
  • 网络interactiveness;interactivity;interaction;interactive;Interoperability
  1. 在Web开发中,组件能够使应用更具有交互性。

    Component can give the application more interactivity .

  2. 基于Web的可视化要求较高的交互性、准确性,以二维可视化为主。

    Web-based visualization requires high interactivity and accuracy . Two-dimensional visualization is the main form of Web-based visualization .

  3. 基于Matlab的虚拟现实交互性实现

    The Realization for Virtual Reality ′ s Interaction Based on Matlab

  4. 这正是Web应用程序让人感到笨拙或缓慢的原因&缺乏真正的交互性。

    This is what makes Web applications in particular feel clunky or slow & the lack of real interactivity .

  5. RIA应用程序结合了桌面应用程序的反应快、交互性强的优点与Web应用程序的传播范围广及容易传播的特性。

    RIA applications combine advantages of desktop application and web application .

  6. Comet风格的Web应用程序可以为Web带来全新的交互性。

    Comet-style Web applications can bring a whole new level of interactivity to the Web .

  7. 在交互性强,数据处理量大的部分采用C/S结构;

    C / S structure is adopted to the part which is strong alternation and has mass data to process .

  8. 但由于浏览器能力和HTML语言过于简单的制约,Web地图的表现力和交互性都受到限制。

    But the interactivity and expressiveness of Web map is limited by browser capabilities and the simplicity of HTML .

  9. Java是SUN公司推出的新一代网络编程语言,其以完全面向对象、支持多线程、交互性强以及跨平台特性而得到广泛应用。

    The new generation language-Java , which is OOP , multi-thread , is popular used in internet programming field .

  10. 基于AJAX的网络教学应用系统界面交互性设计

    Interaction Design of Network Instruction Application System Based on AJAX

  11. 研制踢球技术教学多媒体CAI课件,经理论证明,具有较强的交互性、界面友好、表现力丰富等特点;

    The kickball teaching multi-media CAI software proved to be surface friendly and effective .

  12. 与传统Web应用程序相比,基于Ajax的应用程序可以提供更好的响应性和交互性。

    Compared with traditional Web applications , Ajax-based applications make it possible to provide much more responsiveness and interactivity .

  13. 针对CT图像的特点,本文采用基于灰度直方图的交互性阈值分割方法。

    In this dissertation , an interactive threshold segmentation method is adopted based on grey-level information according to the characteristics of CT images .

  14. 随着Internet技术的飞速发展,WWW以其多媒体的传输及良好的交互性而倍受青睐。

    WWW is popular for its multimedia transmission and friendly interactivity along with the rapid development of Internet .

  15. ASP技术的应用,使系统具有动态交互性、开放型、时效性和实用性的特点。利用此设计方法,还可以开发具有其他功能的系统,如答疑系统。

    Other systems , such as question-answer system , can also be developed with the described approach .

  16. 探讨用JavaScript实现交互性网络课件的设计思想和过程。

    The paper discusses the thought and process of using JavaScript to design interactive network courseware .

  17. 基于Delphi的可视化交互性虚拟电梯

    Visual Interactive Virtual Elevator Based on Delphi

  18. 本文分析了多媒体网页课件制作的现状,以及现代人们工作方式的交互性和社会性,结合装配与协作的思想,设计了一种以Web为平台适合多人协作的课件设计与装配系统。

    This paper analyses the actuality of the making of courseware and the working of modem people , designs a web-based courseware-assembling system adapting to several people 's cooperation .

  19. 游戏最重要的一个特性是交互性,而UI则是这一特性的承载者。

    Interaction is a big feature of game , and that is depending on the UI .

  20. 该平台采取基于SOA架构的设计与实施,保障系统具有良好的可扩展性和交互性。

    This platform adopts the design and implementation based on SOA . It ensures the system with good scalability and interactivity .

  21. 有关这方面一个很好的样本是GoogleMapsbeta,它明显地比以前的映射Web站点更具交互性。

    A great example of this is the Google Maps beta , which is considerably more interactive than previous mapping Web sites .

  22. 教学演示系统以及实验与练习平台采用Matlab编程建立,内容丰富,界面友好生动、交互性强。

    Both visual demo software , experiment and exercise platform , which have friendly interface and rich content , are based on the Matlab .

  23. 近年来兴起的Agent技术具有自主性、异步并行性、交互性、通讯性和异构性等行为特性,由于这些优点,Agent成为在实时控制系统中实现并行多任务的最佳技术手段。

    Agent technology has characters of self-determination , asynchronous operations , society nature , communication and isomerism , it will be the most appropriate technology to achieve parallel multitask .

  24. 在信息系统设计中,利用TCP/IP协议,实现了教学实验过程中师生即时通讯的功能,提高了网络实验教学的交互性;

    TCP / IP is used for the design of instant communication between teachers and students , consequently the commutative quality is well improved ;

  25. 发挥PowerPointVBA优势,提升课件交互性

    Give Play to the Advantage of PowerPoint VBA to Upgrade the Interactive Courseware

  26. 利用PowerPoint的VBA编程功能制作勾股定理的探索与验证交互性课件

    Using VBA Programming of PowerPoint to Make Exploration-and-Verification Interactive Courseware of Pythagorean Theorem

  27. 借助GIS可实现规划过程更具交互性、规划结果更具直观性、方案调整更具灵活性。

    With GIS , the planning procedure can be more interactive , the planning result can be more visible , the planning update can be more flexible .

  28. 然后在此基础上介绍了多媒体CAI课件的开发环境,用教材构成和软件工程相结合的方法分析了多媒体CAI课件的开发过程,并着重从集成性和交互性两方面探讨了多媒体CAI课件的开发内容;

    This paper briefly discusses the development content of multimedia CAI courseware in two aspects , that is , integration and interactivity .

  29. 首先,用GIS管理规划所需的空间数据和属性数据,将需规划的电网直观地显示于规划人员面前,使规划过程更具交互性;

    First , use space data and attribute data needed by GIS planning and show the power network to the researchers directly , which makes the communication possible ;

  30. 一个HTML文件以构筑层级结构数据的交互性树形结构(在本例中,接下来是一些范例)

    An HTML file to construct an interactive tree of some hierarchical data ( in this case , continents with some sample countries )