
zhí suān
  • phytic acid
  1. 植酸对控制水果打浆中VC损失的研究

    Study on phytic acid in the control of fruit v_c losses beating

  2. 通过在果汁饮料中添加以植酸为主的复合抗氧化稳定剂,能较好地保护天然维生素C没有被破坏。

    It could maintain the content of natural vitamin C better to add a compound antioxidant which was mainly made up of phytic acid .

  3. 推测支淀粉最先起反应,淀粉的C6的伯醇羟基易于与植酸钠反应。

    It was supposed that sodium phytate first reacted with amylopectin and hydroxyl groups of primary alcohol of C6 in starch molecular .

  4. 研究结果表明,植酸水解工艺的优化条件为:pH值6.5,温度为53℃,液料比为10。

    The results show that the optimum technical conditions : temperature 53 ℃, pH 6.5 , liquid-solid ratio 10 .

  5. 植酸对控制打浆中水果Vc损失的效应

    Study on Effects of Physic Acid on Controlling Fruits ' Vc loss During its Beating

  6. 结果表明:D.由玉米浸渍水生产植酸钠

    From soaking , D. Production of Sodium Phytate from Corn - soaking Water

  7. 植酸对不同热处理刺梨果汁Vc含量及褐变的影响

    Influence of PA on Vc contents and browning of bur fruit juice with different heating treatment

  8. 酸介质中金电极表面植酸钠盐自组装单层的Raman光谱和电化学研究

    Raman Spectroscopic and electrochemical Studies on Sodium Salt of phytic acid Self-assembled on Gold Electrode under acidic media

  9. 体外试验主要研究温度、pH、饲料加工工艺和贮存时间对植酸酶活性的影响,以及微生物植酸酶对玉米、豆粕、麦麸中植酸磷的降解率。

    The in vitro experiment studied the influence of temperature pH , feed processing , and storage on the activity of microbial phytase .

  10. 植酸对黄曲霉菌(aspergillusflavus)糖化力的影响

    Effects of Phytic Acid on Saccharification of Aspergillus flavus

  11. 植酸钠对K酵母天然培养基发酵的乙醇生成量亦有极显著的促进效应,使其提高达87.9%。

    It has also been found that the remarkable stimulating effect on alcohol production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae K after the addition of a tiny amount of sodium phytate .

  12. 利用贝叶斯法进行水稻籽粒植酸含量性状的QTL定位及互作分析

    QTL Mapping and Epistasis Analysis for Phytic Acid Concentration in Rice Grain by Using the Bayesian Model Selection

  13. 大豆种子中的磷(P)60%~80%以植酸的形式存在,而植酸对于人和单胃动物是一种抗营养因子。

    In soybean seed , about 60 % - 80 % phosphorous ( P ) is stored as phytic acid , which is believed as an important anti-nutrition factor to human being and non-ruminant livestock .

  14. ~(99m)Tc-植酸钠扫描评价猪异位肝移植后两肝功能状况

    Evaluation of liver function with ~ ( 99m ) Tc-phytate scintigraphy after heterotopic liver transplantation in pig

  15. 在木薯中导入植酸酶基因以木薯块根作为饲料,使动物能在体内降解植酸,提高动物对植物饲料中的P的利用率,减少过量植酸磷对环境造成的污染。

    The phytase gene was inducted in the cassava to take the feed by the block root of cassava that can be used by these animals and thus reduced phosphorus pollution which creates to the environment .

  16. 饮食与大肠癌的关系极为密切,植酸(PA)和魔芋(KM)均为天然食物。

    Colorectal carcinoma is closely related to diets . Phytic acid ( PA ) and konjac mannan ( KM ) are both natural diets .

  17. 澄清工序中,冷却澄清结合添加0.03%EDTA+0.03%植酸有利于保持草莓中的Vc;

    The process of cooling and clarifying supplemented with 0.03 % EDTA + 0.03 % Phytic acid was beneficial for keeping vitamin C content in strawberry juice .

