
shè huì qì yuē
  • social contract;social compact
  1. 新社会契约的基础是什么?

    What Is the Basis of a New Social Compact ?

  2. 许多人都有这种感觉,感觉自己已经围着这个制度的再定义创造了一种新的社会契约。

    But so many of us feel this way that we have created a new social compact around the institution 's redefinition .

  3. 他的社会契约论在美国广为认可。

    His theory of the social contract had wide currency in America

  4. 世界银行行长罗伯特·佐利克(RobertZoellick)提出了一个新的社会契约-也就是将全球性政策的影响跟个体公民的生活划上等号。

    World Bank President Robert Zoellick proposes a new social contract - one that considers the impact of global policies on the lives of individual citizens .

  5. 同年,研究员开发精益的Debian舒斯勒建议,建立一个社会契约,其用户。

    In the same year , fellow developer Ean Schuessler suggested that Debian establish a social contract with its users .

  6. 本期美国电子期刊(eJournalUSA)介绍公民与警务人员采取什么方式努力维护这个社会契约。

    This issue of eJournal USA examines the ways in which citizens and police strive to sustain the social contract .

  7. 马克思对社会契约论的批判及其现实意义

    Marx 's Criticism to Theory of Social Contract and Its Significance

  8. 社会契约论视野中的企业社会责任

    Social Obligation of the Enterprise from the Perspective of Social Contract

  9. 卢梭的社会契约理论及其人性论基础

    Rousseau 's Social Contract Theory and Theory of Human Nature Foundation

  10. 过去30年的社会契约已经消亡。

    The social contract of the past three decades has died .

  11. 近代西方社会契约论变迁初探

    A General Study on Evolution of Modern West Social Contract Theory

  12. 内约与外约:对于社会契约模式的一个再思考

    Internal Contract and Explicit Contract : Rethinking of Social Contract Mode

  13. 四个字可以拯救我们混乱不堪的世界:社会契约。

    Two words can save our turbulent world : social contract .

  14. 批判与坚守:休谟与社会契约论关系论析

    Criticism and Insistence : Research on Connection of Hume and Social Contract

  15. 那么社会契约论的理论力量究竟存在于什么地方?

    What , then , is the theoretical power of this theory ?

  16. 先验假设的社会契约思想评介

    A Review of Transcendental Hypothesis of " Social Contract "

  17. 论契约型信任关系的理论原型&怀疑主义和社会契约论视角中的信任关系

    On the Theoretical Prototype of Contact - model Trust Relationship

  18. 《社会契约论》一书是卢梭这一思想的集中体现。

    The book Social Contract is the concentrated embodiment of his thoughts .

  19. 建立新的社会契约不需要付出多少代价。

    It would not take much to create a new social contract .

  20. 借用一句老话,我把这种协议叫做社会契约。

    This agreement I call , without originality , the social contract .

  21. 社会契约论由于本身缺乏社会学,实际上已经被弃置不提了。

    Social contract theory was effectively dismissed for its lack of sociology .

  22. 礼品馈赠隐含了一种无形的社会契约。

    With gift-giving , there 's an implied social contract .

  23. 从霍布斯到卢梭&近代西方社会契约论思想析理

    From Hobbes to Rousseau : interpreting and analyzing modern social contract theory

  24. 他终于体谅了《社会契约论》的无助。

    He felt helplessness of " The Social Contract " .

  25. 论社会契约理论及其对于西方政治发展的影响

    On the Social Contract Theory and Its Influence on Western Political Development

  26. 企业的社会契约&一个新的企业行为规范研究框架

    Social Contracts Theory & A New Research Framework to Analyze Corporate Behaviors

  27. 义务教育成本分担的社会契约论解读&基于农村实施义务教育免杂费政策的分析

    Analysis of Social Contract of Sharing Costs of Compulsory Education

  28. 但事关大局的不止是一张新的社会契约。

    But more is at stake than just a new social contract .

  29. 那是社会契约对吧

    It 's a social contract , isn 't it ?

  30. 经济发展、劳动分工与最优社会契约

    Economic Development , Division of Labor and Optimal Social Contracts