
  • 网络spatial-temporal pattern
  1. 中国粮食生产时空格局动态及其优化策略探析

    Spatial-temporal Pattern Changes and Optimal Strategy of Grain Production in China since 1990s

  2. 桂西北土地石漠化时空格局演化GIS分析基于空间信息的北区工业分布格局演化研究

    Study on the Spatial-temporal Pattern Evolution of Rocky Desertification in Northwest Guangxi Province Based on GIS Technology

  3. 基于Kriging方法和GIS技术的地价时空格局研究

    Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Land Values Based on Kriging and GIS Method

  4. 基于NOAA卫星数据的北京植被光能利用率及其时空格局

    Estimation of Light Utilization Efficiency and Spatiotemporal Distribution in Beijing Based on NOAA Satellite Data

  5. 在遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术的支持下,应用景观生态学的相关原理及方法,分析研究区域的景观类型时空格局的变化。

    Supported by RS and Geographical Information System ( GIS ), theory and techniques of the landscape ecology were used to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze Landscape spatial-temporal changes .

  6. 基于CA-ANN喀斯特石漠化时空格局的动态模拟和预测

    Dynamic Simulation and Forecast of Desertification Disaster Pattern Based on CA-ANN

  7. 基于DEA-ESDA的中国水资源利用相对效率的时空格局分析

    Analysis of the Spatial-temporal Pattern of Water Resources Utilization Relative Efficiency Based on DEA-ESDA in China

  8. 光合有效辐射(PAR)是影响生态系统能量转化和物质生产的重要生态因子,对其时空格局的研究,有助于深入理解生态系统的生理生态因子变化和光合行为。

    PAR ( photosynthetically active radiation ) is an important ecological factor which controls the energy transforming and matter production . It is very helpful to understand the physio-ecological factors and photosynthesis to research the temporal and spatial characteristics of PAR flux of the ecosystem .

  9. 遗产景区旅游市场时空格局研究

    Temporal - Spatial Pattern of Tourist Market for the World Heritage

  10. 江苏省粮食生产时空格局演变及影响因素

    Influence Factors and Temperal-spatial Structure of Grain Production in Jiangsu Province

  11. 中国西部地区一次能源供应时空格局变化及其影响

    Time-spatial Coordination of Energy Supply and Its Effects in West China

  12. 基于空间与统计分析的海岸带水环境管理及其时空格局研究

    Spatial Technical and Statistical based Coastal Water Environmental Management and Spatio-temporal Analysis

  13. 干旱区沙漠化土地逆转植被的时空格局及其机制研究

    Space-time Pattern and Driving Mechanism of Desertification Land Reversion in Arid Area

  14. 长江流域植被净第一性生产力及其时空格局研究

    NPP and its spatio-temporal patterns in the Yangtze River Watershed

  15. 河流系统水质时空格局演化研究

    Research on River Water Quality Evolution Based on the Dissipative Structure Theory

  16. 基于景观生态学的土地利用时空格局变化研究

    Spatio-temproal Changes of Land Use Pattern Based on Landscape Ecology

  17. 西双版纳主干公路沿线土地利用变化时空格局研究

    Spatiotemporal Pattern of Land Use Change along the Main Road in Xishuangbanna

  18. 秦峪滑坡的时空格局研究

    Study on temporal and spatial structure of Qinyu landslide

  19. 小流域土壤水分时空格局与环境因子的关系

    Relationships between Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Soil Moisture and Environmental Factors in Catchment Scale

  20. 1982&2003年中国草地生物量时空格局变化研究

    Variation in Spatial Pattern of Grassland Biomass in China from 1982 to 2003

  21. 小流域土层厚度对土壤水分时空格局的影响

    Effects of soil thickness on spatiotemporal pattern of soil moisture in catchment level

  22. 南宁市地表温度时空格局的遥感反演

    Study on Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Earth Surface Temperature on Nanning City

  23. 城市空间增长与土地开发时空格局

    Urban Spatial Growth and Spatio-Temperal Pattern of Land Development

  24. 当代情报学分支学科群体环境机制作用的时空格局

    On the Space Time Structure and Form of Environment Mechanism of Informatics Subdisciplines Group

  25. 基于中国人口承灾体的综合自然灾害风险时空格局

    Temporal and Spatial Pattern of Integrated Natural Disaster Based on Hazard-affected Population in China

  26. 3种城市植物群落湿度效应的时空格局

    Spatiotemporal Pattern of Urban Typical Plant Community Increasing-Effects

  27. 大别造山带中新生代隆升作用的时空格局&构造年代学证据

    Uplift evolution during Mesozoic-Cenozoic of the Dabie orogenic belt : evidence from the tectono_chronology

  28. 松花江流域哈尔滨城区段土壤侵蚀时空格局及动态变化研究

    Spatiotemporal Pattern and Dynamic Changes of Soil Erosion in Harbin Region of Songhuajiang Watershed

  29. 民勤盆地地下水时空格局分析及数值模拟研究

    The Spatio-temporal Pattern Analysis and Numerical Modeling Study on Groundwater System in Minqin Basin

  30. 四种温带森林土壤氮矿化与硝化时空格局

    Temporal and spatial patterns of soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in four temperate forests