
  • 网络Artificial materials;synthetic materials;manmade material
  1. 半导体超晶格和量子阱材料是用现代薄膜生长技术制成的一种新型的人造材料。

    Superlattice and quantum well materials of semiconductor are new-style synthetic materials made in modern film growth techniques .

  2. 量子点和光子晶体光纤是目前处于国际研究前沿的两种人造材料,前者体现了对电子能带的控制作用,而后者则体现了对光子能带的控制作用。

    Quantum dots and photonic crystal fiber are two kinds of important synthetic materials in the international research recently . Thereinto , Quantum dots incarnate the controlling effect for the electronic bandgap , and photonic crystal fibers incarnate the controlling effect for the photonic bandgap .

  3. 这种新型人造材料摸起来像真皮一样。

    This new man-made material feels like real leather .

  4. 光子晶体(PC)是由两种或两种以上的电介质材料周期性排列构成的人造材料。

    Photonic crystals ( PC ) are artificially composed of two or more dielectrics arranged periodically .

  5. 对同一人造材料的不同时期OCT数字图像进行了参数测定,测定的参数精确的反映了不同时期该材料的特性。

    We also show our work of parameter measurement for an OCT digital image of artificial material in different periods .

  6. 对于MMA斗士的面部整形包括对骨折的接骨,从身体其它部位取骨的骨骼移植,和用人造材料对骨骼缺失部位进行填充。

    Reconstruction may include the use of bone grafts , taking bone from other parts of the body to repair the facial bones , or fill in smaller areas of missing bone with prosthetic materials and implants .

  7. 已经能制造像涤纶这样的人造材料了。

    Artificial materials , such as terylene , are now available .

  8. 人造材料还没有完全取代天然材料。

    Man-made materials have not yet completely replaced natural ones .

  9. 选择由人造材料或人造材料和棉的混合物制造的那些袜子。

    Choose those made from synthetics or a blend of synthetics and cotton .

  10. 我们认为,采用现代人造材料建造高层建筑是必要的。

    We find it necessary using modern artificial materials for tall buildings . uninterrupted array of silicon atoms .

  11. 更强调荷重与变形间之特征测量以及天然材料和人造材料间的材料破坏模式。

    There is an emphasis on measurement of load-deformation characteristics and failure modes of both natural and fabricated materials .

  12. 指与有关天然刚玉对比,具有基本相同的物理、光学及化学性能的人造材料。

    It refers to artificial material with the basically the same physical , optical and chemical performances as natural boule .

  13. 现代时髦风格整个布局考究别致,需要用玻璃以及其他人造材料营造的简洁线条;

    Modern Contemporary Sleek and chic , calls for clean lines , with lots of glass and other man-made materials .

  14. 这款靴子的鞋面是用一种感觉像优质皮革的人造材料制成的。

    The outside of the boot is made of a synthetic material that is designed to look like good-quality leather .

  15. 左手材料是一种新型的人造材料,人们已经发现它具有一些新的物理效用及奇特的性质。

    The LHM is a new kind of artificial materials , which has some new physical effects and peculiar properties .

  16. 比起全人造材料的植入物,身体对它的攻击要弱得多。

    so that the body launches a weaker attack than it would if it came across a completely artificial implant .

  17. 玻璃是古老的人造材料,具有装饰性好、耐久性高、节能环保等特点。

    The glass is an ancient artificial material with superior decoration performance , excellent durability and energy-conserving environmental protection , etc. characteristic .

  18. 研究表明,住在城市绿地附近的人要比整日身在人造材料中的人幸福感强烈。

    One study found that people who live in cities with more green space feel better than those surrounded by man-made materials .

  19. 作为明火的聚酰胺应用,在标签上材料类型说明了与人造材料相熔会呈网状和线状。

    Material type specified on label as polyamide application of naked flame to webbing and thread resulted in melting consistent with synthetic material .

  20. 橡皮制成的擦子(或有和橡皮接近的人造材料制成);一般装在铅笔的末端。

    An eraser made of rubber ( or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber ); commonly mounted at one end of a pencil .

  21. 最近,一种新的人造材料已投入使用,它的人造表面看起来像是砖铺的,但却仅仅厚约一英寸。

    Recently a product has become available which is a manufactured , artificial surface that look like brick paving but is only about an inch thick .

  22. 水泥混凝土是当今广泛采用的人造材料。随着建设事业的发展,混凝土材料在工程中获得了更加广泛的应用。

    Nowadays , cement concrete is a kind of manmade material used widely and have been applied in many different projects with the rapid development of the construction .

  23. 光子晶体是一种具有周期性介电结构的人造材料,具有独特的光子带隙特性,能控制光子的运动状态,是慢光实现的最佳材料系统之一。

    The physical mechanism of slow light in photonic crystals , a novel and artificial material with periodic dielectric structures , is described with a few different approaches .

  24. 基于该特殊人造材料的异常参数特性,可以设计研究一些新型的小型化天线和微波器件、设备,并应用到无线通信和国防工业上。

    According to the special parameters of the artificial material , some new type compact antennas and microwave devices can be designed , the technique can also be applied to wireless communication and defense industries .

  25. 一种曾被鉴定为瓷片、白云质玉玉髓、人造材料和凝脂玉的玉石经鉴定,确定为硅质玉。

    A kind of jade material which was said to be " stoneware " " dolomite jade " " chalcedony " " man made material " and " lipide-like jade " was identified as " quartz jade material " .

  26. 应用试验表明,产品质量符合70℃级PVC电缆料的技术要求,明显提高了PVC人造革材料的综合性能。

    The applied experiments showed that the product quality was in accord with the 70 ? ℃ PVC cable material standards , and it can improve the performance of PVC leatherette obviously .

  27. 目的研究经分离培养的骨髓基质干细胞(MSC)在骨形成蛋白(BMP)诱导下在体内外的异位成骨效应,为研制一种本身具有成骨能力的人造骨材料提供实验依据。

    Objective To investigate the ectopic osteogenesis of bone marrow stromal cells ( MSC ) induced by bone morphogenetic protein ( BMP ) in vitro and in vivo , providing the experimental evidence for making an artificial bone with its own capacity of bone formation .

  28. 木质人造板材料对居室环境的影响综述

    Review on Effects of Wood-based Panel Materials on the Indoor Environment

  29. 白蛋白和纤维蛋白原的碘标记及其在选择人造器官材料氧化钛中的应用

    Iodine - labelling of albumin and fibrinogen and application in selecting

  30. 砖头是至今仍在使用的最古老的人造建筑材料。

    Bricks are the oldest manufactured building material still in use .