
  • 网络Time scale;timescale;temporal scale
  1. 原子钟时间尺度与Kalman滤波器

    Application of Kalman Filter in Atomic Time Scale

  2. Lyapunov指数和可预报时间尺度及其应用

    Lyapunov index and time scale of predictability in phase space

  3. 基于双时间尺度QoS分层的拥塞控制算法

    A New Congestion Control Mechanism Based on Two-time-scale Algorithm with QoS Scaling

  4. 短时间尺度环境因子变化的误差较小,各环境因子变化带来的误差一般在5%以内,但光和CO2容易受外界因素的影响而使误差加大。

    But the errors caused by change of environment factors in short time is less than 5 % .

  5. 基于Wigner-Ville分布和Wavelet时间尺度的飞机非平稳抖杆背景声分析

    Nonstationary quiver spindle background sound analysis of airplane via Wigner-Ville and wavelet time-scale distribution

  6. 基于Morlet小波的ET0序列多时间尺度分析

    Multiple time scale analysis of ET_0 series based on Morlet wavelet

  7. 在Richard看来,讨论EA价值命题的关键问题之一是时间尺度。

    According to Richard one of the key questions of value proposition is timescale .

  8. 河流之间径流变化关系不确定性的多时间尺度SPA研究

    Multiple Time-scale SPA Analysis on Uncertainty Relationship Between Rivers ' Runoff Time Series

  9. EMD分解依靠数据自身局部时间尺度特性进行分解。

    EMD is based on the local characteristic time scale of the data .

  10. 北极海冰与ENSO事件在准四年时间尺度上的可能联系

    Potential Relationship between Arctic Sea-Ice and ENSO Events on Timescales of Quasi-Quadrennial-Year

  11. 在时间尺度上,HFRS发病人数存在明显的季节性变化。

    On time scale , HFRS incidence varied seasonally .

  12. 年际时间尺度上北太平洋副热带高压对ENSO的影响

    The impact of North Pacific subtropical highs upon ENSO on the interannual timescale

  13. ENSO循环的数值模拟(Ⅱ)&变化性及时间尺度选择机制

    Numerical simulation of the ENSO cycle part ⅱ:── variability and time scale selection mechanism

  14. 基于Morlet小波时间尺度表示的地下连续墙无损检测

    Nondestructive detection method for underground continuous wall using time-scale representation of Morlet wavelet

  15. ~(210)Pb具有百年时间尺度沉积计年的重要价值。

    ~ ( 210 ) Pb , a daughter of Uranium-series , which widely spreads in nature is valuable in dating for sedimentation on 100 year scale .

  16. ENSO时间尺度和QBO的年际振荡在大部分地区有所反映。

    The ENSO and QBO time - scale fluctuations showed up in most regions .

  17. 计算结果表明,海温异常的随机效应是一个长周期过程,时间尺度约为140天,可以用实际测得的拖曳系数CD和海温起伏方差q~2值对它进行预测。

    Calculations indicate that the measured drag coefficient CD and the OSTF variance q2 can be used to predict the stochastic effect of anomalous ocean surface temperature , which has duration of the order of 140 days .

  18. 相对于传统方法,时间尺度谱能更客观灵敏地反映物理实质,有效地抑制噪声干扰,在高背景低统计性的X射线天文观测中得到了很好的应用。

    Compared to traditional means , the technique is highly sensitive in reflecting the nature of physical processes , especially in X-ray astronomy where observations have poor statistics and a high background .

  19. 我们观察到在DPC胶束中,VST存在两种构象(反式和顺式)NMR时间尺度上的快交换现象。

    We observed that VST has two conformers ( trans and cis ) exchanging slowly in DPC micelles .

  20. 论文在高密度测量(测量间隔为10毫秒)的基础上发现小时间尺度下Internet往返延迟表现出规律的锯齿状突发态和平稳态两种截然不同的特性。

    The major contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) The dissertation studies the Internet packet round-trip time dynamics in small time scale , based on high density network measurements with interval of 10ms .

  21. AO振荡过程影响河南省气温变化的时频结构,且主要表现在年代际时间尺度上。

    The Arctic Oscillation process had an impact on the time-frequency structure of temperature variation in Henan province , especially on the interdecadal change .

  22. 本文提出了分时间尺度(Time-scaleDecomposition)的无线资源分配与调度策略和系统模型。

    In this paper , a novel scheme of radio resource allocation and scheduling and its system model is proposed through the time-scale decomposition approach .

  23. 结果表明,双时间尺度模型能较好地预测出复杂剪切湍流场中的平均物理量,较常规K-ε模型结果有很大改进。

    The computational results of two typical flows that two-time-scale models can predict mean physical quantities of complex turbulent flows reasonably well , and improve numerical results markedly over the standard K & e model .

  24. RAPD和ISSR的两种指数都表明,红松在时间尺度上的遗传分化比空间尺度的低,红松的遗传变异主要存在于龄级内。

    Two indexes of RAPD and ISSR showed genetic differentiation in temporal dimension is lower than in space and genetic variation existed within age class .

  25. 实验证明该算法具有较强的鲁棒性,可以抵抗普通的信号处理、MP3压缩、时间尺度修改和随机裁剪等攻击。

    The experimental results show the proposed algorithm with high robustness against common audio signal processing , MP3 compression , time-scale modification and random cropping .

  26. 采用交叉小波变换方法分析了热带SST、NAO与ENSO事件之间的多时间尺度相关特征。

    The correlation between tropic sea surface temperature of global and NAO and ENSO events were studied by means of bivariate wavelet analysis .

  27. 土地利用模型时间尺度预测能力分析&以CLUE-S模型为例

    Analysis of temporal predicting abilities for the CLUE-S land use model

  28. 本文分析了双时间尺度湍流模型在复杂湍流场中的应用效果,并将双时间尺度概念和各向异性的Reynolds应力-应变关系相结合,对两个典型湍流场进行了数值模拟。

    The application effect of two-time-scale turbulence models to complex turbulent flows is analyzed , and the concept of two-time-scale is integrated with a non & linear Reynolds stress-strain expression .

  29. 广义相对论框架中的IAU时间尺度和参考系

    The IAU Time Scales and Reference Systems in the Framework of General Relativity

  30. 为了避免经验模式分解(EMD)过程中不同时间尺度函数间的模式混叠,采用基于高斯白噪声加入的经验模式分解方法,并将之应用于旋转机械故障诊断中。

    The EMD added Gauss white noise is proposed to avoid mode mixing of different time-scale IMF , and is applied in fault diagnosis for rotating machine .