
jiāo tōnɡ yùn shū ɡōnɡ jù
  • means of transportation;means of communications
  1. 交通运输工具的发展进程及其哲学启示

    The Development Process of Means of Transportation and its Philosophical inspiration

  2. 当今世界已经步入了信息化高科技的时代,铁路作为国家主要的交通运输工具,肩负着提供运力支持,促进国民经济快速、可持续发展的重要历史使命。

    The world has entered the era of high-tech. As the main means of transportation , railway shoulders the important historical mission of promoting the rapid and sustainable development of the national economy .

  3. 截止2012年,我国多个LNG进口项目竣工投产,进口LNG资源供应大大增加,产生LNG分拨物流的运输需求,油改气交通运输工具成为LNG巨大的终端市场。

    By the year 2012 , some LNG import projects have completed and put into production . The supply of LNG resources increases greatly . The import produces LNG distribution logistics transport demand and the transportation tools in the " from oil to gas " projects become LNG terminal market .

  4. 这些交通运输工具所排除的废气污染空气。

    The exhaust from these vehicles pollute the air .

  5. 天津市口岸出入境人员及交通运输工具预测研究

    Research and Forecast for People and Transportation of Exit and Entry from Tianjin Port

  6. 而100%低地板车是理想的城市公共交通运输工具。

    100 % low floor light vehicle is the perfect facility of public traffic .

  7. 蒙古族游牧畜牧业的生产方式离不开驮运与装载的交通运输工具。

    Mongolia Mongolian Nomadic animal husbandry production is inseparable from the pack and loading transportation .

  8. 电梯是高层建筑不可缺少的垂直方向的交通运输工具。

    The elevator is a kind tool that is indispensability in the high-building perpendicular transportation .

  9. 铁路客车作为一种交通运输工具,在我国起着举足轻重的作用。

    As a kind of transport facilities , railways play an important role in China .

  10. 不久各地修起了机场来促进这种新型方便快捷的交通运输工具。

    Airports were soon built everywhere to promote this new form of quick and convenient transporation .

  11. 其使用较为频繁,是当时的水上交通运输工具,并出现了进行战争的“舟师”。

    Waterborne vehicles were used frequently at that time and the boat used for war appeared .

  12. 建立居民公识,提高居民对于绿色交通运输工具的使用。

    The establishment of the residents of public awareness , and enhance people 's use of green transport .

  13. 铁路是我国国民经济的基础产业和主要交通运输工具。

    The railroad is the foundation industry of the our country national economy with the main transportation tool .

  14. 近几十年来,经济高速发展,使得人们对交通运输工具尤其是列车的需求量大增。

    In recent decades because of highly developed economics there has been increasing demand for transportation tools especially trains .

  15. 进入21世纪高速铁路迅速成为世界各国最重要的交通运输工具。

    Enter the 21st centuries , High-speed railway promptly becomes the most important mean of transport of the word .

  16. 作为一种非传统的新型轨道交通运输工具,消防部队有必要深入研究其灾害处置对策。

    As a non-traditional new rail transport , fire fighting forces need in-depth study of its disaster treatment measures .

  17. 实现了零排放噪声小无污染的“绿色”短途代步交通运输工具;

    Therefore , a green short-trip means of transportation with zero emission , low noise and no pollution is realized ;

  18. 城市轨道车辆非反在城市外运行于地上、地里或许上架铁道上的儿同交通运输工具。

    Urban Rail trains running in the city on the ground floor , ground or elevated railway on the public transport .

  19. 船舶,与其它交通运输工具一样,其安全性是最重要、最令人关注的性能之一。

    Ship , like other transportation vehicles , its security is the most important performance that is concerned mostly by people .

  20. 电梯是一种用电力拖动的特殊升降设备,是高层建筑物中必不可少、且应用最广泛的垂直交通运输工具。

    Elevators , special equipments which use electric power to realize perpendicular transportation , are indispensably and widely applied in high-level constructions .

  21. 随着高层建筑和智能化建筑的不断出现,作为交通运输工具的电梯也越来越显得重要。

    With the prevalence of high-rise and intelligent buildings , elevator has become more and more important as the main conveyance between floors .

  22. 在美国的所有交通运输工具中,汽车对人们的影响最大,既带来了好处,又带来了坏处。

    Of the forms of transportation available in the United states , the car has had the greatest impact , both positively and negatively .

  23. 地铁列车快速、稳定、便捷、低噪、环保,是最佳的大众交通运输工具。

    Metro train is one of the best public traffic modes , which is convenient , stable , fast , low noise and clean .

  24. 依照前款规定调用的物资、设备、交通运输工具等,在汛期结束后应当及时归还;

    Materials , equipment and means of transport allocated according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph should be returned promptly after the flood season .

  25. 这项研究还发现,这样的森林大火,几个星期产生的二氧化炭,相当加州交通运输工具一年的排放量。大家来修改。

    It also found that such fires produce as much carbon dioxide in a few weeks as California 's motor vehicle traffic does in a year .

  26. 在当前国民经济急速发展、中国步入高速铁路运输时代的大背景下,铁路运输已经成为越来越重要的交通运输工具。

    With the rapid development of the current national economic and China into high-speed railway transportation time , the railway transport has become more and more important to transportation .

  27. 卫星导航定位系统可以为公路、铁路、空中和海上的交通运输工具提供导航定位服务。

    Navigation Positioning System ( NPS ) can be used to offer the Navigation Positioning Service for the conveyance of road , railway , the air and the sea .

  28. 随着社会的快速发展,汽车已成为人们日常生活中非常重要的交通运输工具,驾驶汽车的人数逐渐上升。

    With the rapid development of the society , automobiles have become very important transport vehicles in daily life , and the population of people driving cars is increasing .

  29. 本规定所称检查站,是指供人员、交通运输工具、货物进出特区管理线的特定区域。

    The checkpoint referred to in this ordinance , shall be a specific area for the entrance to and exit from the boundary-line of persons , transportation tools and goods .

  30. 而男人的梦想好像与女人木有什么关系,男人更喜欢把银子花在交通运输工具或者高科技产品上,俗话说“车是男人的小老婆”这话其实一点儿都不假啊!

    The two lists are fascinating-women seem to love the idea of owning designer fashion items , but have also included a few things which would make their home more stylish .