
sù lǜ fānɡ chénɡ
  • rate equation
  1. 一个基于平均N面体模型的晶粒长大速率方程

    A grain growth rate equation based on average N-HEDRA model

  2. 用速率方程理论研究低压测量对激光诱导荧光法探测OH自由基的影响

    The Study of Low Pressure Influence in LIF Hydroxyl Radical Measurement with Rate Equation Theory

  3. 测定了E3和聚合速率方程。

    The rate equations for MMA polymerization in toluene solution were also determined .

  4. 染料调Q激光速率方程的数值解

    The numerical value solutions of dye Q-switch laser rate equations

  5. 由于等离子体中的原子过程是非平衡的,为了计算X光的发射,需要求解束缚电子占据概率速率方程组(Pn方程组)。

    Because the atomic process in plasma is non-equilibrium , we need solve thenon-equilibrium P_n equations for getting the X-ray radiation emission .

  6. 调Q激光器速率方程的普适表达式

    General Expression for the Rate Equation Describing Both Actively Q-switched Lasers and Passively Q-switched Lasers

  7. 讨论被动调Q速率方程的解析解,结合三波耦合方程讨论影响和频转换效率的因素。

    Combine with the three-wave coupled equations to discuss the impact of frequency conversion efficiency .

  8. CS2多光子电离过程的速率方程近似分析

    The Rate Equation Approximation Analysis of CS_2 Multiphoton Ionization Process

  9. 推导了SOA中最基本的光场传输方程和载流子速率方程,讨论了SOA中的各种非线性效应。

    The propagation equation for the optical field and the rate equation for the carrier density in SOA are derived .

  10. 用数值求解速率方程的方法对被动调Q微晶片激光器进行了优化设计,并在实验中验证了这一优化效果。

    Through the numerical method to resolve the rate equation , an optimization of Q-switched microchip lasers is demonstrated .

  11. 建立了连续运转和调Q运转下Ho激光器速率方程。

    The rate equation of Ho laser in continuous-wave operation and Q-switched operation was put forward .

  12. 该速率方程能很好的描述主动调Q内腔式拉曼激光器的输出特性。

    These rate equations can describe the performance of the intracavity actively Q-switched Raman lasers with good accuracy . 2 .

  13. 用Rose混合速率方程对试验数据进行处理和综合分析,找出了混合速率常数与分离速率常数。

    The test data was treated and analyzed by Rose mixing rate equation , the mixing and separating rate constants were found .

  14. 根据试验数据进行计算,得到了H2O(g)在Cu-ZnO-Al2O3型低温变换催化剂上的脱附动力学参数,建立了脱附速率方程。

    Calculation based on experimental data gave desorption kinetics parameters for H_2O ( g ) on Cu-ZnO-Al_2O_3 catalyst for low-temperature shift reaction .

  15. 受激Raman散射(SRS)的研究&Ⅰ.散射过程的速率方程

    Study of stimulated Raman scattering ( srs ) & ⅰ . speed equation for scattering process

  16. 具体内容为:介绍了一种新的主动调Q内腔式拉曼激光器的速率方程。

    The main contents of this dissertation are as follows : New rate equations are introduced to describe the actively Q-switched intracavity Raman laser .

  17. 研究Cr~(4+):YAG晶体作为被动调Q元件时的一些基本特性;并给出当考虑腔内光强的高斯分布时连续波被动调Q的速率方程;

    The fundamental properties of Cr4 + : YAG is researched , and rate equation is given when the Gauss 's distribution is considered .

  18. 建立采用半导体薄膜对双波长激光被动调Q的速率方程组,数值求解得到双波长激光脉冲时间宽度和延迟时间。

    The pulse duration and delay time of Q-switched pulse was numerically calculated from the rate equations of the semiconductor film passive Q-switched . 3 .

  19. 基于六温度模型速率方程理论,建立了系统计算光栅调谐TEACO2激光器动力学特性的理论模型。

    Based on the theory of six-temperature model rate equation a theoretical model on calculating the kinetic characteristics of a grating-tuned TEA CO 2 laser is given .

  20. SnO2/CeO2表面反应速率方程和分子反应几率

    Surface Reaction Rate Equation and Molecule Reaction Probability of SnO_2 / CeO_2

  21. 考虑激光下能级弛豫过程的调QNd∶YAG速率方程理论分析

    Theory of Q-switched Nd ∶ YAG Rate Equation Including Lower Level Relaxation

  22. 基于速率方程对VCSEL的横模进行了数值模拟,并与解析结果进行了对比分析。

    The characteristics of RIN in VCSELs are investigated using analytical calculation and numerical simulation .

  23. 在第二章简要地概述了端面抽运固体激光器的速率方程理论、腔设计理论、抽运设计理论、二次谐波理论和调Q理论。

    In the chapter 2 , rate equation theory , oscillator cavity designing theory , pumping designing theory , the second harmonic generation theory and Q switching theory are generalized .

  24. 分别推导出了平面波近似下和考虑空间分布情况下的被动调Q腔内倍频拉曼激光器的速率方程,并进行了归一化处理。

    The rate equations of passively Q-switched intracavity frequency-doubled Raman lasers were deduced for the plane-wave approximation and approximation considering spatial distribution of pump beam and intracavity light , respectively .

  25. 建立了包含磷酸盐钕玻璃激光增益介质,Cr4+∶YAG被动调Q晶体和谐振腔参数的速率方程组,计算得到调Q脉冲波形。

    The rate equations including Nd ∶ phosphate glass medium gain , Cr 4 + ∶ YAG passive Q-switch slow saturation absorber and parameter of resonator have been built up .

  26. 通过对含Langevin项噪声源的多模速率方程的分析,利用状态空间法得到光强噪声及其自相关函数的分析解;

    Analytical solution to rate equation with Langevin noise is described by a state-space method .

  27. 较为系统地论述了半导体光放大器的基本结构和工作原理,在此基础上导出了基于腔内电磁场随机光场展开的SOA行波方程和载流子速率方程。

    A systematic exposition of the semiconductor optical amplifier basic structure and working principle , the random electromagnetic field traveling wave and SOA equation and carrier rate equation is derived . 3 .

  28. 在两种不同调制(增益和损耗调制)情况下,对半导体激光器(LD)速率方程组的扰动近似处理有效性进行了分析。

    Studies have been made on the validity of perturbation approximation when analyzing the rate equations of semiconductor lasers respectively subject to small gain and loss modulations .

  29. 根据光学参量产生的耦合波方程以及声光Q开关运转的四能级系统速率方程,分析内腔OPG过程的动态特性以及输入输出特性。

    The dynamic characters and output characters of intra-cavity OPG were analyzed theoretically , according to the three-wave coupled equations and acousto-optic Q-switched four-level rate equation .

  30. 基于Tm,Ho:YLF激光器的自饱和吸收光学双稳形成机制,建立了Tm,Ho:YLF激光器的耦合能级双稳速率方程模型。

    Based on the self-saturable absorption bistability mechanism , the coupled energy level rate equation model for the optical bistability in Tm , Ho : YLF laser is established .