
  • 网络plant group;phyto-group
  1. 然而,除被子植物外的其他植物类群中主要存在的是何种类型NBS编码基因尚无研究,尤其是最早分支的陆生植物群体&苔藓植物,则更鲜为人知。

    It is seldom known , however , what kind of NBS-encoding genes are mainly present in other plant groups , especially the most ancient groups of land plants , that is , bryophytes .

  2. 高寒矮嵩草草甸植物类群对模拟降水和施氮的响应

    Response of plant groups to simulated rainfall and nitrogen supply in Alpine Kobresia humilis meadow

  3. 该研究将会给其他植物类群DNA条形码研究提供参考并最终促进植物标准DNA条形码的确定。

    Our work contributes valuable information for identifying species in other plant taxonomic groups and promotes the determination of the standard DNA barcode for plants .

  4. 从富含多糖的顽拗植物类群提取与纯化DNA是许多研究领域例如居群生物学、生物多样性、分子标记辅助育种研究普遍遇到的难题。

    Contamination problems on DNA isolation from " recalcitrant plant taxa " which is rich in polysaccharides have been commonly encountered in a wide range of research fields such as plant population biology , biodiversity , and molecular marker_assisted breeding .

  5. 全园有20个专类园,按照不同的植物类群营造植物景观。

    The garden had 20 specialized gardens , plant landscape construction according to each floristics .

  6. 他书中划分的植物类群与我们现在依然承认的许多类群相比密切相符。

    His book delimited groups of plants closely corresponding to many that we still recognize .

  7. 论文还选取了一些重要的植物类群开展了系统进化上和亲本基因组鉴定上的细胞学研究工作。

    Cytological experiments have been applied to some important phyto-groups for phylogeny research and germplasm identification .

  8. 被子植物是世界上现存最大的植物类群,其主要原因之一便是能够进行有性生殖。

    Angiosperm is the largest plant species in the world because of the sexual reproduction during evolution .

  9. 本文通过详细的植物类群调查,对大巴山木本植物区系进行了较为系统的研究。

    Research was made into the woody floras on the Dabai Mountains by detailed investigation of plant groups .

  10. 草地植物类群的划分

    Classification of Grassland Plant

  11. 其趋势随着植物类群的演化等级表现为由简单到复杂,又由复杂到简化的螺旋式上升进化路线。

    The evolutionary tendency is appearance to be from simplicity to comples , and then to the simplification .

  12. 祁连山北坡高寒山区特殊的地理环境及气候条件,孕育了许多独特的植物类群。

    There are a lot of unique plant groups in alpine region of the northern slope of Qilian Mountains .

  13. 若未来温度升高4℃,不同植物类群凋落物碳释放量增加不明显。

    If the future temperature rise 4 ℃, carbon release of leaf litter of different plant taxa were not pronounced .

  14. 因此,莲属是一个非常独特的、原始的植物类群,应该单独成科并立目,并且可能是被子植物系统树基部的一个在双子叶植物与单子叶植物分化之前就分开的进化分枝。

    This taxon possibly was a basal clade in systematic tree of angiosperm diverged earlier than the divarication between Dicotyledon and Monocotyledon .

  15. 且同一地形生境中,林窗和非林窗中两种植物类群的幼苗多度表现出显著差异。

    In the same topography , the abundance of evergreen and deciduous species show significant difference in gap habitat and non-gap habitat .

  16. 同一植物类群的凋落物分解过程相似,且起源时间越早的植物类群分解越慢。

    The decomposition of leaf litter of different plant taxa was similar , and the earlier the origin time , the slower decomposition .

  17. 结合北温带植物类群属的北方起源学说,认为远东-我国东北为原始分布区的可能性更大一些。

    Linking to theviewpoints of the Holarctic origin for north temperate flora , Far East-Northeast China seems more likely tobe the ancestral area .

  18. 土壤生物结皮是由土壤微生物、藻类、地衣和苔藓等孢子植物类群与土壤形成的有机复合体。

    Soil biological crust is a complex organic integrity of cyanobacteria , algae , lichens , mosses , fungi , and other bacteria .

  19. 基于数据库的统计资料,我们选取了裸子植物类群对其染色体的变异和演化特征做了探讨。

    Based on this database , we chose the part of gymnosperms and gave a discussion to the features of its chromosomes'evolution and variation .

  20. 但迄今对具有CH/CL等复杂繁育系统的植物类群的遗传结构仍缺乏了解。

    However , our knowledge is very limited for population genetic structure of those plant taxa with complex breeding systems such as CH / CL ( chasmogamous / cleistogamous ) systems .

  21. 本文报道了辉河自然保护区植被分区及其分布、组合特点、生态条件,植被类型组成、植物类群组成、生活型组成、水分生态类型及区系地理成分等调查成果。

    This paper introduces the vegetation division and its distribution , combination 's feature and the ecological conditions in the Huihe nature reserve , and the composition of the vegetation types were analyzed here .

  22. 但至今,对内生真菌的研究既不深入也不系统,所研究的植物类群大约只有数百种,有待于进一步开发利用。

    But until now , the research for endophytic fungus is not thorough and systematic , there are only hundreds of plant which had been studied for it , so it needs more research .

  23. 在暖季草场,放牧率与各植物类群盖度和地上现存量之间呈极显著的线性回归关系。

    But in warm pasture , it was a greatly notable relationship of linear regression between stocking rate and the coverage and aboveground present biomass of the different plant groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 结果显示,由于植物类群系统演化的非同步性,常绿阔叶树种对光照变化的适应方式各有不同,各具特点,需要按各自特点加以分析。

    The results show that the adaptive manner to light in the evergreen-broad tree is very different for unsynchronization of systemic evolvement in plant groups , so it is necessary to analyze them respectively according to their different characteristics .

  25. 基于1年生植物类群在荒漠植被系统中重要的生态功能,有关1年生植物的研究成果将有利于荒漠生态系统的保护和恢复、资源的合理利用以及区域的可持续发展。

    Because of their important ecological functions in desert floral systems , the study of annual plant species would benefit to the conservation and restoration of desert ecosystem , rational utilization of resources , and sustainable development of desert regions .

  26. 他还鼓励学生注意观察离学院较远的家乡周围的植物类群,这一举措使他将植物与其所处环境联系起来,特别是植物对当地土壤条件和天气状况的适应性。

    His pupils were encouraged to observe plants growing near their homes , which were often far away form athens , and possibly helped him to make the connection between plants and the environment , especially their adaptations to soil and climate .

  27. 安徽省术属药用植物过渡类群的居群生物学研究

    Studies on population biology of transitional types of genus Atractylodes in Anhui province

  28. 陕西壳斗科植物新类群

    New taxa of Fagaceae in Shaanxi Province

  29. 青海省海南州天然草地主要饲用植物经济类群及评价

    Economic Flora of Main Forage Plant of Natural Pasture in Hainan Prefecture and its Appraisal

  30. 广东植物新类群

    New taxa of Guangdong plants