
nán hǎi zhū dǎo
  • South China Sea Islands
  1. 南海诸岛土壤的形成和年龄

    Formation of the soils in the South China Sea Islands and their ages

  2. 从国际法角度看南海诸岛主权归属主权让渡新论

    On the Sovereignty of South China Sea Islands from the Viewpoint of International Law A New View on Sovereign Transfer

  3. 南海诸岛问题的国际法研究

    International Law Study of the " South China Sea Problem "

  4. 最南端的是南海诸岛。

    In the extreme south are the South China Sea Islands .

  5. 现行南海诸岛地名中的渔民习用地名

    The current toponyms habitually used by fisherfolk in the Nanhai Islands

  6. 从郑和群礁等谈南海诸岛的主权

    On the Sovereignty of Nanhai Islands from the History of Zhenghe Reefs

  7. 他曾梦想到遥远的南海诸岛去旅游。

    He dreamed of traveling to remote South Sea Islands .

  8. ,中国南海诸岛拥有内水、领海、毗连区、专属经济区和大陆架。此外,中国在南海拥有历史性权利。

    In addition , China has historic rights in the South China Sea .

  9. (一)中国对南海诸岛的主权是历史上确立的

    i. China 's sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao is established in the course of history

  10. 一、南海诸岛是中国固有领土

    I. Nanhai Zhudao are China 's Inherent Territory

  11. (三)中国对南海诸岛的主权得到国际社会广泛承认

    iii. China 's sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao is widely acknowledged in the international community

  12. 考释了南海诸岛各具体岛礁的渔民习用地名所反映的地理特征;

    The geographical features reflected from the place names used by the fishermen are studied .

  13. 南海诸岛自古就是我国领土的一部分,我国拥有其主权。

    The South China Sea has always been a part of the territory of China .

  14. 他不止一次劝说过母亲和他一起前往南海诸岛隐居。

    He persuades his mother to live with him on the South Sea Islands more than once .

  15. 3琼、台携手开发南海诸岛。

    Developing the South China Sea Isles with the aid of joint corperation between Hainan and Taiwan .

  16. 中国历代政府也持续、和平、有效地对南海诸岛实施管辖。

    The successive Chinese governments have exercised jurisdiction over Nanhai Zhudao in a continuous , peaceful and effective manner .

  17. 探明了海南岛渔民对南海诸岛珊瑚礁的分类及其名称的现代含义;

    The modern meanings of the names of the coral reefs in the Nanhai are verified and their classification is investigated .

  18. 早在13世纪末,中国大型船队已经遍历南海诸岛。

    As early as the late13th century , large fleets of Chinese boats had visited the islands of the South China sea .

  19. 南海诸岛和钓鱼岛是中国的固有领土,但由于历史原因,中国面临和邻国诸多海权纠纷。

    South China Sea Islands and Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory . But because of historical reasons , China and neighboring countries face a lot of sea sovereignty disputes .

  20. 中国对南海诸岛及相关海域的巡逻执法、资源开发和科学考察等活动从未中断过。

    China has never ceased carrying out activities such as patrolling and law enforcement , resources development and scientific survey on Nanhai Zhudao and in the South China Sea .

  21. 南海诸岛由东沙群岛、西沙群岛、中沙群岛、南沙群岛及黄岩岛组成。

    The South China Sea Islands are made up of the East Sand Islands , West Sand Islands , Middle Sand Islands , South Sand Islands and Yellow Rock Island .

  22. 本文试图通过正反两方面的论证,为南海诸岛主权争端的解决提供有力的理论依据。

    The author tries to argument from both positive and negative aspects , providing powerful theoretical basis for settlement of disputes of territorial sovereignty of islands in the South China Sea .

  23. 。这些文件证明,菲律宾领土从来不包括南海诸岛,这一事实为包括美国在内的国际社会所承认。

    All these documents prove that the Philippines " territory never includes any part of Nanhai Zhudao , a fact that has been recognized by the international community , including the United States .

  24. 中国对南海诸岛的主权和在南海的相关权益,是在漫长的历史过程中确立的,具有充分的历史和法理依据。

    China 's sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and relevant rights and interests in the South China Sea have been established in the long course of history , and are solidly grounded in history and law .

  25. 在长期历史过程中,中国确立了对南海诸岛的主权和在南海的相关权益,中国人民早已成为南海诸岛的主人。

    In the course of history , China has established sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and relevant rights and interests in the South China Sea . The Chinese people have long been the master of Nanhai Zhudao .

  26. 中国最早发现、命名和开发利用南海诸岛及相关海域,最早并持续、和平、有效地对南海诸岛及相关海域行使主权和管辖。

    China is the first to have discovered , named , and explored and exploited Nanhai Zhudao and relevant waters , and the first to have continuously , peacefully and effectively exercised sovereignty and jurisdiction over them .

  27. 最后对我国地域大省的适宜规模进行分析,并对划分的原则及南海诸岛4个行政区的设立等问题提出了4条建议。

    At last , this article analyses proper scale of region large province in China , and raise four suggestions on providing principle of region large province in China , establishing four administrative areas in various south sea island .

  28. 随着南海诸岛的开发和保卫的需要,尤其近十几年来对南海石油资源的勘探和开采以及岛礁旅游业的开发,岛礁和海上现代化工程数量将日趋增多,规模将更大。

    With the requirement of the exploitation and defence in the islands , especially for the requirement of the fossil oil exploration and tourism , much more projects will be built in the sea and the scale will be larger .

  29. 这个岛屿遵循习惯的岛屿所有制和管理。论证了现行南海诸岛地名中,大量采用渔民习用地名,在地名学上和维护领土主权上的意义。

    The site is under customary land ownership and management . It is pointed out that the adoption of the place names of the Nanhai Islands habitually used by local fishermen is of significance to toponymy and defending state sovereignty .

  30. 历史上,中国通过行政设治、水师巡视、资源开发、天文测量、地理调查等手段,对南海诸岛和相关海域进行了持续、和平、有效的管辖。

    In history , China has exercised jurisdiction in a continuous , peaceful and effective manner over Nanhai Zhudao and in relevant waters through measures such as establishment of administrative setups , naval patrols , resources development , astronomical observation and geographical survey .