
hēi yǎn quān
  • Dark Circles;black eye;bag;dark eye circles;shadow;I Don't Want to Sleep Alone
  1. 小彼得从操场回到家时,鼻子流血、黑眼圈及被撕破了衣服。

    Little Pete came home from the playground with a bloody1 nose , black eye , and torn clothing .

  2. Verizon首席执行官洛厄尔•麦克亚当(LowellMcAdam)表示,史无前例的第二次召回沉重打击三星,给其留下“大黑眼圈”。

    Lowell McAdam , chief executive of Verizon , said that Samsung had suffered a " major black eye " as a result of the unprecedented second recall .

  3. 新鲜果汁同样可以清洁你的身体,并对黑眼圈同样有抑制作用。

    Fresh fruit juices can also cleanse your body and reduce dark circles .

  4. 使用包含维生素K和松香油的洗面奶,这两种物质都能有效消除黑眼圈。

    Look for eye creams that contain Vitamin K and retinol . Both are considered effective in treating bags and dark areas under the eyes .

  5. wrinklesn.皱纹darkcircles黑眼圈眼霜可以减少和缓解岁月的痕迹:细纹啦,皱纹啦,黑眼圈啦。

    Eye creams reduce or even erase the signs of aging : fine lines , wrinkles , and dark circles .

  6. 如果你的黑眼圈有些发青,我想许多人都有,维生素K会有效。

    And then if your undereye circles are sort of purple , which I think a lot of people have , Vitamin K is believed to work .

  7. 缺少维生素D和维生素K会对黑眼圈和眼袋的出现造成相当大的负面影响,会让女性衰老4.7岁,年过40的女性中有10%的人受到影响。

    Lacking in Vitamins D and K has a considerable negative effect on the appearance of dark circles and puffy eyes and can age a woman by 4.7 years putting over ten per cent on a woman 's age of 40 . '

  8. 抗衰老专家MarkBinette博士表示:“最近有很多的科学研究表明维生素D和维生素K的缺少是让我们遭受黑眼圈和眼袋折磨的一个原因,特别是将其与疲劳和免疫相关问题联系在一起时。“

    Anti-ageing expert Dr Mark Binette said : " More science is coming out linking the lack of Vitamin D and K as one of the causes that plagues us with dark circles and puffy eyes ; especially as it relates to fatigue and immune related issues . "

  9. Videojug这一段简短的视频讲述了帮你隐藏眼袋或黑眼圈的完美方法。

    Videojug will show you the perfect application of concealer to cover up bags or dark circles under your eyes in this short video .

  10. 自从使用了UNT的产品后,连我的老公也注意到我的皮肤改善了许多,且非常惊讶的发现当黑眼圈和眼袋的问题改善后,肌肤可以变得非常的年轻。

    Even my husband noticed my skin looked better and it 's surprising how much younger you can look without dark circles and bags under your eyes .

  11. 这对夫妇在迎来这个新成员后,几乎立即为它建了一个Instagram账号,炫耀诺曼甜美的、毛茸茸的脸蛋和可爱样子。它的小眼睛周围还有一对“黑眼圈”。

    Almost immediately after picking up their new addition , the couple created an Instagram account for Norman , showing off his sweet fluffy face and cute features that include a set of dark rings surrounding his little eyes .

  12. 每天早上来上课的时候总带着黑眼圈

    she walks in every morning with circles under her eyes ,

  13. 纳塔利:好的,现在谈谈眼袋和黑眼圈的问题。

    Natalie : OK , now bags , dark circles .

  14. 黑眼圈真的会影响你的模样。

    Eye circles can have a weighty effect on how you look .

  15. 琳达:这要看你的黑眼圈是什么颜色。

    Linda : It depends on what color your under-eye circles are .

  16. 你喜欢把别的小孩打出黑眼圈来?

    So you like to give little kids black eyes , huh ?

  17. (你)这些黑眼圈从那儿来的呀?

    What are those dark circles under your eyes from ?

  18. 我看起来糟透了。我的眼睛有黑眼圈。

    I look like hell . I got bags under my eyes .

  19. 所以被打成黑眼圈可真是刺激,是吗?

    So getting a black eye is exciting , right ?

  20. 他的目光落在了我眼睛底下的黑眼圈上。

    His gaze lingered on the circles under my eyes .

  21. 只要用一次这个眼霜,第二天早晨我的黑眼圈看上去就会好很多!

    After just one application they looked so much better the next morning !

  22. 我怀疑她准是描了黑眼圈。

    I do believe she had eye shadow on .

  23. 那一个黑眼圈看起来挺寂寞的。

    That one black eye looks a little lonely .

  24. 我总是有黑眼圈,还有一些细纹。

    I have always had dark circles and have a few fine lines .

  25. 适用:黑眼圈、眼袋、眼纹、毒素等疲劳性皮肤。

    Availability : Tired skin with dark circle , pouch , wrinkles and toxin .

  26. 他的眼下有黑眼圈。

    He had dark shadows under his eyes .

  27. 他个子高高的,轻言细语,黑眼圈很重,神情坚毅。

    Tall and softly spoken , deep under-eye shadows hint of his tireless dedication .

  28. 那我又该如何用化妆品遮我的黑眼圈呢?

    Nana : Then how can I cover up my dark circles with makeup ?

  29. 传统医学认为黑眼圈是肾亏所致。

    Traditional medicine think black rim of the eye is caused by kidney failure .

  30. 你有黑眼圈,你一定又熬夜了。

    You 've got rings round your eyes , you must stay up again .