
zhí wù zhì
  • flora
  1. 笔者报道了《北京植物志》未收录的植物计7种、1变种、2变型。

    Species , 1 variety and 2 forms which were not recorded in Flora of Beijing were found .

  2. 本文报道了《河北植物志》未记载的植物计11种、2变种、1变型。

    Species , 2 varieties and 1 form were discovered , for they were not recorded in the Hebei Flora .

  3. 把纲要放在订正或植物志前面作为内容摘要。

    Synopses appear in the front of revisions or Flovas as a summary of contents .

  4. 在编写浙江植物志的过程中,作者最近从事浙江产的荚蒾属(ViburnumLinn.)的研究。

    In compiling the " Flora Zhejiangensis ", the author recently deals with the investigation on the specimens of genus Viburnum Linn , collected from Zhejiang .

  5. 标题中国植物志筹备工作中存在的问题。

    The problem of the preparation of a flora of China .

  6. 《河南植物志》虎耳草科补遗

    An Addition to Saxifrage Family ( Saxifragaceae ) Flora of Henan

  7. 《河北植物志》维管植物补正名录

    The List of Supplement and Correction to Vascular Plants in Hebei Flora

  8. 吉林省植物志资料&长白山区的新分布记录植物

    Flora data of Jinn province ── New distributing and recorded plant in Changbai mountain areas

  9. 同时报道《河北植物志》未记录的维管植物1种和1变种。

    In addition , 1 species and 1 variety are new records in Hebei flora .

  10. 植物志是描述某一特定地区植物区系的书或其他著作。

    A flora is a book or other work describing the flora of a given area .

  11. 我国地方植物志出版情况简介

    Introduction to local floras of China

  12. 滇东南热区农民产业组织与资源整合的思考新热带区植物志组织

    An Innovation Thought of Farmer Industrial Organization and Resources Integration in Tropical Area of Southeastern Yunnan

  13. 中国沙漠植物志编写梗概

    About the Chinese Desert Flora

  14. 在编写贵州玄参科植物志的过程中,已知自然分布于贵州的玄参科有25属80种2变种。

    The family Scrophulariaceae in Guizhou so far known comprises 80 species , 2 varieties and 25 genera .

  15. 1978年出版的内蒙古植物志第二卷中石竹属收载了2种,2变种。

    In " Flora Intramongolica " ( Vol. 2 . ) published in 1978 , there are only 2 species and 2 varieties .

  16. 在其漫长的栽培历史过程中,桂花的分布早已远远超过《中国植物志六十一卷》上所记载的原产我国西南地区。

    During its long cultivation history , O. fragrans is not just distributed in Southwest China as the description in Flora of China vol.

  17. 该文报道了《河北植物志》未记录的植物计8种、1亚种、3变种、2变型。

    Eight species , one subspecies , three varietas and two forma were discovered , for they were not recorded in the Hebei Flora .

  18. 对单个北美知更鸟发生兴趣,要比对一个城镇里完整、枯燥的动物志和植物志发生兴趣,更有价值。

    A man 's interest in a single bluebird is worth more than a complete but dry list of the fauna and flora of a town .

  19. 中国沙漠植物志共有3卷255.2万字,1985&1992年由科学出版社出版。

    The Chinese Desert Flora are composed of three volumes with 2 , 252 thousands Chinese characters , published during the years 1985 & 1992 by Science Press .

  20. 本文在分析《中国植物志》、分省植物志和涉及能源植物资源分布研究文献的基础上,绘出中国境内黄连木的自然地理分布图。

    According to the flora of China and others available literatures on energy plants in China , the geographical distribution on map of Pistacia chinensis Bunge was required .

  21. 接下来出版的菊科卷,预计年底可完成,也将成为英文版《中国植物志》下一个里程碑。

    The publication of the Asteraceae , very usefully revised , will be the next major milestone of the Flora , and it should take place before the end of this year .

  22. 他们的《植物属志》只涉及到种子植物。

    Their genera plantarun dealt only with seed-plants .

  23. 《野菜谱》用诗歌形式表述这些可食用植物,在植物志的写作上是一创新,生动有趣,便于记忆,具有人文价值。

    Herb Guide expression in poetry form the edible plants , on the writing of flora has innovation , vivid and interesting , easy to remember . It has cultural value .

  24. 植物区系学是研究植物区系的一门学科,其中包括编写植物志。

    Floristics is the study of floras , including the preparation of Floras .

  25. 为6种植物补充了地区分布新资料.列出了分种检索表,对每个种类的文献引证及地理分布进行了简要记述,并对中国分布新记录及《中国植物志》遗漏种进行了形态学描述。

    A key to these species was given , and a species list , with a brief description of literature cited and geographical distribution for each species , was also provided .