睡或保持清醒的药物,服用褪黑素,以及控制光照时间等。

    Recommendations to beat jet lag include adjusting sleep schedules , short-term use of medications to sleep or stay awake , melatonin supplements and light exposure timing , among others , said Col. Ian Wedmore , an emergency medicine specialist for the Army .

  7. JetLagRooster.com是一个帮助旅行者减轻时差反应的免费应用程序和网站,它的创始人杰伊·奥尔森(JayOlson)说,一些旅行者因此求助于一些无效的时差反应疗法,比如“光照膝盖后部,香薰疗法和穴位按压疗法”。

    That has led some travelers to resort to ineffective jet lag fixes like " shining a light behind the knee , aromatherapy and pressure point therapy , " said Jay Olson , founder of JetLagRooster.com , a free app and website that helps travelers minimize jet lag .

  8. 米德斯博士建议通过小憩来克服时差反应。

    Dr Meadows recommends the power nap to combat jet lag .

  9. 时差反应对运动能力的影响及消除方法

    Influence of Time Difference Reaction on Sporting Competence and Its Removal

  10. 这是时差反应和旅行疲惫的结果。

    C. This is the result of jet lag and travel fatigue .

  11. 这次飞行时差反应真厉害。

    The jet lag 's really hit me this time .

  12. 后来,他把他的不理想的判断归咎于时差反应的不良影响。

    He later blamed his poor judgment on Jet Lag .

  13. 熟悉感能帮助缓解压力,也许能最大程度地减轻时差反应。

    Familiarity will help cut stress , and perhaps minimize jet lag .

  14. 我每次从日本旅行到美国时,都有时差反应。

    I get jet lag whenever I travel to Japan from the US .

  15. 不过,飞过的时区越多,时差反应越严重。

    But the more time zones crossed , the tougher the jet lag .

  16. 他或许只是有点时差反应吧。

    He 's probably just a little jet-lagged .

  17. 商务词汇:时差反应乘飞机长时间旅行后,你有可能会有时差反应。

    After a long journey between places by air you may suffer from jet lag .

  18. 每次我坐飞机去美国,总深受时差反应之苦。

    Every time I fly to the states , I get really bad jet lag .

  19. 周一晚上不好,他会有时差反应的。

    Monday evening is not a good time for the meeting , He 'll be jet lagged .

  20. 她乘坐从墨尔本启程的航班在清晨即已抵达,然后一整天都深受时差反应之苦。

    Her flight from Melbourne arrived early in the morning and she sugffered from severe jet lag all day .

  21. 短暂不吃东西也发现可以帮助一种不太严重的情况:时差反应。

    Forgoing food for a short time also was found to help a less serious condition : jet lag .

  22. 而从一开始就睡上一、两个好觉,对于减轻时差反应至关重要。

    Getting started with a good night or two 's sleep makes a big difference in keeping jet-lag at bay .

  23. 为适应国际比赛的日益增多,时差反应适应一直是体育科研人员关注的问题。

    To keep pace with the increase , time difference has been ( always ) payed more attention by sports scholars .

  24. 通常一个人可以在三到四天的时间里克服时差反应,然而,现实情况却需要你更快地恢复。

    While a person usually recovers from jet lag after 3 or 4 days , it is often necessary to recover faster .

  25. 白宫工作人员个个精神焕发,而在这种情况下,当地人却受时差反应之苦。

    The White House working personnel were as fresh as paint , while the locals , in this case , were jet-lagged .

  26. 可知,乘飞机旅行时最常遇到的身体方面的问题是“时差反应、高原反应和腹泻”。只有。

    Three of the most common health problems that you may experience when traveling are jet lag , altitude sickness , and diarrhea .

  27. 这次飞行时差反应真厉害。我洗了个澡又提前睡下,免除飞行时差的反应。

    The jet lag 's really hit me this time . I staved off jet lag with a bath and an early night .

  28. 因此,了解时差反应对于指导教练员和运动员时差反应适应的训练措施和比赛安排有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is important for coaches and athletes to know time difference , which can be used to arrange their training or competition scientifically .

  29. 时差反应是生物钟和实际环境时间之间的差别带来的紊乱,是旅行中最令人痛苦的负面影响之一。

    Jet lag , a confusion between the internal body clock and the external environmental time , is often one of the most unpleasant parts of travel .

  30. 飞越一个或多个时区会造成时差反应,白天难以保持清醒,夜间难以入睡。

    Flying across one or more time zones can cause jet lag , making it difficult to stay awake during the day and fall asleep at night .