
  • 网络Social Computing
  1. 社会计算(socialcomputing)利用计算技术实现了上述目标。

    Social computing realizes these goals using computer technology .

  2. IBM始终包含了社会计算的概念。

    IBM has always embraced the concepts behind social computing .

  3. 促进参与:Blog、Wiki和社会计算

    Promoting participation : blogs , wikis , and social computing

  4. IBM还具有严格的社会计算指导原则,使用户能够有效地利用社会协作的强大功能。

    IBM also has a rigid social computing guideline which enables users to effectively leverage the power of social collaboration .

  5. 社会计算和BPM技术理应相辅相成。

    Social computing and BPM technology naturally complement each other .

  6. LotusConnections是社会计算软件,它以较低成本引入社会计算的强大功能,获得了巨大创新。

    Lotus Connections is social computing software which taps into the power of social computing for greater innovation at lesser cost .

  7. IBM对协作进行了重新定义,充分利用了社会计算和Web2.0提供的潜力。

    IBM has redefined collaboration to take full advantage of the potential that social computing and Web2.0 offer .

  8. 基于Web2.0的企业社会计算

    Enterprise social computing based on Web 2.0

  9. 社会计算允许人们与他人共享Mashup(或作为其构造基础的各个Feed和小部件),将此功能迅速传递到大众手中。

    Social computing allows people to share mashups or the individual feeds and widgets from which they 're constructed with others , bringing this power quickly to the hands of large audiences .

  10. 2005年,IBM发布了社会计算指南(socialcomputingguidelines)。该指南要求,员工在网上写作时应使用自己的名字,采用第一人称,并明确说明他们所说内容代表自己,而不是代表IBM公司。

    In 2005 , it published its social computing guidelines , which insist that employees write under their own names , using the first person , and make it clear they are speaking for themselves and not on behalf of IBM .

  11. LotusLive涵盖一些社会计算构建块和Web2.0,并支持文档共享、联机会议支持和联机办公室工具。

    LotusLive covers some of the building blocks of social computing and Web2.0 with support for document sharing , online meeting support and online office tools .

  12. 比如人与人之间的graph生成的时候,关系数据库有些不合时宜,而且社会计算系统会有很多数据分析的计算,此时把数据放到内存里进行计算成为了更好的选择。

    For example the graph between people is generated when the relational database , some outdated , and social computing systems will have a lot of data analysis , calculation , this time the data into memory , is calculated as a better choice .

  13. 理计算模型MASIM以及基于MASIM的社会计算系统实例,并以此阐述建立社会推理机制和社会计算系统的若干技术方面。

    We introduce an example of social computing system based on MASIM , and discuss several technical issues in building social computing system and its social inferential mechanism .

  14. 社会计算与数字网络化社会的动态分析

    Social Computing and Dynamical State Analysis of Digitalized and Networked Societies

  15. 社会计算&科学、技术与人文的数字化动态交融

    Social Computing : A Digital and Dynamical Integration of Science , Technology , and Human and Social Studies

  16. 虽然使用社会计算实现社会协作具有大量的优点,但是也存在如下许多挑战。

    While we have huge number of positives for implementing social collaboration using social computing , there are many challenges here .

  17. 本文通过社会计算的研究,探讨了科学、技术和人文有机组合的途径。

    This paper discusses issues related to the integration of science , technology , and human and social studies in social computing .

  18. 对话式营销:通过社会计算与最终用户和客户进行约定,将营销从“撒大网”的沟通模式转换为成千上万的单独形式的对话。

    Marketing as a conversation : Engagement with end users and customers through social computing , transforming marketing from broad-brush communication to thousands of individual conversations .

  19. 许多研究动向表明,社会计算已成为继科学计算、生物生命计算之后新的国际前沿研究和应用的焦点与方向。

    After scientific computing and bio-computing , recent research trend indicates that social computing has become a focus of current research and development in computing methods and applications .

  20. 或者,社会计算可以用于促进价值网络中的各方之间的接触和交易,而且这些可以通过订阅或报价加以货币化。

    Alternatively , social computing can be used to facilitate introductions and transactions between parties in a value net , and those can be monetised through subscriptions or tariffs .

  21. 主要思想包括利用人工系统、计算试验和平行系统等方法,建立社会计算的理论框架。

    A theoretical framework for social computing research has been proposed based on the computational theory of complex systems , i.e. , artificial societies , computational experiments and parallel systems .

  22. 通过正确推广,社会计算通常会得到传播;它将在团队和部门之间迅速传播,同时展示其业务价值和对于个人的价值。

    With proper seeding , social computing often has a viral effect ; it spreads quickly among teams and departments as its business value as well as its value to individuals is demonstrated .

  23. 这正是被称作IBMLotusConnections的新的社会性计算平台的切入点。

    This is where the new social computing platform called IBM Lotus Connections enters .

  24. 作为卡内基梅隆大学人机交互计算学院的博士二年级学生,ZhuHaiyi主要与惠普社会化计算研究实验室的主任BernardoHuberman一起工作。

    A second-year PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University 's Human Computing Interaction Institute , Zhu is working with Bernardo Huberman , director of HP 's Social Computing Research Group .

  25. 其中之一是,社会化计算研究组所涉及的学科非常广泛。

    One thing is that the Social Computing Research group is very interdisciplinary .

  26. 统计是一项社会综合计算、计量活动,涉及到方方面面各种因素,需要组织与协调。

    Statistics is a social activity involving various factors , and organization and coordination .

  27. 新建铁路社会效益计算方法的探讨

    Probe into the Calculation Method in Assessing the Social Benefit of New Railway Line

  28. 最后,在对贫困下定义时,我们还必须把取得进步所付出的社会代价计算在内。

    And finally , in defining poverty one must also compute the social cost of progress .

  29. 人工社会、计算实验、平行系统&关于复杂社会经济系统计算研究的讨论

    Artificial Societies , Computational Experiments , and Parallel Systems : A Discussion on Computational Theory of Complex Social-Economic Systems

  30. 寡头企业社会福利的计算和调控

    On Calculating and Regulating of Oligopolies ' Social Welfare