
  • 网络Temporal resolution;time resolution;time-resolution
  1. 时间分辨率为188ms的16多层探测器螺旋CT非侵入性冠状动脉成像的诊断精确性研究

    Diagnostic accuracy of noninvasive coronary imaging using 16-detector slice spiral computed tomography with 188 ms temporal resolution

  2. PS技术具有高精度、高时间分辨率、能极大提高影像利用率的优点;

    PS technique has more accuracy , higher temporal resolution and utilization efficiency compared with traditional DInSAR .

  3. 将滑动相关的时间分辨率与传统相关MUSIC方法的计算复杂度进行了对比。

    Comparison of time resolution and complexity between sliding correlation method and conventional correlation MUSIC method was conducted .

  4. PET时间分辨率和能量分辨率互换性探讨

    Tradeoff of timing resolution and energy resolution for PET

  5. 利用GPS同步的高时间分辨率闪电电场变化仪,2002年夏季对青藏高原东北部地区的闪电特征进行了多点同步观测,得到了0.4μs时间分辨率的慢天线电场变化仪资料。

    In the summer of 2002 , a comprehensive observation on natural lightning discharges was conducted in the northeastern verge of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau .

  6. 事件相关fMRI技术具有较高的时间分辨率和空间分辨率。

    Event-related fMRI technique has higher temporary and spatial resolutions .

  7. 融合EEG和MRI是同时获得高时间分辨率和高空间分辨率的脑功能成像的有效方法.在融合中必需解决电极与MRI图像的配准。

    Registration of EEG to MRI is an effective way to obtain both high spatial and high temporal resolutions in functional brain imaging .

  8. 利用液晶调制器和CCD探头组成的荧光相位成像系统,实现了不同荧光寿命物体的荧光成像,时间分辨率达到了亚毫秒量级。

    Employing a liquid crystal modulator and CCD camera , a phase sensitive images system has been investigated experimentally for various fluorescence lifetimes .

  9. BaF2正电子寿命谱仪时间分辨率的改进

    Improvement of time resolution for a BaF_2 positron annihilation lifetime spectrometer

  10. 测不准原理表明:ΔT·Δf≥1/4π,即在一次谱分析中,时间分辨率和频率分辨率不能同时达到高分辨率!

    Uncertainty Principle points out that , which means that high time resolution and high frequency resolution can not be obtained both at the same time in spectrum analysis .

  11. 本文描述了一台无调场直接检波式0.2微秒高时间分辨率的ESR谱仪的设计与研制。

    A 0.2 μ s time resolution ESR spectrometer with direct detection and with-out magnetic field modulation is described in this paper .

  12. 基于高速的PCI数据采集卡,设计了面向PET的高时间分辨率和高能量分辨率的实时数据采集系统。

    Based on the high speed PCI technique , we design the real-time data acquisition system for high timing resolution and high energy resolution in a PET application .

  13. 基于Morlet小波和Harmonic小波变换研究时变相干分析的特点和差异,对这两类小波变换进行着重介绍,讨论有关参数对频率和时间分辨率的影响。

    The time-varying coherence based on Morlet wavelet and Harmonic wavelet transform is mainly introduced for the time and frequency resolution in different parameters .

  14. 但由于它时间分辨率高、价格低廉,可成为草地动态监测和估产的最佳RS数据源。

    However , it can be used for carrying out dynamic monitoring and biomass estimating in rangeland resources because of its high time resolution ratio and lower price .

  15. 在本研究中,我们利用高时间分辨率的ERP技术在视觉搜索任务中对外源易化和IOR的关系进行了研究。

    Here , we investigate the different effects of exogenous facilitation and IOR in visual search tasks by recording ERPs with high temporal resolution .

  16. 然后详细地叙述了目前在日冕紫外线观测上时间分辨率、空间分辨率都达到最好的空间望远镜&TRACE(TransitionRegionandCoronalExplorer)的情况以及观测资料的处理方法。

    Then , the EUV telescope with the highest spatial and temporal resolution nowadays , TRACE ( Transition Region And Coronal Explorer ), and the methods in processing TRACE data were described in detail .

