
hēi miàn bāo
  • brown bread;rye bread;black bread
黑面包[hēi miàn bāo]
  1. 黑面包俄罗斯人喜欢吃。

    Black Bread Russians like to eat .

  2. 于是,为了不让珂赛特吃黑面包,冉阿让只好改吃白面包。

    Then , in order to prevent Cosette eating black bread , Jean Valjean ate white bread .

  3. 6条变质的黑面包在原本空荡荡的架子上堆出了一个黑点儿。

    Six stale loaves of brown bread formed a dark blot on the otherwise barren shelves .

  4. 美国研究人员认为,燕麦片、黑面包、糙米这些全谷物食品对于防止中年发福很关键。

    The US researchers believe the wholegrains found in oats , as well as brown bread and brown rice , are the key to midlife weight loss .

  5. n.裸麦;黑麦有些人喜欢黑麦做的黑面包,而不喜允小麦做的白面包。

    rye Some people prefer the dark bread made from rye to the white bread made from wheat .

  6. 身材瘦削、理着光头的瑞士建筑师雅克•赫尔佐格(JacquesHerzog)坐在巴塞尔一个安静的广场边上的办公室里,吃着干干的黑面包。

    Jacques Herzog , a thin shaven-headed Swiss architect , sits eating dry brown bread in his group 's offices off a quiet square in Basel .

  7. 我简直迫不及待想吃一口黑面包。

    I can 't wait to take a bite of the pumpernickel .

  8. 她买了一条黑面包和5个刚刚烤好的小圆果子面包。

    She bought a loaf of brown bread and five currant buns .

  9. 他父亲把一袋袋发霉的黑面包倒进大桶里。

    His father emptied sacks of stale rye bread into the vat .

  10. 黑面包是最重要的食品。

    Rye bread is the most significant Russian food product .

  11. 那些被调查者十人中有七人说他们比较爱吃黑面包

    Of those poll , seven out of ten said they preferred brown bread

  12. 黑面包含有小麦麸皮。

    Brown bread contains the husk of wheat .

  13. 有人把吉普车上的冻肉,黑面包和啤酒送上来。

    Someone brought cold cuts , dark bread , and beer from the jeep .

  14. 你想用麸皮面包、法式面包还是黑面包做三明治?

    Do you want it on whole wheat , white French , or rye ?

  15. 有牛奶和黑面包。

    There 's milk and brown bread .

  16. 她的父母制作了可口的黑面包款待我们。

    The parents cook black-bread treating us .

  17. 一只黑色的鸟在吃黑面包。

    A black bird eats black bread .

  18. 煮荷包蛋及黑面包。

    Poached eggs with harshed brown .

  19. 请给我来六个黑面包。

    Six brown rolls , please .

  20. 他从短上衣的一个口袋里掏出一小块黑面包。

    He pulled a small piece of dark bread from one pocket of his short jacket .

  21. 波罗的原始啤酒有独具的黑面包微苦味道和蕉糖麦芽香味。

    This is a dark beer with harmonious flavor of bread and aroma of caramel malt .

  22. 热罗宋汤通常看起来更像炖菜而不是汤,而且常和黑面包一起搭配食用。

    Hot borscht is generally more like stew than soup and is often served with dark bread .

  23. 有些人喜欢黑麦做的黑面包,而不喜欢小麦做的白面包。

    Some people prefer the dark bread made from rye to the white bread made from wheat .

  24. 爱丽丝说:那么我想他们不久就会带来白面包和黑面包的。

    ' Then I suppose they 'll soon bring the white bread and thebrown ,' Alice said .

  25. 我要烤黑面包夹火腿、乳酪、莴苣,涂上些芥茉和美乃滋。

    I 'd like ham , cheese and lettuce , and lettuce on toasted rye bread with ' .

  26. 我们的口粮只是每天分到250克黑面包和一品脱没有调味的土豆汤。

    Our food ration was two-hundred-and-fifty grams of black bread and one pint of unseasoned potato soup each day .

  27. 我一清二楚地告诉过你我要你兴的是黑面包而不是白面包。

    I told you as clear as day that I wanted you to buy brown bread , not white .

  28. 他们互相访问,用葡萄酒、白兰地和香烟交换威斯特伐利亚黑面包、饼干和火腿。

    They visited each other and exchanged wine , cognac and cigarettes for Westphalian black bread , biscuits and ham .

  29. 店员问这个男人,“你想要全部的黑面包吗?还是你想要我把他们切成薄片?”

    The clerk then asks the man ," do you want whole loaves or do you want us to slice them ?"

  30. 当工人和农民大众缺乏黑面包时,我们又会否为少数人提供蛋糕和糖呢?

    Are we to give cake and sugar to a minority when the mass of workers and peasants still lack black bread ?