
jiāo tōnɡ jǐnɡ chá
  • traffic police
  1. 因此,我们必须加强交通警察的素质训练,以期尽快适应WTO的相关规则,提高交通管理的水平。

    So we must strengthen quality training to traffic police in order to adapt to related rules and improve managing level .

  2. 论文结合警用无线应用系统PWAS项目实际研发课题,分析了交通警察的业务流程及相应的管理机制现状,探讨了项目研发的实际意义及构建策略。

    In the paper , we analyzed the work and manager condition of traffic police and combined PWAS ' practice , discussed the mean of item and structure policy .

  3. 让交通警察戴上黑色的手套。

    Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves .

  4. 就像一个交通警察,Purify可以仅仅报告在有人监控时所发生的错误行为。

    Like a traffic cop , Purify can only report on the violations that happen while it 's looking .

  5. 可以考虑将一个RESTfulJSON控制器放置到您的项目中,将它用作一个虚拟“交通警察”,负责发送请求并接收来自您的数据源的响应。

    Consider putting a RESTful JSON controller into your project and using it as a virtual " traffic cop " that sends requests to and accepts responses from your data source .

  6. 重庆市交通警察职业人群的寿命研究

    A life study of occupational population of traffic policemen n Chongqing

  7. 论交通警察素质与执法文明建设

    On Civilization Construction of Implementing Law and Quality of Traffic Police

  8. 重庆市交通警察心理卫生状况调查

    Survey of the Psychological Health Situation of Traffic Policemen In Chongqing

  9. 4.遵守所有的路标和交通警察的指挥。

    4 . Obey all road signs and police officers .

  10. 交通警察总是十分忙碌,特别是在繁忙的街道。

    Traffic police are always very busy , especially at busy streets .

  11. 交通警察工作岗位环境污染物及健康状况调查

    Investigation on environmental pollutants and health status of traffic police

  12. 不久之前日本的交通警察还是温文尔雅的一群人。

    JAPANESE traffic cops were until recently a genteel bunch .

  13. 交通警察信息感知记忆能力测试与评价

    The evaluation of informational perception and memory of traffic policemen

  14. 常州市交通警察神经行为功能的调查研究

    A study on neurobehavioral function of traffic police in Changzhou

  15. 重庆市交通警察体力劳动强度分级

    Investigation on classify physical labor intensity for traffic policemen in

  16. 罚款多少完全是随机的,由交通警察同司机商量决定。

    Traffic policemen decide on the fine with the driver .

  17. 环境空气污染对交通警察血清氧化应激指标的影响

    Effect of Air Pollution on Serum Oxidative Stress Indices in Traffic Policemen

  18. 所以说连交通警察都可以变财神爷。

    If the traffic police can become the fortune god .

  19. 交通警察作业环境职业危害因素评价

    Valuation of occupational hazard factor from working sites of traffic

  20. 一个交通警察举起手意味着阻拦车辆。

    A policeman who wants to stop traffic holds up his hand .

  21. 电子交通警察行政执法就是智能化管理的其中一种。

    Electronic traffic police administrative enforcement is one of the intelligent management .

  22. 宿州市交通警察血铅水平调查及其相关因素分析

    Blood lead levels of traffic police in Suzhou city and the correlative factors

  23. 交通警察神经行为功能状态的研究

    A Study on the Neurobehavioral Function of Traffic Policemen

  24. 交通警察血铅水平及其相关因素的研究

    Study on the Blood Lead Levels and Their Correlative Factors Among Traffic Police

  25. 大气铅污染对交通警察健康影响的研究

    Effects of Lead in Air on Traffic Police Health

  26. 目前,俄罗斯绝大多数交通警察都为男性,他们往往在收受了贿赂后对违规者网开一面。

    The male-dominated traffic police routinely forgive traffic violations in exchange for bribes .

  27. 交通警察行政强制是我国行政强制中的组成部分之一。

    Traffic police administrative compulsion is one part of the national administrative compulsions .

  28. 这里的交通警察都装备齐整在街上值勤。

    And traffic policemen are on duty in the streets with neat equipment .

  29. 先不谈那个交通警察,没听到她的谈话吗?

    Leave the meter maid alone , didn 't you hear her conversation ?

  30. 被交通警察拦下来或别的什么事吗?

    Did a traffic cop stop you or something ?