
  • 网络Social Class
  1. 很多情况下,人们的穿着显示出他们的社会阶级。

    In many cases , the clothes people wear identify them as belonging to a particular social class .

  2. Jason向我们展示了怎样消除社会阶级、性别和国籍的偏见,人性化的与人共享一顿便饭。

    Jason had to show us how , by cutting through the prejudices of social class , gender and nationality , to share a simple meal on a human level .

  3. 从黑奴制到收成制&美国南方重建时期经济体制和社会阶级结构的变化

    The Economic and Social Revolution during Reconstruction in the American South

  4. 由于国民生产总值的增加,出现了一个新的社会阶级。

    The increase in the GNP spawned a new social class .

  5. 南朝岭南社会阶级的变动

    The Change of Social Classes of Lingnan During the Southern Dynasties

  6. 元代社会阶级状况与包公戏的兴起

    Class condition of yuan dynasty and the arising of Bao Gong drama

  7. 爱情很少逾越社会阶级间的巨大鸿沟。

    Love rarely crosses the great divide of social class .

  8. 中国与韩国社会阶级意识的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Class Consciousness in Societies between China and South Korea

  9. 中国社会阶级阶层结构新变化研究

    Research into the New Changes of Chinese Class Structure

  10. 对美国当前社会阶级结构分化的分析

    An Analysis of the Latest Change of Social Class Structure in the USA

  11. 他们代表非常不同的社会阶级。

    They represent a very different social class .

  12. 你作品中仍然缺少的是只字未提社会阶级。

    Something which is still absent from your work is any reference to class .

  13. 这是一段社会阶级悬殊中成长过来的纯爱故事。

    This is a love story where social class does not come into play .

  14. 第一部分主要从社会阶级结构和政府体制的方面作分析。

    The first section mainly probes into Venetian social class structure and government system .

  15. 农民阶级由农民构成的社会阶级。

    The social class constituted by peasants .

  16. 马克思认为社会阶级取决于经济阶级,并与经济阶级具有紧密联系。

    For Marx , social class was determined by and coterminous with , economic class .

  17. 这种关系在考虑了社会阶级差异后就大大削弱了。

    This relationship was severely attenuated when differences in social class were taken into account .

  18. 共和时期罗马社会阶级关系的变化加速了共和廉政的衰败;

    The change of the relationship of the social classes in Republic period accelerated its decline ;

  19. 对社会主义社会阶级阶层结构是两个阶级一个阶层论的剖析

    One is better than two An Analysis on the Hypothesis of Two Classes and One Stratum

  20. 我国社会阶级阶层结构深刻变化,出现了多样化发展的趋势。

    Moreover , there is a trend of ( diversification ) of the social structure in China .

  21. 阿沛拉装备系列只允许所属血盟中社会阶级高于男爵的成员装备。

    Apella armors can be equipped only by clan members if their class is Baron or higher .

  22. 二是社会阶级意识的觉醒及其与人性、个性意识的对立;

    The second stage of awakening of social class consciousness and conflicts between humanity and individual consciousness ;

  23. 被剥削者中的少数人通过读书爬上更高的社会阶级。

    It became a channel through which a few from the disenfranchised classes moved up the social ladder .

  24. 这些法律为了保持各个社会阶级不同,强制规定了在所有事物上的消费,从流行服饰到葬礼出殡。

    These laws dictated spending for everything from fashion to funerals in order to keep the classes distinct .

  25. 林语堂曾说:没有女子的世界,必定没有礼俗、宗教、传统及社会阶级。

    Lin Yutang once said : Convention , religion , tradition and social class would not exist without woman .

  26. 马克思的社会阶级理论仍然适合分析当代中国的社会分层。

    For the classification of social stratum in todays China , Marxs theory of social classes should still be suitable .

  27. 孕产的故事中还掺杂着当时的其他问题,例如社会阶级与精神疾病。

    Other issues of the day , such as social class and mental illness , interweave with the birthing stories .

  28. 所以那种心理阶级制度,是否能转译为,介于不同人种间的社会阶级制度?

    So does that psychological hierarchy translate itself into a kind of social hierarchy ? between different kinds of people ?

  29. 中国的资产阶级和无产阶级,作为两个特殊的社会阶级来看,它们是新产生的,它们是中国历史上没有过的阶级。

    As distinct social classes , the Chinese bourgeoisie and proletariat are new-born and never existed before in Chinese history .

  30. 一直以来,文学评论家们倾向于从社会阶级、性别及心理学等角度来分析解读这部作品,而不是伦理道德这个切入点。

    Literary critics inclined to discuss this novel from the angle of class , gender and psychology rather than ethics .