
shè huì zhènɡ cè
  • social policy
  1. 它呼吁精简政府机构、降低税收、为社会政策设定道德尺度,以及对苏联(sovietunion)采取更强硬的立场。

    It called for smaller government , lower taxes , a moral dimension to social policy and a more aggressive stance toward the Soviet Union .

  2. scc课程的新重点反映出,mba学生对利用自己所学的知识研究社会政策问题越来越感兴趣。

    The new focus of the SCC programme reflects the increasing interest from MBA students in using their degrees to work on social policy issues .

  3. 包容性宏观经济和社会政策

    inclusive macroeconomic and social policies

  4. WTO专家组和上诉机构回应国际热点,在有些案件的裁决和建议的报告里倾向于这类非贸易价值,将这些社会政策司法能动地纳入了WTO体系。

    In response to international hot spots , the Group and the WTO Appellate Body in some reports and recommendations tend to non-trade values , incorporating the social polies into the WTO system by judicial activism .

  5. 社会政策与反贫困:国际经验与中国实践

    Social Policy and Anti-Poverty : International Experience and the Chinese Practice

  6. 从平均到公正:中国社会政策的演进

    From Equalitarianism to Justice : The evolution of Chinese social policy

  7. 最好的社会政策是最好的刑事政策。

    The best social policy is the best criminal policy .

  8. 他们的宗旨是要促使人们对社会政策问题的思考更加清醒合理。

    Their aim is to promote clearer thinking on social policy issues .

  9. 对社会政策概念的重新诠释。

    Firstly , the concept of social policy is re-explained .

  10. 三是社会政策改革要保障社会公平。

    Third , social policy reform should guarantee social equity .

  11. 弱势群体的社会政策模式探析

    Analysis of Social Policy Model for Colony of Weak Tendency

  12. 三是地方政府社会政策实施机制不完善。

    Thirdly , local government social policy implementation mechanism is not perfect .

  13. 金融危机背景下的国家干预与社会政策

    The State Intervention and Society Policy under Financial Crisis Background

  14. 现在我谈谈社会政策。

    Now , I will turn to our social policies .

  15. 中国城市化进程中社会政策转型分析

    The Analysis of Social Policies ' Transition in Process of Chinese Urbanization

  16. 我国针对农村孤儿的社会政策变迁及调整对策

    Transition of Social Policy for the Rural Orphans and the Countermeasure for Adjustment

  17. 它分配责任不论过错,只视为一种社会政策问题。

    It assigns liability regardless of fault as a matter of social policy .

  18. 欧洲联盟的社会政策有它独特的内涵。

    The Social Policy of the European Union has its own special characteristics .

  19. 关于社会政策方面,肯定该类诉讼有积极的现实意义。

    On social policy , such proceedings certainly have a positive practical significance .

  20. 社会政策学科创建于19世纪后期。

    The academic discipline of social policy was created in the late19th century .

  21. 社会政策研究的开放性和挑战性

    The Openness and Challenge of the Social Policy Research

  22. 人口因子对中国社会政策的影响

    Effects of Demographic Factors on Social Policies in China

  23. 我国终身教育、终身学习与学习型社会政策综述

    Policies for Lifelong Education , Lifelong Learning and learning society : A Survey

  24. 摘要社会政策是和谐社会发展的制度保障。

    The social policy is the system guarantee of the harmonious social development .

  25. 福利制度的结构与社会政策

    The Construction of Welfare Institution and Social Policy

  26. 二是地方政府社会政策方案规划与选择机制欠合理。

    Secondly , Local government social policy program planning and choice mechanism is unadvisable .

  27. 草根型民间慈善组织身份认同的社会政策选择

    Social Policy Selection of Grass-root Charitable Organization Identification

  28. 组织借助与规范多重性&社会政策实施中的重要问题

    Organization Resort and Multi - Ply Criteria & A Significant Issue about Social Policy Implementation

  29. 社会政策是为实现社会发展的任务而采取的方法与手段。

    Social policies are ways and measures taken for realizing the goals of social development .

  30. 城市贫困群体小康之路的社会政策选择

    Social Policies of Leading the City Poor Groups to the Way to a Better-off Life