
  • 网络Time Dilation;time expansion;time.dll
  1. 推导了计算公式,计算了BD-2导航卫星的狭义相对论效应引起的时间膨胀量及广义相对论重力势引起的频率变化量。

    The frequency shifts caused by the time dilation of special relativity and the gravitational frequency shifts of general relativity for BD-2 are calculated based on these formulae .

  2. 靠近活动视界,时间膨胀快速地增加。

    Near the event horizon , the time dilation increases rapidly .

  3. 如何悄悄关掉时间膨胀场。

    How to secretly shut off the time dilation field .

  4. 什么是时间膨胀区?

    What 's a time dilation field ?

  5. 时间膨胀的动力学探讨

    Mainly discusses the architecture and principle of the . Interpretation of Time Dilation from Dynamics

  6. 同时性的相对性与时间膨胀及长度收缩

    Discussion on the relation between relativity of simultaneity and both of time dilation and length contraction

  7. 时间膨胀在两方面都起作用。

    Time dilation works both ways .

  8. “我被困在一个时间膨胀场的宇宙飞船里”

    " I am trapped on a spaceship that 's stuck in a time dilation field . "

  9. 根据洛仑兹变换从不同角度推出时间膨胀及长度收缩的公式。

    According to Lorentz transformation , we deduce the formulas of time expansion and length contraction by different ways .

  10. 利用时间膨胀给出托玛斯角速度;最后计算轨道自旋相互作用能。

    Using transformation of velocities and time dilation , Thomas precession is derived and applied to deduce the spin-orbit interaction energy .

  11. 通过裂隙两侧土体随时间膨胀过程的计算,可刻画出裂隙逐渐愈合的过程。

    By calculation of the swelling process of soil at both sides of fissures , the closing process of fissures is reflected .

  12. 重点研究了宽带信号多普勒时间膨胀测流方法,它是利用宽带脉冲信号的多普勒时间膨胀来测量海流速度的。

    It is to measure ocean current velocity by utilizing Doppler effect of broadband signal , that is , " Doppler time dilation " .

  13. 通过计算静止时钟和运动时钟的时率,探讨了把时间膨胀解释为一种动力因果效应的可能性。

    The possibility of explaining time dilation as a dynamic cause-and-effect phenomenon is explored by calculating the rates of clocks in a stationary and in a moving reference frame .

  14. 讨论了弹性波多普勒效应的叠加性质,并指出相对论的时间膨胀和长度收缩对弹性波多普勒效应的影响。

    The superposition property of elastic wave ′ s Doppler effect and the influence of relativistic time dilation and length contraction on elastic wave ′ s Doppler effect are also discussed .

  15. 依据狭义相对论的时间膨胀效应和速度变换公式,从单一惯性系出发,对相对论中的孪生子佯谬问题作出计算与讨论,结果证明了狭义相对论的理论是自洽的;

    Based on the time dilation effect formula and speed conversion formula of special relativity and viewed from singular inertial system , the " twin paradox " issue of relativity is calculated and discussed compactly .

  16. 总结了引力频移、时间膨胀、偏心率效应等其它几种相对论效应对时间传递的影响。7.分析比较了几种时间预报模型的钟差预报效果。

    The influences of the other relative effects on time transfer , such as the gravitational frequency shift , time dilation , eccentricity effect , and so on , are also analyzed and summarized . 7 .

  17. 本文正是以同时性为范例,对长度收缩和时间膨胀这两个效应的物理实质加以说明,进一步明确时间、空间和运动三者的相互关系和影响。

    Taking the theory of simultaneity as an example , this paper discusses the physical essence of ' length contraction ' and ' time expansion ' effects and further clarifies the relationship and influence amongst time , space and movement .

  18. 说明了前者与狭义相对论中通常所说的时间膨胀之间的区别与联系,给出了运动时钟和静止时钟的时间间隔之间的关系。

    The difference and relation between the former and " time inflation " ( a conclusion generally mentioned in special relativity ) is made clear , the formula about two time intervals measured by a moving clock and a stationary clock is presented .

  19. 在适宜的预硫化催化剂固定床钝化工艺条件的基础上,进行了膨胀床预硫化钝化工艺条件的研究,考察了温度、O2浓度、钝化时间及膨胀率等因素对钝化催化剂的影响。

    The effects of the factors including temperature , O_2 concentration , passivation time and expansion rate ect , on catalyst passivation .

  20. 尤其是对VF防裂剂的膨胀时间和膨胀量人为可控的特点及由其制作的补偿收缩混凝土在实际工程中应用的效果作了详细的论述,结果表明均取得了理想的防裂效果。

    Furthermore , the character that expansion rate and expansion time in VF concrete anti-crack additive can be controlled artificially and the effects in engineering application have been explained .

  21. 或者,也许一天只有8.64万秒,在这种情况下,由于引力时间的膨胀,太阳上的一天比地球上的一天稍微长一些。[qh]

    Or maybe a day is simply eighty six thousand and four hundred seconds , in which case a day on the sun is slightly longer than a day on the earth due to gravitational time dilation . [ qh ]

  22. 虽然同时带来材料热膨胀系数的升高,但总体来说,烧结温度和时间对热膨胀性能的影响不大,材料的热膨胀系数主要取决于Si相相对含量。

    However , coefficient of thermal expansion is mainly up to Si content .

  23. 在减小松弛时间和挤出膨胀方面,自制均匀剂的作用效果优于40MS(F)。

    In the aspects of decrease of relaxation time and extrusion swelling , the homogenizing agent HA is better than 40MS ( F ) .

  24. 测试了HX-I型耐火代型材料的凝固时间、凝固膨胀率及与3种印模材料的相容性。

    The setting time , the setting expansion ratio and the compatibility with impression materials of the HX I refractory die material were determined .

  25. 方法:以HDS为对照,测试CDS与氧化铝的热膨胀匹配性,并测试HDS和CDS的凝固时间及凝固膨胀率。

    The setting time and setting expansion rate of CDS were measured with routine technique . Results : CDS showed much smaller thermal expansion with Al 2O 3 base coping than HDS .

  26. 结果表明:采用电子膨胀阀的除霜时间比热力膨胀阀的短12s,即减少11%。

    The result shows that the defrosting period of machine with electronic expansion valve is 12 seconds or 11 % shorter than that with thermal expansion electronic valve , so suggests integrating both two methods by using the electronic expansion valve and defrosting by reversing four-way valve with compressor off .

  27. 其次,论述了破产财产划分的二维标准,关于破产财产时间标准的膨胀主义和固定主义;

    Secondly , it is stated the two-dimension standard dividing the bankruptcy property ;

  28. 含时间效应的膨胀岩膨胀本构关系

    Study on time-dependent swelling constitute relation of swelling rock

  29. 单宁胶刨花板含水率及浸水时间对吸水厚度膨胀率的影响

    Influence of Moisture Content and Water Soaking Time of Tannin Resin Bonded Particleboard on Thickness Swelling

  30. 物体在一种引力场经历的时间减慢,叫做时间膨胀。

    Objects in a gravitational field experience a slowing down of time , called time dilation .