
  • 网络Social History;socio-historical;sociohistorical
  1. 根据杰弗里·休斯的著作《英国充斥粗言秽语、咒骂、亵渎”的社会历史》,他们在百年战争期间开始用“lesgoddems”形容英国人,因为他们经常亵渎神灵。

    They started referring to the English as " les goddems " during the Hundred Years War because of their frequent profanity , according to Geoffrey Hughes ' book , " A Social History of Foul8 Language , Oaths , and Profanity in English . " Hell

  2. 两天来,他们聆听他讲解了创伤后应激障碍(post-TraumaticStressDisorder,PTSD)及其鲜为人知的同类&复杂创伤(complextrauma)的社会历史、神经生物学和临床现状。

    For two days , they had listened to his lectures on the social history , neurobiology and clinical realities of post-traumatic stress disorder and its lesser-known sibling , complex trauma .

  3. 因此,社会历史的发展自然也是进步的。

    Therefore , the social and historical development was also progressive .

  4. 其产生和发展,有深刻的社会历史根源。

    Its occurrence and development had profound social and historical causes .

  5. 社会历史哲学视野中的交往问题

    The contacts as viewed from social , historical and philosophical areas

  6. 现代化是人类社会历史发展的一个伟大的历史转折。

    Modernization is a great turning point of human social history .

  7. 古希腊哲学嬗变的社会历史动因

    The Social and Historical Drive of Greek Philosophy 's Change

  8. 由此推动了整个社会历史的进步。

    Then , they pushed forward the development of the whole society .

  9. 企业文化体现社会历史进步的客观要求。

    Enterprises ' culture expresses the objective requirement of social history progress .

  10. 这一现状由于彝族的社会历史决定的。

    This situation is contributed by the social history of the Yi .

  11. 论东方社会历史发展的道路及其研究&第九届全国史学理论研讨会观点综述

    SUMMARIES OF ARTICLES On the Path of Development of the Oriental Society

  12. 引论部分主要介绍了菲茨杰拉德的个人生平背景以及小说创作时所处的社会历史背景。

    The introduction summarizes the biographical background of Fitzgerald and the historical context .

  13. 语言既随着社会历史的发展变化而变化,又按照其自身的发展规律而发展。

    Language develops along with sociohistorical development and also observes its own law .

  14. 语言是一个社会历史和文化的显现。

    Language is a manifestation of history and culture .

  15. 在博弈论对社会历史的解读中可以抽象出社会历史博弈论。

    Social history Game can be draws out from interpretation of social history .

  16. 第二,孔学的社会历史背景。

    Part two is the social and historical background .

  17. 犯罪是一社会历史现象。

    Crime is a social and historical phenomenon .

  18. 收藏品包括自然史标本、毛利族的艺术品和社会历史。

    The collection includes natural history specimens , Maori artifacts , and social history .

  19. 其基本含义是:人民群众是社会历史发展的主体;

    Its basic meaning is : The people are subjects of social historical development ;

  20. 从人类社会历史发展的角度观察,诉讼既是一个古老的、历史的范畴,又是现代社会中人类实现社会控制的一种重要机制。

    Litigation is an ancient and historical category .

  21. 道、逻各斯与社会历史变动&关于中西哲学范畴比较的一点思考

    Dao , Logos and Social and Historical Changes

  22. 浅析女性犯罪形成的社会历史因素

    An Analysis of the Social and Historical Factors in the Psychological Forming of Female Crimes

  23. 以往的一些社会历史理论中都内涵着预成规律的思想。

    Some theory of social history in the past all contains the ideology of preformed law .

  24. 第三章则从社会历史分析和宗教、文化研究的角度,分析了以上差异存在的原因。

    And in the third chapter , the author discussion the reasons why those differences exist .

  25. 试论史前城址的社会历史意义

    A Discussion On the Role of the Prehistoric Walled-town Sites in the Development of the Society

  26. 现代化理论范式的主要理论资源是西方的现代化理论,而其最大特色在于在中国改革开放的具体社会历史转型中来认识并评价大众文化,肯定其政治意义;

    The modernization theory emphasizes the positive political meaning of mass culture in Chinese social transformation .

  27. 由于所处的社会历史背景和思想渊源的不同,致使他们在经济学方法诸多方面产生了差异。

    The different social and historical backgrounds contributed to a lot of discrepancies between their methodologies .

  28. 从社会历史存在物维度看社会科学研究方法的特殊性

    View the Particularity of Social Science Research Method from the Dimension of the Social Historical Existence

  29. 教学活动主体之间关系的中介是语言载负的社会历史文化。

    The intermediary of subjects is the achievement of social history and culture by the language .

  30. 二是坚持以马克思主义为指导来解答中国社会历史课题;

    The second thing was to solve the historical tasks in China under the direction of Marxism ;