
  • 网络social process;social procedure;social processing;societal process
  1. 本文将地籍过程分为三种类型:地籍社会过程、地籍系统中的过程CSP和地籍业务流程CWP。

    The cadastral process can be divided into three kinds : social process , cadastral system process and cadastral work process .

  2. 社会过程是必然性与偶然性的统一。

    The social process is the unity of necessity and contigency .

  3. 认知的生理、心理和社会过程及其整合

    Cognition 's Physical , Psychological and Social Processes and Their Integration

  4. 新闻媒体在建构和谐社会过程中的角色定位

    Media 's Role during the Construction of Harmonious Society

  5. 体育在全面建设小康社会过程中弘扬和培育民族精神的意义

    The Significance that Sports Develop with the Cultivation National Spirit in Process Comprehensive Construction Well-off Society

  6. 志愿服务在构建和谐社会过程中具有举足轻重的作用。

    This paper holds that volunteer services have a significant effect on constructing a harmonious society .

  7. 刍议构建和谐社会过程中的民族问题

    National Problem in Constructing Harmonious Society

  8. 总体来看,零售节能环保已经成为了建设低碳社会过程当中的关键构成部分。

    Retail energy conservation and environmental protection construction in today has become part of construction low carbon in dispensable society .

  9. 现代意义上的人类中心是人类文化的深层价值观念,是在改造自然与社会过程中的哲学观念。

    Modern anthropocentrism is the deep-level value for human culture and a philosophical concept originated in the process of transforming the nature and the society .

  10. 建设工程的质量直接关系到人民群众的切身利益,是创建和谐社会过程中不可忽视的主要因素。

    The quality of construction project concerns the masses of the people and it is a principal factor contributes to the establishment of harmony society .

  11. 思想政治教育传播效果的具体形成过程同样是复杂的,因为信息的流动有的是直接流向受者的,有的是通过社会过程流向受者的。

    The fonnation process of the effect of ideological-political education communication is complex , for some information directly flows to receivers , yet some by the social process .

  12. 促进经济持续增长、转变增长方式和建立社会主义市场经济体制,这是我国在构建和谐社会过程中经济发展面临的三大突出课题。

    Three utmost projects rest on facilitation of sustainable economic development , change of growth patterns and construction of socialist market system in the process of construction of harmonious society .

  13. 这一部分主要从宏观上论述了法治在构建社会主义和谐社会过程中的历史地位及它所具有的具体功能。

    This part mainly from the macro discussed the rule of law in the process of building a socialist harmonious society in the history of status and it is the specific function .

  14. 在建设小康社会过程中,社会治安将会出现一些新情况、新问题,对加强派出所工作也提出了更高的要求。

    In the process of constructing the Xiao Kang society , there will be some new situation and new problems , which put forward some higher request on strengthening the work of police substation .

  15. 在构建人与自然和谐社会过程中,应注重生态价值,以生态和谐促进社会和谐才能形成全面、长期的和谐社会。

    It also highlights the importance of prioritizing ecological values in the process of establishing and maintaining the harmonious relationship between man and nature and prompting the overall and long-term development of a harmonious society through ecological harmony .

  16. 近年来,日本在建设循环型社会的过程中,3R产业取得了长足的发展。

    In the recent years , Japan 's " 3R " industries have been greatly developed in the process of the construction of a recycling-type of society .

  17. 公平与效率是社会发展过程中一对永恒的矛盾。

    Equality and efficiency is an external contradiction in social development .

  18. 论基础科学研究成果的社会承认过程

    On the Social Acknowledgement Process of Research Achievements in Basic Science

  19. 论和谐社会构建过程中的政府作用&以河北省为例

    On the Function of Government in the Construction of Harmonious Society

  20. 把握裁军在晚清中国社会发展过程中的历史作用;

    Griping the history function of disarm at China social development process ;

  21. 移民是人类社会发展过程中的一种伴生现象,在人类文化传播史中具有极为重要的地位。

    Migration is an accompanied phenomenon with the development of human society .

  22. 人文素质教育在医学生社会化过程中的导向功能

    The Guiding Function of Quality Education Humanities of Medical Students ' Socialization

  23. 世俗化即非神圣化,它意指一个漫长的社会变化过程。

    Popularization means non-apotheosis , and it means extensive process of society change .

  24. 安全是人类社会发展过程中的重要主题。

    Safety is always an important theme in the evolution of human being .

  25. 家庭在青年社会化过程中所起作用区域间会议

    Interregional Meeting on the Role of the Family in the Socialization of Youth

  26. 技术创新扩散是社会性过程。

    Technology innovation diffusion is a social process .

  27. 心理健康:个性化与社会化过程的和谐、统一

    Mental Health : Harmony of Individualization and Socialization

  28. 现代化是一个社会变革过程。

    Modernization is the course of social changes .

  29. 社会信息化过程中若干利益冲突研究

    On Some Interest - Conflicts during Social Informatization

  30. 人的本质的发展过程和社会发展过程具有一致性,这就是马克思对于人的本质发展规律的观点。

    The development of the human essence has consistency with the development of society .