
  • 网络spacetime curvature;xyzt
  1. 我们得有非常大的质量或者很高的质量密度,才能产生很大的时空曲率。

    It takes a very large mass or a great concentration of mass to produce much spacetime curvature .

  2. 时空曲率使地球得以保持在绕日轨道中,也驱使遥远的星系彼此更加分离。

    The curvature of spacetime keeps the earth in its orbit around the sun and drives distant galaxies ever farther apart .

  3. 但时空曲率确实造成的现象,我们可以观察到,与最好的望远镜,在地球上,自然与夏普有远见的哈勃望远镜。

    But the curvature of space does create phenomena that we can observe with the best telescopes on Earth , and naturally with the sharp-sighted Hubble .

  4. 但是如果时空的曲率很大,重力的量子效应就不可忽视。

    When the curvature of spacetime is very large , however , the quantum aspects of gravity become significant .

  5. 弦论学家预期,当我们把宇宙的历史倒带,就会看到时空的曲率开始增加。

    String theorists expect that when one plays the history of the universe backward in time , the curvature of spacetime starts to increase .

  6. 当物质在太空中加速运行时,它会改变时空结构的曲率。

    When matter accelerates through space , it changes the curvature of spacetime .

  7. 当时空结构的曲率发生变化的时候就会产生引力波。

    Gravitational waves are produced when there is a change in the curvature of spacetime .

  8. 广义相对论将重力归因于时空连续体的曲率,而这与量子理论的框架格格不入。

    Gravity , which general relativity attributes to the curvature of the spacetime continuum , stubbornly resists being incorporated into a quantum framework .