
  • 网络Theravada;theravada buddhism;hinayana;Southern Buddhism
  1. 南传佛教佛塔的类型和演变

    The Style and Evolvement of the Stupa of Theravada Buddhism

  2. 通过研究,笔者认为,南传佛教的艺术形式是信仰佛教的傣族人民的重要审美活动。

    Through studying it , the author holds that the form aesthetic of Hinayana Buddhism is the important aesthetic activity of Dai Nationality .

  3. 我国南传佛教建筑概说

    A general Outline of Buddhist buildings spread from south Asia in China

  4. 本文试图对南传佛教佛塔的几个类型演变进行分析。

    This paper is try to analyze the evolvement of different type of the stupa .

  5. 再论傣族诗歌&中国南传佛教地区傣文古籍中诗歌的类别、起源和特点

    Types , Origin and Features of Poems and Songs in the Ancient Books of Theravada Spreading Region in China

  6. 本文从语言结构、语言使用、语言观念、文字创制等方面探讨了南传佛教对西双版纳傣语的影响。

    Influence of Hinayana in Dai Language is direct and specific , which shows in linguistic structure , linguistic application , linguistic attitudes , characters creation and etc.

  7. 与南传佛教密切相关的巴利语随着佛教的传播而进入傣语,所以佛教文化浪潮在傣语中留下了不少巴利语、梵语借词。

    Pali language , which is closely interrelated with Hinayana Buddhism entered with the Buddhist mission Dai language , thus the waves of Buddhist culture left many Pali ( Sanskrit ) loan words in Dai language .

  8. 试析南传上座部佛教对西双版纳傣族社会的影响

    Analyzing the Influence of Hinayana Buddhism on Dai Society in Xishuangbanna

  9. 云南南传上座部佛教是云南特有的宗教派别。

    Theravada Buddhism in Yunnan unique religious factions .

  10. 西双版纳的傣族几乎是全民信仰南传上座部佛教,佛教教义深深地影响着傣族人民的日常生活。

    The Dai Ethnic Nationality in Xishuangbanna almost believes in Theravada Buddhism whose dogma has greatly influenced daily lives of the Dai Ethnic Nationality .

  11. 尤其是对南传上座部佛教葬礼仪式的研究资料几乎为空白,所以对于这一方面的资料收集和比较研究是非常有必要的。

    Especially the funeral rites research data of Yunnan Han Buddhism was almost empty ; therefore it is necessary for us to do the comparative study of this area .