  17. 双源CT具有双球管和双组探测器,其单扇区重建时间分辨率可达83ms,可在不控制心率的情况下获得高质量的冠状动脉血管图像。

    The dual source computed tomography is equipped with two X-ray tubes and two corresponding detectors . With its 83 ms-temporal resolution of single segment reconstruction , high quality coronary artery CT angiography can be acquired without heart rate control .

  18. fMRI以其无创性、较高的空间、时间分辨率和良好的可重复性等优势,已成为目前进行脑科学研究的重要技术手段。

    FMRI has become an important technical means for brain connectivity research because of its non-invasive , high spatial and temporal resolution and good repeatedly .

  19. MEG空间分辨率、时间分辨率高,有助于区分致灶和镜灶。

    MEG is better in localization , with a higher time and space resolution , and may help to identify epileptogenic zone and mirror foci .

  20. MODIS遥感数据以其高空间分辨率、高时间分辨率和高光谱等显著优点,在洪水动态监测中具有广阔的前景。

    With high spatial resolution , high temporal resolution , high spectral and other significant advantages , MODIS data has broad prospects in dynamic flood monitoring .

  21. 短时傅立叶变换由于受Heisenberg测不准原理限制,时间分辨率和频率分辨率不可能同时达到最佳。

    Limited by the theory of Heisenberg , short-time FFT can 't get optimal time resolution and frequency resolution at the same time .

  22. 由于近年来随着光电成像技术的迅猛发展,CCD彩色相机能够在空间和时间分辨率上同时获得更多的图像数据,从而更好地对目标进行识别。

    Optical imaging in recent years with the rapid development of technology , CCD color camera in the spatial and temporal resolution at the same time obtain more image data to better identify the target .

  23. 该方法克服了SFT(短时Fourier变换)分析对高、低频段具有相同的时间分辨率和频率分辨率的缺点,弥补了小波变换只能粗糙地模拟基底膜带通滤波器特性的不足。

    The time frequency analysis remedies the defect that short Fourier translation ( SFT ) has the same time resolution and frequency resolution to different frequency ranges .

  24. 小波变换可以在高频提供高的频率分辨,在低频提供高的时间分辨率,而ARMA模型则可以改善LPC模型中没有零点的不足。

    Wavelet transform provides a high frequency resolution , and the ARMA model is more powerful due to its including of the zeros pole in the model .

  25. 文章指出由于EEG良好的时间分辨率等特性,深入研究EEG对于了解认知和思维过程、揭示大脑工作机理具有重要意义。

    The paper states that it is significative to study EEG deeply for understanding the process of cognitive and thinking , unveiling the mechanism of brain activity because EEG has good characteristics such as time resolution .

  26. 由于不同的情绪刺激各自在脑内存在着不同的发生源,因此采用具有毫秒级时间分辨率的ERP技术可以更好地揭示情绪词识别的实时知觉与认知过程。

    Due to the different emotional stimuli have different brain sources , so using a millisecond timescale time of ERP technology can better reveal the emotional identification of the word , the perception and cognitive process in real time .

  27. 由于PET和fMRI的时间分辨率较低,无法精确阐明大脑动态加工的时间进程,所以,已有研究多侧重其子成分的脑功能定位。

    PET and fMRI because of the lower temporal resolution could not be accurately stated the processing time of dynamic brain processes , so , many studies have focused on its sub-components of brain function .

  28. 使用像管摄谱仪和Reticon探测器获得了食双星AAUMa的高色散和高时间分辨率的光谱,并用交叉相关函数法测得其视向速度。

    High dispersion and time resolution spectra have been obtained for the eclipsing binary AA UMa by means of an intensified Reticon .

  29. GPS-InSAR合成方法是将GPS高时间分辨率和InSAR高空间分辨率进行有效的统一,使两种技术达到互补,从而发挥各自的优势。

    Integration of GPS and InSAR is to carry out unification of GPS high temporal resolution characteristic and InSAR high spatial resolution characteristic , to complement each other .

  30. 鉴于MODIS数据具有大覆盖面积、高时间分辨率、较高光谱分辨率并可以免费获取等优点,以江西省为研究区,选取MODIS数据监测水稻长势动态。

    Considering MODIS data has the advantage of big coverage 、 high time resolution 、 higher spectral resolution 、 free access , etc , we select MODIS data to monitor crop growth .