
  • 网络A Matter of Time
  1. 找到他只是个时间问题,对不对?

    It 's surely only a matter of time before he is found , isn 't it ?

  2. 他们推出自己的软件只是个时间问题。

    It 's only a matter of time before they bring out their own version of the software .

  3. 这家企业的倒闭只是时间问题。

    It 's merely a question of time before the business collapses .

  4. 我们最终就工作时间问题取得了一致意见。

    We finally came to an understanding about what hours we would work .

  5. 他完成这件事只是时间问题。

    It would be only a matter of time before he went through with it .

  6. 医生们确信他会完全康复。这只是个时间问题。

    The doctors are confident he 'll make a full recovery . It 's just a question of time .

  7. 如果人们坚决抵制这项税收,它的废止就仅仅是个时间问题。

    If people stand firm against the tax , it is only a matter of time before it has to go .

  8. 这仅仅是时间问题。

    It is merely [ simply ] a matter of time .

  9. 无非是个时间问题。

    It was simply a question of time .

  10. 这仅只是个时间问题。

    It is merely a question of time .

  11. 与员工的谈判,在有关工作时间问题上陷入了僵局。

    The talks with the staff bogged down on the question of working hours .

  12. 尽管53%的人认为,未来男性将继续担任更多的高层管理职位,仍有44%的人表示,女性担任高层管理职位的人数与男性一样多只是时间问题。

    While 53 % believe men will continue to hold more top executive positions in business in the future , 44 % say it 's only a matter of time before as many women are in top executive positions as men .

  13. 他们必须考虑到出行时间问题——高峰时远距离路线可能会快点——然后选择最佳路线。

    They must take into account the time of day - in rush hour , a longer route may be quicker - and describe the best way .

  14. 为了在Windows操作系统下开发并运行实时应用软件,论文对Windows操作系统的内核、进程与线程以及任务调度机制进行深入研究,并研究在Windows下如何取得精确的时间问题。

    In order to develop and operate the real-time application software under Windows operating system , the dissertation further investigates Windows ' kernel , processes , threads , tasks scheduling mechanism , and how to make accurate time under Windows .

  15. 以及随着ZML的演化,如何减少Z语言XML文档的开发维护时间问题。

    The main problems are alignment between ZML notations and Z specification , and reduction of maintenance time of XML document about Z language when a ZML document is evolving .

  16. 1978年Lawler给出当任务间的优先约束关系为串并有向图时,加权总完工时间问题的算法。

    In 1978 , an algorithm for minimizing total weighted completion time with a series-parallel precedence was given by Lawler .

  17. 时间问题是哲学中的一个基本问题,中国哲学具有浓厚的时间意识。

    Time is a basic issue in philosophy , especially in Chinese philosophy .

  18. 没有什么可发愁的一只是时间问题而已。

    There was nothing to worry about-it was just a matter of time .

  19. 各向异性扩散的迭代停止时间问题研究

    A Research on Iteration Stopping Time of Anisotropic Diffusion

  20. 汽车行驶的时间问题

    A Problem of the Time of Running Car

  21. 宰了你的那些肥牛只是时间问题。

    It 's time to butcher that fat cow of yours for the meat .

  22. 本文讨论数据传输网络的测量时间问题。

    This paper gives a discussion on the measurement period of a data transmission network .

  23. 这里有一个时间问题。

    Here the time factor also counts .

  24. 环境艺术设计中的时间问题研究

    Research of Time in Environmental Design

  25. 近代抑或中世纪:英国法治形成的时间问题探析

    Modern Times or Middle Age : An Analysis about When the Rule of Law Became True in Britain

  26. 本文解决了中文字符串模糊匹配的两个主要问题:空间问题和时间问题。目前字符串模糊匹配的两个主要方法是位向量方法和过滤方法。

    For now there are two effective methods to improve approximate string matching : bit-vector method and filter method .

  27. 最后还研究了有限元离散化,以及各种述及时间问题的土壤问题的解。

    The finite element discretization and the time dependent solution of various classes of soil problem are also discussed .

  28. 对飞越北极,缩短航线,节省航行时间问题进行了研究。

    This model carries out a study on flying over North Pole , shortening the air route and saving flight time .

  29. 库克还告诉新浪,苹果今后的大部分销售将来自大中华区,这只是个时间问题。

    Mr. Cook also told Sina that it was only a matter of time until most of Apple 's sales come from greater China .

  30. 为了避免探测系统的死时间问题,采用有机玻璃刀口作为散射体来降低探测系统死时间。

    In order to avoid dead time problems in the detector system , the knife-edge made of polymethyl methacrylate is used as a scatterer .