  18. 脱水葡萄糖的C6伯醇羟基易与植酸钠反应;

    Sodium phytate was inclined to react with hydroxyl groups of primary alcohol at C 6 of starch molecular .

  19. 研究了植酸对控制草莓、猕猴桃和山楂果实打浆工序中Vc损失的效应。

    Effect of dealing strawberry , kiwifruit and haw with physic acid on controlling the loss of vitamine C during these fruits ' crushing was studied in this paper .

  20. 内源性植酸酶降解大豆乳中植酸/植酸盐,24h有机磷水解率只有28.1%;

    Organic phosphorus in phytic acid or phytate of soybean milk might be hydrolyzed about 28.1 % at 24 h by interior phytase .

  21. 探讨了在山楂软化过程中加入螯合剂六偏磷酸钠、EDTA和植酸对防止Vc损失的作用。

    Chelating agent such as sodium hexametaphosphate ( SHMP ) and EDTA and phytic acid were added during hawkthorn softening process , the lost of Vc was studied .

  22. 生理条件下~(99m)Tc-植酸钠和~(99m)Tc-MDP的内照射剂量的计算

    Calculation of irradiated absorbed dosage of ~ ( 99m ) Tc-MDP , ~ ( 99m ) Tc-sodium phytate under physiologic conditions

  23. 在实验中添加植酸,结果表明,当植酸的添加量为0.20%时,发酵24h后植酸的降解率为55%。

    When the addition of phytic acid in milk was 0.20 % , the decompound ratio of phytic acid was 55 % after 24 hours fermentation .

  24. 同时对脂肪、瘦肉、57蛋白、植酸、纤维素和VC的日摄入量进行测定,并将结果与我国每日营养推荐膳食供给量(DRI)比较。

    The daily intake of iron , protein , fat , vitamin C , phytic acid and dietary fiber were determined , and compared with DRI .

  25. 植酸最佳作用浓度范围是0.20%~0.25%,发酵24h糖化力最大可提高44.32%。

    The optimal concentration of PA in the medium was 0.20 % ~ 0.25 % , and the saccharifying power was enhanced 44.32 % at fermentation for 24 h.

  26. 在打浆工序中用单一抗氧化剂EDTA二钠、茶多酚、植酸处理,对AA和DHA的保持效果以0.02%的茶多酚最好,0.02%EDTA二钠次之;

    Dealing kiwifruit with 0.02 % tea polyphones could have better effect on kiwifruit jam 's AA and DHA retention than that with 0.02 % EDTA-2Na during crushing processing .

  27. 结果表明:配方为1.5%羧甲基纤维素钠+1%D-异Vc钠+3%植酸+0.2%脱氢醋酸钠涂膜有效抑制了鲜切苹果的呼吸作用,减少了营养成分的损失,保鲜效果最佳。

    The results showed that the fresh-keeping effects could be achieved when fresh-cut Fuji apples were coated by 1.5 % CMC-Na + 1 % sodium D-isoascorbate + 3 % PA + 0.2 % sodium dehydroacetate .

  28. 籽粒植酸含量一般与K、Mg、Fe、Cu4种矿质元素含量呈正相关、与籽粒Zn含量呈负相关,但统计显著水平因品种而异。

    Grain phytic acid was positively correlated with K , Mg , Fe and Cu concentrations in rice grains , but negatively with grain Zn concentration among different solution treatments , despite of their statistically significance varying with cultivars .

  29. 0.03%植酸与0.02%茶多酚组合可使猕猴桃还原型Vc保存率高达95.24%,总Vc保存率高达95.90%。

    A combination of 0.03 % phytic acid and 0.02 % tea polyphenols could get the highest preservation rate of the LAA and the total Vc , which were 95.24 % and 95.90 % , respectively .

  30. 大豆蛋白质、水溶性蛋白质、7S蛋白、11S蛋白、植酸含量均与北豆腐的硬度呈负相关。

    Protein , water-soluble protein , 11S protein and phytic acid content in soybean were negatively correlated to hardness of north tofu .